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Clarification from The Legion

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[quote name='Banedon' date='12 February 2010 - 07:22 PM' timestamp='1265998934' post='2177837']
Neneko - There is a reason a lot of people think this is a one way war. Once it's done, SuperComplaints will be free to do what they want, to who ever they want, and there is not going to be any alliance or bloc strong enough to stop them. Athens and FoB have set the tone for the coming new world. If they or anyone else want to tech raid alliances with 50+ members, or 100+ members, or for any reason, or no reason at all, the only thing this side can do is sympathize with the target, declare a few pitiful guerilla wars, and rant on the forums.

SuperComplaints isn't going to allow a direct challange. Anyone big enough to possibly be a threat is going to be smashed. Anyone that draws any kind of attention at all will be smashed. This is going to be Hegemony 2.0, just the sides are flipped. New world, just like the old one, only worse.

We fight because we're not likely to win, we know that. But we're not going to go quietly into the night either. We're going to have be dragged out kicking, screaming, biting, and clawing since this is likely going to be the last time many are going to be able to do anything. Once the fighting is over, it is quite likely that SuperComplaints will have domination of Digiterra. They will have reps, and tech, and the NS to enforce that domination since pretty much everyone in every alliance and bloc is throwing everything that they have on the line.

Once SuperComplaints is the victor, there will be three sides. SuperComplaints, NpO, and everyone else. NpO isn't going to last long. NPO will be rebuilding just like everyone else, and who knows, Athens et. al. may decide that NPO got to big during the rebuild so they launch another war, simply to rake them over the coals again. Not like there's anything anyone else will be able to do to help. There's so much hate for Purple on your side of the fence, I don't doubt there will be overt and covert attempts to break up the sphere.

This may be our last hurrah, but damn if we aren't going to take as many of you down with us as we can.

I realize this is exactly what TOP et al has been feeding you. Sadly it's nowhere near the truth. Trust me I'd love for our whole side to have one will and rule the world with a iron fist. Sadly that's not the reality. We're not a single alliance. Not even a single bloc. There are many different direction within the side we're currently fighting on. We heard the exact same thing during the karma war. That we wanted to take over the world and once karma war was won we'd be unstoppable. It fits TOPs current agenda to use this again so here we are. Fact is that we have no intention of ruling the world with the people we're fighting alongside with right now. Heck we don't even like half of the people on our side right now.

I realize none of this is going to reach but could you just consider just for a brief moment that this war isn't a big setup by cng and that we're not actually trying to take over the world? Because right now we're just fighting because we were attacked. People over at TOP have shown that they want to take us out and we won't let that happen just as you wouldn't let some alliance roll over legion. We're not in this war to conquer the world no matter how hard that might be to believe.

On a footnote I find it sort of flattering that people think we have the pull in pretty much every alliance to set something like this cluster$%&@ of a war up.

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[quote name='Lincongrad' date='12 February 2010 - 07:38 PM' timestamp='1265999936' post='2177863']
While I'm not quite as paranoid as my brother there, Athens hasn't exactly given us a lot of hope for the future. His paranoia isn't coming out of the blue here.
If Athens were to make a habit of raiding decent sized alliances I doubt MK would remain allied to them. Archon does not care for raiding at all and he only allows regulated raiding in MK because he believes it's a freedom our members deserves.

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[quote name='Banedon' date='12 February 2010 - 03:44 PM' timestamp='1265989479' post='2177655']
The Spartan's I've fought couldn't hack their way out of a wet paper bag.
Most of your people are tapped out as it is.
We've faced far worse then you, and we're still here.
If you want a war, bring it.

/Ave Legio!
You've never fought Spartans this entire war. Don't claim you can't fight when you never came out to play in the first place. http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?search=248692&Extended=1

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[quote name='Hyperion321' date='12 February 2010 - 12:46 PM' timestamp='1266000379' post='2177876']
You've never fought Spartans this entire war. Don't claim you can't fight when you never came out to play in the first place. http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?search=248692&Extended=1

I've heard a rumor that war records can expire as well. One would never know that I was involved in a war with Delta1212, as the record has been expunged.


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[quote name='Jerichoholic' date='12 February 2010 - 10:42 AM' timestamp='1266000131' post='2177868']
If Sparta had any honor they would...give crippling reps? I guess?

As far as I can tell, nobody in Supergrievences/Karma/Hegemony 2.0/whatever we are this week has been trying to be world police.

Which is why I'm not as paranoid.

We're staying in, not because of some weird outrage over Sparta offering their (generous) reps-free peace (happy, white peace wording nazis?), but because we're not done yet. Our allies are still in, it would be dishonorable to leave now.

I don't agree with the preemptive strike. It was stupid. But how come it was ok for MK to say 'we'll take care of Athens and make sure they don't tech raid an alliance again', but TOP and IRON aren't allowed to screw up and get off with a scolding? For the record, I didn't think Athens getting off was right either, I just really dislike double standards.

To all you Spartans who are saying we threw white peace in your face, well... I'm sorry. But if you expect a war to be a quick one week jaunt through the countryside with party favors for everyone, and hold a grudge if that's not the case, no matter that us exiting would be the dishonorable thing, then you really need to rethink your stance on getting into politics.

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[quote name='der_ko' date='12 February 2010 - 10:43 AM' timestamp='1266000200' post='2177872']
If Athens were to make a habit of raiding decent sized alliances I doubt MK would remain allied to them. Archon does not care for raiding at all and he only allows regulated raiding in MK because he believes it's a freedom our members deserves.

If TOP and IRON were to make a habit of doing premptive strikes I doubt Legion would remain allied to them. We saw how that worked in GWIII, and doing it now was an even worse idea than it was then. But Athens gets a pass?

Not going into the TPF issue, cause that's hotly contended by all parties, but that doesn't help when it comes to calming our paranoia.

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[quote name='Lincongrad' date='12 February 2010 - 06:30 PM' timestamp='1265999440' post='2177848']
Our last hurrah was GWIII. And then the UjW. And then Karma. Didn't you get the memo?
Now, I don't really believe this is a 'last stand', though GW3 and Karma were to me. But there is a certain irony about a Legionite posting this. GW3 was the last time you were truly a world power, and it was the genuine last stand of your half of the world order. Sometimes, it really [i]is[/i] a last stand.

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[quote name='Bob Janova' date='12 February 2010 - 06:55 PM' timestamp='1266000908' post='2177886']
Now, I don't really believe this is a 'last stand', though GW3 and Karma were to me. But there is a certain irony about a Legionite posting this. GW3 was the last time you were truly a world power, and it was the genuine last stand of your half of the world order. Sometimes, it really [i]is[/i] a last stand.

If a lsat stand has to have a condition after it, it probably isn't really a last stand.

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[quote name='Bob Janova' date='12 February 2010 - 10:55 AM' timestamp='1266000908' post='2177886']
Now, I don't really believe this is a 'last stand', though GW3 and Karma were to me. But there is a certain irony about a Legionite posting this. GW3 was the last time you were truly a world power, and it was the genuine last stand of your half of the world order. Sometimes, it really [i]is[/i] a last stand.

Fair enough.

Also, Legion doesn't have minerals. We have Legionnaires :P

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[quote name='Lincongrad' date='12 February 2010 - 01:52 PM' timestamp='1266000734' post='2177880']
Which is why I'm not as paranoid.

We're staying in, not because of some weird outrage over Sparta offering their (generous) reps-free peace (happy, white peace wording nazis?), but because we're not done yet. Our allies are still in, it would be dishonorable to leave now.

I don't agree with the preemptive strike. It was stupid. But how come it was ok for MK to say 'we'll take care of Athens and make sure they don't tech raid an alliance again', but TOP and IRON aren't allowed to screw up and get off with a scolding? For the record, I didn't think Athens getting off was right either, I just really dislike double standards.

To all you Spartans who are saying we threw white peace in your face, well... I'm sorry. But if you expect a war to be a quick one week jaunt through the countryside with party favors for everyone, and hold a grudge if that's not the case, no matter that us exiting would be the dishonorable thing, then you really need to rethink your stance on getting into politics.

None of us cared that you didn't accept peace. I don't know where you got this from or why you would think so. Most of us didn't even want to present terms to you yet but strategic allocations called for it. The only thing we didn't like was your MoFA coming to us wanting to accept our offer with logs he said gave him the authority to do so. Honestly I don't know why most of your members feel to need to stroke their egos because apparently they were too small to start off with. It's pretty sad that they have to reassure themselves they're good at something in every other post.

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[quote name='Matthew Conrad' date='12 February 2010 - 11:00 AM' timestamp='1266001223' post='2177895']
None of us cared that you didn't accept peace. I don't know where you got this from or why you would think so. Most of us didn't even want to present terms to you yet but strategic allocations called for it. The only thing we didn't like was your MoFA coming to us wanting to accept our offer with logs he said gave him the authority to do so. Honestly I don't know why most of your members feel to need to stroke their egos because apparently they were too small to start off with. It's pretty sad that they have to reassure themselves they're good at something in every other post.

I want you to go ahead and reread the logs.

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[quote name='Lincongrad' date='12 February 2010 - 01:06 PM' timestamp='1266001614' post='2177902']
I want you to go ahead and reread the logs.

That would require a few things, brain cells, literacy and comprehension. 1/3 is not enough.

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[quote name='Lincongrad' date='12 February 2010 - 02:06 PM' timestamp='1266001614' post='2177902']
I want you to go ahead and reread the logs.

You realize I have been privy to those logs since he came to us right? Are you denying that your MoFA ever came forward asking to accept peace?

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[quote name='Matthew Conrad' date='12 February 2010 - 01:08 PM' timestamp='1266001730' post='2177907']
You realize I have been privy to those logs since he came to us right? Are you denying that your MoFA ever came forward asking to accept peace?

Not once have I seen logs expressly stating "The Legion Accepts Peace". Until I see one to that effect, yeah, I'm denying it. He came forward with the power to negotiate. I never saw him accept anything.

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[quote name='assarax' date='12 February 2010 - 02:10 PM' timestamp='1266001854' post='2177911']
Not once have I seen logs expressly stating "The Legion Accepts Peace". Until I see one to that effect, yeah, I'm denying it.

Your own MoFA admits he came to us wanting to accept peace. Quite honestly, the game of denial you're playing is getting stupid when public statements by your own government member has already been made.

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[quote name='Matthew Conrad' date='12 February 2010 - 01:13 PM' timestamp='1266001982' post='2177918']
Your own MoFA admits he came to us wanting to accept peace. Quite honestly, the game of denial you're playing is getting stupid when public statements by your own government member has already been made.

He may have wanted to accept them, but he never actually did accept them. My leader has already made a post in this thread stating that he never accepted those terms. So your claim that we did is equally as stupid. Personally, I'm happy it turned out this way. I wasn't ready to let you guys off the hook just yet.

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[quote name='assarax' date='12 February 2010 - 02:17 PM' timestamp='1266002257' post='2177924']
He may have wanted to accept them, but he never actually did accept them. My leader has already made a post in this thread stating that he never accepted those terms. So your claim that we did is equally as stupid.

My post said your [b]MoFA[/b] accepted the peace. I'm assuming you know the distinction between the two For someone who tried to criticize my reading skills earlier maybe you should look in the mirror.

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[quote name='neneko' date='12 February 2010 - 06:17 PM' timestamp='1265998664' post='2177833']
I don't mean to ruin your rant there my good man but who exactly disbanded because of the reps they had to pay? I only recall two disbandments from karma and neither of those were facing any reps afaik.
TP on the 4th. The terms TSI received on the 5th confirm the kind of excessive reps they were to get

[quote name='Meer Republic' date='12 February 2010 - 06:29 PM' timestamp='1265999395' post='2177845']
I know you like to fire off at random, the scatter gun approach obviously works for you on some level. However, as a tip trying to put words in the mouth of, and alienate those of us who are sympathetic towards you isn't a smart long term strategy.
You just washed your hands of The Legion because you did some work and they weren't gracious enough to surrender. Dont pretend you care about the fate of alliances you are directly or indirectly at war with

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[quote name='Hyperion321' date='12 February 2010 - 06:46 PM' timestamp='1266000379' post='2177876']
You've never fought Spartans this entire war. Don't claim you can't fight when you never came out to play in the first place. http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?search=248692&Extended=1
one of my members just came to me and told me that he did in fact fight bane, but the war was deleted for some weird reason. My apologies, Bane.

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[quote name='Matthew Conrad' date='12 February 2010 - 01:19 PM' timestamp='1266002388' post='2177927']
My post said your [b]MoFA[/b] accepted the peace. I'm assuming you know the distinction between the two For someone who tried to criticize my reading skills earlier maybe you should look in the mirror.

He didn't. I've read those logs and no where in there did Imperial state that he accepted peace. I can see where the Spartan lack of reading comprehension might have helped to misinterpret his statement of "Indeed", but hey, if you guys never made it past 4th grade reading, it ain't my fault. Hubb's own statement that he never accepted the peace adds to the fact that if he never accepted them, how in hell did Imperial have the authorization to surrender to you? He didn't. He was authorized to entertain the possibility, and post them to our consulate. The consulate didn't agree, which brings us to this quandary.

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[quote name='assarax' date='12 February 2010 - 02:24 PM' timestamp='1266002664' post='2177936']
He didn't. I've read those logs and no where in there did Imperial state that he accepted peace. I can see where the Spartan lack of reading comprehension might have helped to misinterpret his statement of "Indeed", but hey, if you guys never made it past 4th grade reading, it ain't my fault. Hubb's own statement that he never accepted the peace adds to the fact that if he never accepted them, how in hell did Imperial have the authorization to surrender to you? He didn't. He was authorized to entertain the possibility.

Your [b]MoFA [/b]did. Not sure how many more times I can say this. Otherwise he wouldn't have come in public saying he didn't have the authority and then your other gov saying they were going to veto the decision. Once again, you're currently so thick you have no idea what you're even arguing about. Honestly the only insult you try to throw now is "hey you're a 4th grader!" or a few pages back "hey, you're a 5th grader!". It's like you're so insecure in your own argument you have to reinforce your confidence every time. It's quite amusing, to say the least. I'm going to let you reread my previous post and see if you do a better job next time.

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[quote name='Hyperion321' date='12 February 2010 - 02:24 PM' timestamp='1266002656' post='2177935']
one of my members just came to me and told me that he did in fact fight bane, but the war was deleted for some weird reason. My apologies, Bane.

Thank you.
Bedford is a nice guy, but he was saddled with an extremely small warchest. After a few days there wasn't much more he could do but be a punching bag. It happened to me in the Karma war, I learned the lesson. Hopefully, he will do likewise.

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[quote name='Matthew Conrad' date='12 February 2010 - 11:28 AM' timestamp='1266002904' post='2177943']
Your [b]MoFA [/b]did. Not sure how many more times I can say this. Otherwise he wouldn't have come in public saying he didn't have the authority and then your other gov saying they were going to veto the decision. Once again, you're currently so thick you have no idea what you're even arguing about. Honestly the only insult you try to throw now is "hey you're a 4th grader!" or a few pages back "hey, you're a 5th grader!". It's like you're so insecure in your own argument you have to reinforce your confidence every time. It's quite amusing, to say the least. I'm going to let you reread my previous post and see if you do a better job next time.

Logs please?

(Imperial is our MoFA, if it helps)

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