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[quote name='andymac64' date='06 February 2010 - 10:03 PM' timestamp='1265511817' post='2165835']
No. Sorry we didn't want to 'Be on the winning side' If that was so I would not have limited aggression. How many nukes were used? You at the back, you can answer. Well done, zero is the right answer.
What does use of nukes have to do with the subject at hand? You at the back, you can answer. Well done, nothing is the right answer.

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[quote name='Nelchael' date='07 February 2010 - 12:00 AM' timestamp='1265500836' post='2165397']
An unfortunate but understandable DOW. Best of luck to all allies and allies of allies in this war.

I hate you. This war is horrible on every end. :(

[quote name='GearHead' date='07 February 2010 - 12:17 AM' timestamp='1265501859' post='2165452']
Good luck out there WAPA. I think you're gonna be surprised how much you need it when you don't have FOK and TGE by your side. :smug:

Hey GearHead, sorry we ended up on the wrong side, yet again.

[quote name='Lamuella' date='07 February 2010 - 12:24 AM' timestamp='1265502299' post='2165471']
OOC: you know what the best part of this is?

WAPA are largely based in Scotland, and therefore on GMT. Update for them is 6AM. If TFD had held off on attacking until 2 hours before update, few of WAPA would have been up and about, meaning TFD could have got a day's worth of attacks in with little risk of being countered. Instead they attacked 6 hours before update, so midnight on a saturday for WAPA, a time when they'll still be awake to counter.

Midnight is no better, how many WAPA menbers do you know who aren't drunk at that time of night>

[quote name='kulomascovia' date='07 February 2010 - 02:33 AM' timestamp='1265509996' post='2165762']
I hate to see you guys squabbling over such petty matters such as warchest sizes and anarchied nations. You both came in honoring treaties. Don't lose sight of your mission and start holding animosity towards someone who is in your position.

Same here, it's gotten quite ridiculous.

[quote name='Captain Canuck' date='07 February 2010 - 02:53 AM' timestamp='1265511217' post='2165807']
WAPA came in by not honouring a treaty with someone who needed it more because they decided they wanted to be on the winning side of the war no matter what.

False, I think this declaration proves otherwise, NATO + TFD? WAPA came in honoring a treaty treaty with us, be seeing you soon and thank you for your time.

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Welcome to the the fight with WAPA TFD. One cannot ask for better allies than yourselves.

Also, WAPA have been nothing but civil with us. Please refrain from flaming guys. We're all friends here having a tussle :P

Edited by R3nowned
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Look WAPA it's nothing personal. We tried everything to get out helping NATO... we read over all our PIAT's and minor treaties looking for some way to get out our MDoAP, but wasn't to be.

But I know for a fact in the future the guys here said they would send all our treaty's over to yourselves. I mean if there is anyone who could find a loop hole in getting out a treaty it would be you lot wouldn't it.

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[quote name='circlewood' date='07 February 2010 - 04:43 AM' timestamp='1265517831' post='2166010']
Look WAPA it's nothing personal. We tried everything to get out helping NATO... we read over all our PIAT's and minor treaties looking for some way to get out our MDoAP, but wasn't to be.

But I know for a fact in the future the guys here said they would send all our treaty's over to yourselves. I mean if there is anyone who could find a loop hole in getting out a treaty it would be you lot wouldn't it.

Somtimes you're so witty I find it so difficult to respond, either that or you're unable to grasp the concept of a non chaining treaty, a policy on the disagreement with the CB of the war, which was perfectly acceptable by your buddies NEW when they did it by the way and the fact that WAPA did in fact enter the war via a treaty.

I know it's sometimes difficult to see it through your clouded glasses, but maybe you should try to look a bit harder before making stupid assumptions and comments you think are funny, based on those.

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First off, let me say that TFD and WAPA (plus 1TF) are my two favorite alliances, simply because I have been around their awesomeness the longest. So here is some :wub: for both of you.

[quote name='Mayzie' date='06 February 2010 - 10:35 PM' timestamp='1265513710' post='2165895']
Midnight is no better, how many WAPA menbers do you know who aren't drunk at that time of night>
I lol'd. Its so true.

[quote name='circlewood' date='06 February 2010 - 11:43 PM' timestamp='1265517831' post='2166010']
Look WAPA it's nothing personal. We tried everything to get out helping NATO... we read over all our PIAT's and minor treaties looking for some way to get out our MDoAP, but wasn't to be.

But I know for a fact in the future the guys here said they would send all our treaty's over to yourselves. I mean if there is anyone who could find a loop hole in getting out a treaty it would be you lot wouldn't it.
Cirlewood, your better than this. Its completely out-of-character for you to be acting like this and quiet frankly, lowers you to a level much less respectable then where you were before. -_-

I'm seriously thinking about contact some kind of mental health professional...something to do with straight jackets :P

[quote name='Illius Vander' date='06 February 2010 - 11:47 PM' timestamp='1265518063' post='2166015']
There's a fair bit of heat in this topic methinks. Let's remain civil, everyone. We can beat the ever-loving crap out of each other without bickering.
I agree 100%

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[quote name='Captain Canuck' date='06 February 2010 - 09:53 PM' timestamp='1265511217' post='2165807']
@Shmeestar, AUT, and andymac: that's not actually correct, TFD isn't called that because of where its members live (and really, most of them are in North America, just a high percentage of the leadership is European).

Is that why they all tend to avoid IRC when critical decisions are supposed to be made?

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I agree with trying to keep it civil. As far as I know, NATO and WAPA have no grudges, and TFD is just honoring their treaty, (and maybe looking for a friendly rematch).

Good luck to all involved, and lets have some fun.

Edited by arani
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[quote name='Captain Canuck' date='07 February 2010 - 12:08 AM' timestamp='1265501305' post='2165425']
Right, cause it was totally WAPA's doing that we "surrendered"
Well when i was looking at it i saw the majority of the wars were WAPA so i think it was us. FOK was occupied with another.

[quote name='King Phil II' date='07 February 2010 - 12:08 AM' timestamp='1265501338' post='2165426']
I believe we were handling you guys fine, then surrendered when FOK jumped on the bandwagon too.

anyway, good luck to all of us :) may your wars be strong and your scots be bloodied.
Well FOK and WAPA DoW'ed together. However FOK was more occupied with another.

[quote name='GearHead' date='07 February 2010 - 12:17 AM' timestamp='1265501859' post='2165452']
Good luck out there WAPA. I think you're gonna be surprised how much you need it when you don't have FOK and TGE by your side. :smug:
Meh! Bring it.

[quote name='LittleRena' date='07 February 2010 - 12:25 AM' timestamp='1265502319' post='2165473']
As I recall during the Karma war, we where winning till FOK joined the party, unless I fell in a coma and couldn't remember what happend and someone has planted memories into my head.
Why do you all think that were you trying to all make excuses. Also if we hardly did anything why are all you guys always so mean to us. <_<

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='07 February 2010 - 12:26 AM' timestamp='1265502417' post='2165479']
[color="#0000FF"]WAPA is an ancient enemy of FAIL, having in the past displayed no respect for our sovereignty and raiding us multiple times. I ask only that TFD finish what I started and destroy WAPA once and for all.[/color]
First we raided you once but what the hell. Also love you too Rebel Virgin <3

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I know a couple of TFD people, they're great and the alliance as a whole seems all good to me, if them and WAPA would stop bringing up some other war then this would be so much better. This has nothing to do with Karma, nothing to do with FOK, nothing to do with last year, so give it a !@#$@#$ rest, all of you.

E: FFFFFFF. Gearhead made me look stupid by posting before me. To war! :P

Edited by Mayzie
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[quote name='Hassman' date='07 February 2010 - 12:56 AM' timestamp='1265522189' post='2166250']
Why do you all think that were you trying to all make excuses. Also if we hardly did anything why are all you guys always so mean to us. <_<[/quote]

Hey, we're not all being mean to you. In fact, I wish you well.

Past all the hyperbole, the bottom line is TFD is here to help NATO and have some fun. If things get heated, well, that can be part of the fun for some people.


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[quote name='Mayzie' date='07 February 2010 - 04:57 AM' timestamp='1265518662' post='2166032']
Somtimes you're so witty I find it so difficult to respond, either that or you're unable to grasp the concept of a non chaining treaty, a policy on the disagreement with the CB of the war, which was perfectly acceptable by your buddies NEW when they did it by the way and the fact that WAPA did in fact enter the war via a treaty.

I know it's sometimes difficult to see it through your clouded glasses, but maybe you should try to look a bit harder before making stupid assumptions and comments you think are funny, based on those.

I know what a non chaining treaty is and what I read of the other thread (WAPA DoW) there was no mention of it till later (which I have just read). So I hold my hands up, I was wrong, NeW's fault unfortunately for signing the treaty. But I'm sure they have learned their lesson now and won't get bitten twice.

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Sadly, it looks as if we need to remind WAPA members posting in this thread of our policy towards the war, which is on public display here; http://www.wearepertharmy.co.uk/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=71&t=3861 .

[quote]4. If we do enter the conflict we will be doing so purely for the sake of our friends we have previously agreed to help. We have no axe to grind and [color="#FF0000"][i][b]no wish to re-open old wounds [/b][/i][/color]or cause new ones.[/quote]

I have highlighted an important part in the quotation above.

All WAPA members are therefore ordered to refrain from posting disrespectful comments in this thread, and to further refrain from arguing about the events of the Karma war.[b] This is official order from your government[/b]. I would also like to request that any non-WAPA posters also respect that policy.

Now, for some possibly unpleasant facts.

1. TFD did NOT surrender in the Karma war. They had a white peace.

2. WAPA was not responsible for that peace. FOK can probably take the credit.

3. I personally fought against several TFD targets during the Karma War and found them to be fine opponents.

4. I like TFD, and find it an immense shame that we are once again pitted against each other, but their decision to engage us cannot be faulted.

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[quote name='Earl Dumarest' date='07 February 2010 - 05:30 AM' timestamp='1265542258' post='2166690']
Sadly, it looks as if we need to remind WAPA members posting in this thread of our policy towards the war, which is on public display here; http://www.wearepertharmy.co.uk/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=71&t=3861 .

I have highlighted an important part in the quotation above.

All WAPA members are therefore ordered to refrain from posting disrespectful comments in this thread, and to further refrain from arguing about the events of the Karma war.[b] This is official order from your government[/b]. I would also like to request that any non-WAPA posters also respect that policy.

Now, for some possibly unpleasant facts.

1. TFD did NOT surrender in the Karma war. They had a white peace.

2. WAPA was not responsible for that peace. FOK can probably take the credit.

3. I personally fought against several TFD targets during the Karma War and found them to be fine opponents.

4. I like TFD, and find it an immense shame that we are once again pitted against each other, but their decision to engage us cannot be faulted.

It's all in good fun, Earl. Nothing wrong with a little rivalry. :wub:

However, I'll echo these sentiments for TFD members. Anything beyond chit chat and the occasional needle need not belong in here. No disrespect should be intended. You'll be reprimanded severely if you do break this rule.

So, let's tone it down a bit and have some fun. Lord knows my nation begs for it. :P

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[quote name='Illius Vander' date='07 February 2010 - 07:11 PM' timestamp='1265569875' post='2167113']
You're a classy guy, Earl Dumarest.

Now, can you get someone in WAPA to attack me? I promise it'll be good, wholesome fun. :D
Seems you have managed to anarchy yourself :wacko:

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[quote name='prince buster' date='07 February 2010 - 02:20 PM' timestamp='1265570402' post='2167128']
Seems you have managed to anarchy yourself :wacko:
A side effect of playing with nuclear weaponry. My mother always warned me about messing around with that stuff; I should've listened, I know. However, Anarchy is but a mild inconvenience.

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