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Deus Vult!


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Long ago, in one of TOP's darkest hours, I took an oath. I swore to defend the Order until my very last breath, until I could no longer lift my fist in defiance of our enemies, to ride to hell and back with my brothers. Much time has passed since that fateful day - those brothers alongside whom I made my pact have indeed come and gone and, in a sense, so have I. For reasons I now see as insignificant, a rift grew between The Order and myself, and soon I found myself outside its hallowed walls on my own accord, casting about in the darkness. Hate coursed through my veins - I wished for nothing more then to destroy the very thing I had sworn to protect, and for some time after wards harbored dreams of bringing down the whole edifice. Last night, upon seeing folly they had charged headlong into, I expected to feel elation. Instead, a deeper emotion made itself known.

Many of the cohorts whom with I swore my oath have passed on. Many more left The Order themselves, some even declaring their opposition to it in the current hour. Most of these men have understandable grievances, however, their fight is not mine. I go forth not for revenge, not for any political objective, but to honor the memory of my brothers who no longer stand and the few who still grasp wildly at the light. If any of the others feel as I do, I only say that now indeed seems a good day to die.

My nation is a shadow of its former strength.
My abilities have degraded drastically.
My resolve is strong.

Today I fulfill my oath. For as long as The Order remains in mortal peril I will do what I can by her side. To hell I ride. For Johan! Des Vult!

- Ivanelterrible

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[quote name='Machiabelly' date='31 January 2010 - 03:29 PM' timestamp='1264969790' post='2148172']
Did you not also swear an oath to FAN?

In a somewhat different capacity, to be sure, but your question certainly has merit and I grappled for quite some time looking for the correct path. I discussed the issue at length with my FAN comrades, and they understand my reasons. They are a phenomenal group, and I am grateful for all the time I spent in the alliance.

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[quote name='Zizka' date='31 January 2010 - 04:49 PM' timestamp='1264970970' post='2148209']
In a somewhat different capacity, to be sure, but your question certainly has merit and I grappled for quite some time looking for the correct path. I discussed the issue at length with my FAN comrades, and they understand my reasons. They are a phenomenal group, and I am grateful for all the time I spent in the alliance.

I believe FAN would never stand in the way of someone doing something honour dictated.

We are on opposite sides, but good luck none the less

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