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Alliance Wars/Nation


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Out of boredom, I decided to check the # of alliance wars per nation for alliances over 3 million NS in the current war. There are two calculations: wars/members and wars/members in war mode. The number not in parenthesis is wars/members in war mode.

nota bene: this has more to do with front assignments and how much an alliance has been targeted/deployed more than competence, so please take not of that before trying to troll

FOK: 3.16 (1.68)

PC: 2.9 (1.67)

RnR: 1.80 (1.66)

Umbrella: 1.75 (1.17)

CSN: 1.17 (1.14)

GOD: .47 (.202)

Fark: .417 (.398)

STA: 2.39 (2.06)

NSO: 2.08 (1.97)

NpO: 1.71 (1.48)

NV: 1.09 (.761)

UPN: .48 (.42)

GLoF: .327 (.26)

Invicta .28 (.26)

Edited by Essenia
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Thanks for the stats. I'm assuming/hoping that this will get more tedious in the near future.

I'm hoping a certain someone *UE* who is more efficient at stat collecting may be able to get in on this; this is more of a preview than anything else.

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Analysis of what? It's certainly useful for analysis of some things.

Exactly, analysis of what? It counts wars but can't measure anything tangible. I can only see how tied up an alliance might be, but it's more telling to check traditional statistics for how an alliance fares.

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Exactly, analysis of what? It counts wars but can't measure anything tangible. I can only see how tied up an alliance might be, but it's more telling to check traditional statistics for how an alliance fares.

I think that's a pretty useful stat. Seeing how many warslots an alliance has left provides a clearer picture of what the situation is like on the ground, so to speak. As he said in the OP he's not looking to see how an alliance fares--stats don't necessarily have to be dick measuring contests for them to be interesting.

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Exactly, analysis of what? It counts wars but can't measure anything tangible. I can only see how tied up an alliance might be, but it's more telling to check traditional statistics for how an alliance fares.

Analysis of war strategies, of future alliances to be declared war on. Of how many resources are on both sides of the war.. there are lots of things for which these stats help. Thanks Essenia, good work!

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