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NTR surrenders its land.


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Without a war, NTR has surrendered. You may take what you need, but almost 200,000 people plan a mass suicide(including most government personnel) if any damage befalls the land. Take 80%, but please, think of where we need to live.

The last of NTR.



Dictator William Jofe Herous, NTR people and government.

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OOC: I would not love you JEDCJT :( IC:

This is the most ridiculous thing we have seen in a while. We shall reincorporate all of these lands once again into the Carolinas protectorate.


"What the hell just happened?"

"I think they established slavery and got declared on in their first day of existence..."

"Jesus Christ, this is why local nutcase governments that form shouldn't start their new country."

"Sir, you know the world would have our @#$% on a platter if we didn't give them a chance."

"I know, now get me some Chipotle."

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OOC: I didn't expect this RP to be THAT vicious. Goodbye everybody!!! I loved here while it last, lol. I'll miss it, though. Silly me, thinking this was just another fun and playful RP.

OOC: It's not that, it's just you enacted some unpopular policies...I'm sure if you tried again, albeit without legalizing slavery and such, you'd get by better.

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OOC: Wanna give it another chance bud? This RP is semi-realistic, I mean you really can't establish slavery all of a sudden.

OOC:I really don't think I'm welcome. I was used to the little non serious RP's, sorry.

I guess I could try again. The slavery idea was from a friend, some genuis he is. <_<

Edited by Fizzydog
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OOC: agree. I had no clue that slavery was abolished or even hated. I just joined and just got driven out, lol.

OOC: Well, lets just say that its happened before. At least you seem to be taking this in stride, good for you.

Here's a tip, check this out. The Red Sands New Player's Guide.

Too bad people need to skim through this thing first in order to RP on these boards 'safely', but its a godsend to newbies like you, and I think it would have prevented this from happening to you if you read it.

Edit: Grammurs.

Edited by Executive Minister
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OOC: agree. I had no clue that slavery was abolished or even hated. I just joined and just got driven out, lol.

OOC: I am about to have a civil war occur in my nation if I am successful, which I should be baring outside influences, then I could give you the top half of my nation to establish a nation and run it howeve, you want.

Edited by Kevin Kingswell
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Fizzy, legalised animal testing is fine pal, IC responses however can be an element of OOC views aswell...

however slavery legalisation isnt, I mean with the many different thnic groups on the forums, different skin colours and backgrounds you MUST chose your RP's wiseley when it comes to religion, ethnicity and policies.

For example, if i RPed some form of holocuast or anti jew movement related to the nazi persicution of jews within New Canada, I would be out on my $@! so fast the door wouldnt hit it on the way out.

Dont leave because you got shunned on the first move, grit your teeth and see it through, whilst some of us dont get along, we are a community, and communities help new additions.

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You'd be thrown out on your bum ICly, not OOCly. We are allowed to rp anything within reason. RPing racism, no matter how distasteful, is allowed providing we are following the rules of the forums.

Now, getting beat down ICly for rping racism, genocide, or slavery is just a risk you'll have to accept for participating in said activities.

Shortlist to successfully getting rolled ICly while not getting banned from the game for RPing socially contemptible activities:

1) Do not use racial slurs

2) Do not use racial slurs.

3) Follow the forum rules regarding visual media, meaning don't be showing up pictures of the naughty bits. Save that for IRC like everyone else does.

4) Do not use racial slurs.

5) Do not curse, evade the swear filter, or anything else related to that sort of thing.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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You'd be thrown out on your bum ICly, not OOCly. We are allowed to rp anything within reason. RPing racism, no matter how distasteful, is allowed providing we are following the rules of the forums.

Now, getting beat down ICly for rping racism, genocide, or slavery is just a risk you'll have to accept for participating in said activities.

Shortlist to successfully getting rolled ICly while not getting banned from the game for RPing socially contemptible activities:

1) Do not use racial slurs

2) Do not use racial slurs.

3) Follow the forum rules regarding visual media, meaning don't be showing up pictures of the naughty bits. Save that for IRC like everyone else does.

4) Do not use racial slurs.

5) Do not curse, evade the swear filter, or anything else related to that sort of thing.

There was no rascim, I was just avoiding my own continent. If that seems rascist, I am extremly sorry.

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