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Ok.. to sum this all up:

The idea behind the thread and the DoW/DoS/preemptive DoW is really good and honorable. But, the implementation is way different. Firstly, you aren't as known in order to leave the people that you support out of the declaration.

And secondly: the most important part of the declaration, the meaning and the "statu quo" are spread in the thread somewhere in various posts from various members of your alliance. That's not very neat.

Here's what you don't understand:

1.) We don't care what you think... not now, not ever.

2.) If people are too lazy to look up who we're supporting then that's their problem, not ours.

3.) The meaning of the declaration is in the OP. If you don't understand it... then again, we don't care.

Thank you, have a wonderful day.

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Here's what you don't understand:

1.) We don't care what you think... not now, not ever.

2.) If people are too lazy to look up who we're supporting then that's their problem, not ours.

3.) The meaning of the declaration is in the OP. If you don't understand it... then again, we don't care.

Thank you, have a wonderful day.

Wow... these are some awesome "37337" FA skills!

It will lead you alliance towards great heights!

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Ok.. to sum this all up:

The idea behind the thread and the DoW/DoS/preemptive DoW is really good and honorable. But, the implementation is way different. Firstly, you aren't as known in order to leave the people that you support out of the declaration.

And secondly: the most important part of the declaration, the meaning and the "statu quo" are spread in the thread somewhere in various posts from various members of your alliance. That's not very neat.

An ADI member telling someone they're doing it wrong. Classic.

DT deserve a lot of credit for this, they could easily go neutral like most alliances would in this situation but they've decided to back all their allies. I remember Kronos saying they would do the exact same thing a while ago but didn't get the chance. It's still nice to see the trolls out though, I'm sure fine alliances such as the ADI know much more about honour and loyalty than DT and Kronos.

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An ADI member telling someone they're doing it wrong. Classic.

DT deserve a lot of credit for this, they could easily go neutral like most alliances would in this situation but they've decided to back all their allies. I remember Kronos saying they would do the exact same thing a while ago but didn't get the chance. It's still nice to see the trolls out though, I'm sure fine alliances such as the ADI know much more about honour and loyalty than DT and Kronos.

We don't care about honor and loyalty... we much prefer to have cupcakes.

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Ok.. to sum this all up:

The idea behind the thread and the DoW/DoS/preemptive DoW is really good and honorable. But, the implementation is way different. Firstly, you aren't as known in order to leave the people that you support out of the declaration.

And secondly: the most important part of the declaration, the meaning and the "statu quo" are spread in the thread somewhere in various posts from various members of your alliance. That's not very neat.

Says the guy from...umm...::pulls out reading glasses:: the Aqua Defense...Initiative?

78 guys and you haven't broken 2mil NS yet. Get back to us when your average NS breaks 20k. :)

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do i need to repeat myself? this was my opinion. And i never said that we are so big that everyone knows us. I just said that you aren't either.

And btw, if you talk about ADI, do keep in mind that the alliance i'm in is only 4 months old. Don't make me compare the stats for this 4 months with the stats for your alliance in (at least) 1 year and 4 months.

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do i need to repeat myself? this was my opinion. And i never said that we are so big that everyone knows us. I just said that you aren't either.

And btw, if you talk about ADI, do keep in mind that the alliance i'm in is only 4 months old. Don't make me compare the stats for this 4 months with the stats for your alliance in (at least) 1 year and 4 months.

Yeah, and what I said was my opinion. No big deal. I know you're not big enough that everyone knows you. I can tell you're new - how would you know that we aren't big enough to be popularly known? Most of our gov has been in leadership positions in past alliances (or founded them). Do yourself a favor and shut your yap when you don't know what you're talking about.

Don't make you compare? Haha. We've got a low nation count because we actually have a procedure for membership and don't take just anybody that applies. That's why our average NS is high and you're bottom-heavy. :)

Anyway, you're making your alliance look bad. Get lost and let the adults discuss our DoW commitments.

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Yeah, and what I said was my opinion. No big deal. I know you're not big enough that everyone knows you. I can tell you're new - how would you know that we aren't big enough to be popularly known? Most of our gov has been in leadership positions in past alliances (or founded them). Do yourself a favor and shut your yap when you don't know what you're talking about.

Anyway, you're making your alliance look bad. Get lost and let the adults discuss our DoW commitments.

yeah... i saw. had to browse through 10 pages of mergers and name changes just to find out that those alliances you government founded all lead to a 1.6 mil NS alliance that disbanded the past summer.

That's a very adult-ish thing to say. Maybe if you weren't so stuck up (if you had a lump of coal between your cheeks, it would've turned into diamonds), you would've seen that i just stated the obvious that others others pointed out in this thread.

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i havent seen us actually deny anyone since i joined up lol but thats only 134 days, i think the fact that we have a separate aa for our lower ns members is what makes the average so much higher.

btw how does this thread turn into a flame fest? reminds me of our boards ;)

flame off peeps flame off

Edited by doobadder
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yeah... i saw. had to browse through 10 pages of mergers and name changes just to find out that those alliances you government founded all lead to a 1.6 mil NS alliance that disbanded the past summer.

That's a very adult-ish thing to say. Maybe if you weren't so stuck up (if you had a lump of coal between your cheeks, it would've turned into diamonds), you would've seen that i just stated the obvious that others others pointed out in this thread.

I like your pretty colors.

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A respectable position. I expect nothing less from you guys.


Did it ever occur to anyone in polaris that its allies might expect something of it? For example, not dragging them in to a big huge useless war that nobody wants all for the sake of their own sanctimonious sense of "morality?"

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OK, What if NoR declares on PC, and then MK declares on NoR and then PC declares on MK? What will you do then? :blink:

Then we fight all 3 of them because all 4 of us love war, so it's win-win.

O.K... you are being a bit ambiguous about what you are going to do in a practical way and I don't really get it (though it is pretty clear that you are going to be helping your allies... the procedure is still a bit ambiguous, but I guess that we'll soon find out once you start doing it).

I'd hate to see you involved in a war with the NpO though... I still remember when I used to vote "Myworld" every month for the Blue Team and it was cool.

We can't give away our secrets :D

And yes, it was strange for me too, a former leader of two BLEU alliances, to contemplate the possibility of war with Polaris. Fighting against old friends is never fun.

DT are hilariously misaligned in this. It will be very interesting to see where you end up.

You have no idea how difficult this was. I admire the guys who stuck with it and came up with this, I was too much of a hothead in the government channel, and I was probably being a tad bit counterproductive.

Wow... these are some awesome "37337" FA skills!

It will lead you alliance towards great heights!

yeah... i saw. had to browse through 10 pages of mergers and name changes just to find out that those alliances you government founded all lead to a 1.6 mil NS alliance that disbanded the past summer.

That's a very adult-ish thing to say. Maybe if you weren't so stuck up (if you had a lump of coal between your cheeks, it would've turned into diamonds), you would've seen that i just stated the obvious that others others pointed out in this thread.

1) DT already is at great heights :P

2) So you're pointing out that some of us have had failed ventures in the past. The only one that matters right now is this one.


I would like to say that while I do wish that we could be fighting alongside PC, this situation is beyond the most complicated thing I've ever seen on Planet Bob. This is the only way we can guarantee that we won't be fighting against an ally. We hope.

So I'll say the following to PC:

Give 'em hell

where " 'em " is anyone except NV, GR, MK, Brig, NoR, Blackhorse ( I don't think I forgot anyone, but I'm running on 3 hours of sleep, so it's possible )

Edited by MaGneT
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How did I know this would happen.

In summary (for our less capable friends):

DT is NOT supporting any aggresive action.

DT WILL attack ANYONE who attacks ANY of our allies.

DT will NOT attack until said defensive measure is requirred.

DT is NOT declaring on Polar or any alliance currently in the conflict unless they attack ANY of our allies.

DT is NOT currently in the conflict, this measure comes into effect starting now.

DT is NOT on any "side" in this conflict, in fact we're on both.

DT WILL gladly go to ZI for our allies. Shame on you who wouldn't

DT will NOT violate any treaty agreement.

Thank you.

If you could do me a favor, as I am unable to find the link on the Wiki, please provide the link to your treaty with PC, or the cancellation of said treaty. I'd like to read up on the conditions of it.

Because, as far as I know, when an MADP ally declares war, you declare war with them. Unless it's an MDoAP.

EDIT: Formatting.

Edited by ZachsterPoke
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