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Treaty Cancellation.

the rebel

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If Aztec hit Kiwi they are harming an ally of WAPA, something everyone here is criticizing WAPA for doing to Aztec.

Also, just because YOU play the game differently than us does not mean we can't rejoice about Steve having one less treaty. Get a clue. (Oh yes, I can spin your words just like you do to me often)

It's pretty simple really, don't have treaties and then e-lawyers can't bother you over this. You can jump into where you want.

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Aztec did not have to hit WAPA, they could have hit Kiwis and all would be well. also, AZTEC could have told WAPA that it was a no go to hit CTA just as they could have told CTA it was a no go for AZTEC to hit WAPA.

I forgot about this wonderful thread, since the forums being died, sorry for taking so long to respond.

To my knowledge, AZTEC weren't asked to hit TFK, we were asked to attack WAPA. Also, we didn't have prior knowledge to WAPA hitting CTA, since you know, we weren't actually part of that coalition of alliances that attacked TPF & anyone who might come to their aid.

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If Aztec hit Kiwi they are harming an ally of WAPA, something everyone here is criticizing WAPA for doing to Aztec.

Also, just because YOU play the game differently than us does not mean we can't rejoice about Steve having one less treaty. Get a clue. (Oh yes, I can spin your words just like you do to me often)

It's pretty simple really, don't have treaties and then e-lawyers can't bother you over this. You can jump into where you want.

nice try at spinning, but i already told you that you could rejoice. as for Aztec, i would put the ball more in WAPA's court as they should have notified Aztec if they actually felt the friendship with Aztec was as good as Aztec felt. then, WAPA would have moved on to another target possibly. if i were Aztec, i would be wondering why the $%&@ our supposedly good friends in WAPA decided to !@#$ on us by hitting our ally and not even attempting to talk to us first.

I forgot about this wonderful thread, since the forums being died, sorry for taking so long to respond.

To my knowledge, AZTEC weren't asked to hit TFK, we were asked to attack WAPA. Also, we didn't have prior knowledge to WAPA hitting CTA, since you know, we weren't actually part of that coalition of alliances that attacked TPF & anyone who might come to their aid.

for one, read my statement above. two, if you weren't asked, you could have suggested maybe? i also agree though that CTA leadership should have moved from WAPA to TFK for ya'll as well. but in the end, it don't matter really. CTA is having fun.

Edited by Dochartaigh
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nice try at spinning, but i already told you that you could rejoice. as for Aztec, i would put the ball more in WAPA's court as they should have notified Aztec if they actually felt the friendship with Aztec was as good as Aztec felt. then, WAPA would have moved on to another target possibly. if i were Aztec, i would be wondering why the $%&@ our supposedly good friends in WAPA decided to !@#$ on us by hitting our ally and not even attempting to talk to us first.

Did you ever consider the possibility they didn't know or remember about the treaty in the first place? Treaties in TE are plagues, they cause this stupid arguing.

We can fight over who is at fault all day long, but in the end it is everyone's miscommunication which blew this all up (WAPA, Aztec, CTA) I'm just enjoying watching you guys (CTA) chew out a former ally simply because they wouldn't attack someone who has had their back in the past (ala something RE did to MHA a long time ago)

Go in circles for all I care Doch, I just simply don't see any reason you can't place blame in yourself or Aztec either, there's not one party to blame here. Unless you wanna blame MHA because we're the evil masterminds behind TE or some other conspiracy thing.

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Did you ever consider the possibility they didn't know or remember about the treaty in the first place? Treaties in TE are plagues, they cause this stupid arguing.

We can fight over who is at fault all day long, but in the end it is everyone's miscommunication which blew this all up (WAPA, Aztec, CTA) I'm just enjoying watching you guys (CTA) chew out a former ally simply because they wouldn't attack someone who has had their back in the past (ala something RE did to MHA a long time ago)

Go in circles for all I care Doch, I just simply don't see any reason you can't place blame in yourself or Aztec either, there's not one party to blame here. Unless you wanna blame MHA because we're the evil masterminds behind TE or some other conspiracy thing.

who did not know or remember? WAPA? in all honesty, if they were as friendly as suggested here, they would know (at least the gov members). also, now that i know that my own gov harped only on WAPA for Aztec to hit and never suggested TFK, i do partially blame them for this screw up. in my opinion the blame goes to WAPA for hitting an Aztec ally (though strategically this is a sound strategy as it will ensure that Aztec cannot/will not enter on CTA's side), i blame CTA gov for not suggesting TFK, and i blame Aztec for not honoring the treaty either by hitting WAPA (though i do understand the reasoning) or hitting TFK.

so i am not running around in circles, cuz unlike most people i can adapt based on new information that comes about. i am more than willing to be proven wrong or right and adjust my argument as needed or even state my argument was wrong. i also do have the ability to see issues from multiple sides in at least a somewhat unbiased (though bias will usually never be fully conquered for anyone actually involved) viewpoint.

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who did not know or remember? WAPA? in all honesty, if they were as friendly as suggested here, they would know (at least the gov members). also, now that i know that my own gov harped only on WAPA for Aztec to hit and never suggested TFK, i do partially blame them for this screw up. in my opinion the blame goes to WAPA for hitting an Aztec ally (though strategically this is a sound strategy as it will ensure that Aztec cannot/will not enter on CTA's side), i blame CTA gov for not suggesting TFK, and i blame Aztec for not honoring the treaty either by hitting WAPA (though i do understand the reasoning) or hitting TFK.

I will have to stop you there Dochartaigh, when Jyrinx messaged Owned-you to request assistance after OP peaced out on all fronts, i went to confirm it and that would AZTEC be helping with WAPA and TFK, the answer was yes till he got back to me a day later talking about membership refusal to go to war...

You have proberly confused this with my old order of consentrating more on WAPA.

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The only person that took this decision to go to war was me with NO chat to Aztec at all.

I pay little attention to treaties in TE (in fact none at all).

I apologize to Aztec if I put them in a bad place.

I don't understand the whole argument. This is TE where war is the norm. We expected a short early war so we can all get back to it later in the round.

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I will have to stop you there Dochartaigh, when Jyrinx messaged Owned-you to request assistance after OP peaced out on all fronts, i went to confirm it and that would AZTEC be helping with WAPA and TFK, the answer was yes till he got back to me a day later talking about membership refusal to go to war...

You have proberly confused this with my old order of consentrating more on WAPA.

most likely that.

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You back out on your so called "allies" is a plain ol shame.. <_<

idk why anyone want to be a friend of yours now..

For that you deserve to get rolled... :D

I want to find out what type of Allies you have now, you know now that i DoWed on The Vault.

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