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Buccaneers Sail On Dear Leader's Palace

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Dear Leader's Booty

Ahoy tharrr!

Sometimes, we buccaneers sail into a port an' end up meetin' some land lubbers that we jus'

can’t get enough o'. On one particular rum run, we ran into a group o' th'

darndest individuals. The'r glorious leader’s shinin' face an' glimmerin' eyes

warmed th' hearts o' all arrr crews. We ‘ave decided t' keep ‘em.

We’ll be callin’ Adjective Ethnicity(currently

goin’ by the name o’ Nutty North Koreans) “Adet” fer the purposes o’ this here


Article I: Ye best be pointin’ those guns elsewhere.

We will not be firing on one another. Just to let you know.

Article II: Rum.

We will be making one hell of a concerted effort to steal Adet’s aid slots.

Article III: What the $%&@ are you looking at?

If anyone touches a single hair on Adet’s head, we will blow you to

smithereens. Adet may come to our aid if

ever they feel so inclined.

Article IV: No means no.

Adet will not be signing any military treaties or entering

into an alliance war without an okay from us.

Article V: Worst case scenario.

In the case that either of us decides to end this agreement, we will notify the

other party and a 48 hour period will be sustained before this treaty becomes

null and void.


For FoB:

Shinpah, Pirate King

Sagha, Pirate King

Jacko, Princess of FoB

For Adet:

Signed for Nutty North Koreans,

Kim Jong-Il, Dear and Eternal Leader

Kaiser Gutenhagen, Justin Bieber's #1 Fan

Gorchin, Kim Jong-Il's Comfort Lady

Mel Gibson, Mel Gibson

Ritaantilla, Xena: Warrior Princess

spacemarine 176, Silent but Deadly

If ye be too lazy t’ read tha’ little chunk o’ text…

Don’ even be thinkin’ o’ lookin’ at Adjective Ethnicity th’

wrong way.

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Not really sure about why you would sign with them, but I hope this is a sign that he will not be causing drama anytime soon.

Keep them under control, FoB.

Adet will not be signing any military treaties or entering

into an alliance war without an okay from us.

We'll be keeping our good eye open. ;)

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