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\m/, I just want to help


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Geez why are you all still arguing?

FoA got raided and then iClean came in and saved the day. Now all is well. You should all stop arguing and go bow before his righteous glory.

This is a good idea.

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You're new around here arent you?

it's cool ill help you out. you see when a person tech raids the goal is to profit 99.9% of the time they dont pay reps for the damaged caused..occasionally youll find someone who does(See: KofN raid) but otherwise its a case of 'too bad so sad'. Ive no beef with KOA nor do i care who tech raided who but KOA knew the protectorate was being dropped if a small, tech selling, alliance cant get some kind of protectorate in 48 hours then you are doinitrong

So actually the ball is in YOUR court, you continue to rage against what was done, well...put up or shut up time

I am not new enough to believe attacking a 33 or even 40 member alliance just for the hell of it is generally accepted behavior around here.

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I am not new enough to believe attacking a 33 or even 40 member alliance just for the hell of it is generally accepted behavior around here.

Well what do you plan to do to help these people whove been wronged? Will you be sending some aid? perhaps put in a few good words with Corp on their behalf so the protectorate is extended

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Thinking Wolfpack is a bunch of working attention girls that should be wearing those nice perty mini skirts and knee high boots. Maybe fishnet stockings with bright red lipstick.

At least I've one thing in common with them. I am a son of a whore and should commit suicide.

w00t, never knew that :smug:

Edited by LordNettles
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Well what do you plan to do to help these people whove been wronged? Will you be sending some aid? perhaps put in a few good words with Corp on their behalf so the protectorate is extended

The new post-protectorate government of the FoA no longer believes they were wronged, which makes sending additional aid pointless now.


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The new post-protectorate government of the FoA no longer believes they were wronged, which makes sending additional aid pointless now.


Wrong, damages were still done you are still posting here with your faux outrage. if you believe \m/ were in the right then dont send aid..its just a tech raid.

Edit for clarity: This has nothing to do with \m/, Corp or FOA right now. you are posting here saying what was done is wrong and horrible and evil (etc) now as said a few pages back you have options. you can: Shut up because you arent going to shame these folks into saying "omgawsh were bad people", declare war on them for tech raiding(lol) or send some money to FOA to help them rebuild after the attacks. by posting and doing nothing but complain about how terrible tech raiding is and how bad \m/ is you're no better than probably 75% of this thread..atleast Doitzel among others organized some aid

Edited by wickedj
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Wrong, damages were still done you are still posting here with your faux outrage. if you believe \m/ were in the right then dont send aid..its just a tech raid.

just a tech raid ?

i love those words, becuase the meaning of "just a tech raid" change so much.

first of all it was to raid of a nation who is on none and a set number of days inactive, i guess we can call that the honor stages of bob, but now its who ever has the power to enforce the raid, even if it is an alliance wide raid.

/o CSN and the total lack of honor they hold

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just a tech raid ?

i love those word, becuase the meaning of "just a tech raid" change so much.

first of all it was to raid a nation who is on none and a set number of days inactive, i guess we can call that the honor stages of bob, but now its who ever has the power to enforce the raid, even if it is an alliance wide raid.

Well, the basic and generic definition of a tech raid is 2 GA's and then peace, sure some people didnt get the memo to stop but far as ive seen not a single plane, CM or nuke has been launched at FOA so yes it was a tech raid.

I want to go back to one of my last posts, nobody has addressed the tech raiding that goes on every single day around here why hell the guy a few posts above me is in a 23 man AA and being tech raided

/o CSN and the total lack of honor they hold

icwutudidthar and no, my posts arent some official CSN opinion. merely mine

BTW, youll be please to know that CSN doesnt allow tech raids

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Hopefully the nations and alliances speaking against \m/ here are doing something about it and starting to make back room deals to isolate and then destroy them in true CN style. In the meantime hopefully they will be amused to note I successfully tech raided an \m/ nation yesterday. They offerred no military support to the unfortunate nation and the galant nation hit offerred me peace with no attacks made against my good self.

The paradigm of a well administered and war loving alliance I am sure you can see. They also seemed upset to be the target of a raid - for shame - it is your favorite past time.

So I thank \m/ for the loot as I am sure you guys can appreciate a well executed tech raid.

Now as I am sure it will be mentioned... I have had a surprise external to CN and as such have ran like a coward into peace mode. Rest assured as soon as this is dealt with I will await the response of the mighty \m/.

Also a message to the nation I hit - as you messaged me to let me know you could take me alone after I accepted your peace offer, I offer you the chance to prove this when I return . As you have no chance to be successful against me I will alow you a second to take me mano-a-mano.

M6 (doing something about it)

Greetings Rogue, you've been placed upon our ZI List. We'll be waiting for you to exit Peace Mode. I love the tough talk you give but try to excuse yourself for running into Peace Mode. Tsk tsk, someone like you should know better but I suppose not. Ad Fidem made a mistake in accepting your peace offer, but I assure you we will make no mistake in the subsequent molesting of your nation.

Edited by Emperor Marx
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Greetings Nuclear Rogue, you've been placed upon our PZI List. We'll be waiting for you to exit Peace Mode. I love the tough talk you give but try to excuse yourself for running into Peace Mode. Tsk tsk, someone like you should know better but I suppose not. Ad Fidem made a mistake in accepting your peace offer, but I assure you we will make no mistake in the subsequent molesting of your nation.

Maybe FoA should put you on their PZI List. :lol1:

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just a tech raid ?

i love those words, becuase the meaning of "just a tech raid" change so much.

first of all it was to raid of a nation who is on none and a set number of days inactive, i guess we can call that the honor stages of bob, but now its who ever has the power to enforce the raid, even if it is an alliance wide raid.

/o CSN and the total lack of honor they hold

EVERY WAR is a tech raid. That is why you declare war on someone instead of just whining at them: To get stuff, and sometimes to deprive them of stuff too.

Why people !@#$%* and whine about getting "tech raided" is completely beyond me. War exists for the sole purpose of taking from others, and everyone does it all the time, so I don't understand why this ridiculous double standard exists condemning people who don't make up a crap reason for it.

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The only reason this isn't turning into a KoN! type of situation is because of who these people are allied too. Athens was isolated to the CnG side, so it was able for Polaris and TOP to pursue it do to treaties. Now in this situation you have PC who is on the CnG Side. GOONS who is on the NpO side. And \m/ who is on the SF side. With these treaties, no one could pursue them like with the KoN!/Athens situation worked out. If you really want to do something, you could try to get peace for them instead of blab on here

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The only reason this isn't turning into a KoN! type of situation is because of who these people are allied too. Athens was isolated to the CnG side, so it was able for Polaris and TOP to pursue it do to treaties. Now in this situation you have PC who is on the CnG Side. GOONS who is on the NpO side. And \m/ who is on the SF side. With these treaties, no one could pursue them like with the KoN!/Athens situation worked out. If you really want to do something, you could try to get peace for them instead of blab on here

Peace was obtained a while ago...

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The only reason this isn't turning into a KoN! type of situation is because of who these people are allied too. Athens was isolated to the CnG side, so it was able for Polaris and TOP to pursue it do to treaties. Now in this situation you have PC who is on the CnG Side. GOONS who is on the NpO side. And \m/ who is on the SF side. With these treaties, no one could pursue them like with the KoN!/Athens situation worked out. If you really want to do something, you could try to get peace for them instead of blab on here

Might i suggest sending them aid instead?

I am off my fair people, we shall continue this at a later time :P

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