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\m/, I just want to help


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People that are whining just stop. Do you really think that PC, \m/, and GOONS care what you think of them?

If you're so outraged by the tech raid, then do something about it.

3 things you can do.

You forgot sit back quietly and plot behind the scenes :P Seriously though, PC,\m/ and GOON members are free to let this thread drop as much as anyone else regardless on which side of the arguments they are on. If one doesn't care, one need not post.

On the other hand, spending a Sunday afternoon watching the political games on OWF has its entertainment value.

Edited by White Chocolate
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Poison Clan has half the members of IAA, but twice the nukes and ~600k more NS than IAA. I think that's all that needs to be said. So damn unfortunate my friends at SSSW18 merged into your pathetic alliance.

Sorry I did not know that NS and nuke count was the basis of the honor and respect.

In truth your NS is just used to intimidate small alliances (small as in NS and treaties)

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Sorry I did not know that NS and nuke count was the basis of the honor and respect.

In truth your NS is just used to intimidate small alliances (small as in NS and treaties)

Size and capability to destroy are what demands respect in this game. If you, as an alliance, have a lot of NS and nukes, you're going to be respected and feared by those who do not.

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A valiant effort, sir. However, there is no international court system, except that of public opinion, and unless your alliance provides some reasonable benefit, no other alliance will assist you in gaining reparations. There are no laws, and even if there were, people like GOONS, \m/, and PC, are like bandits. They wouldn't abide by any laws.

This was a few back, but I'm going to answer it here because it's an important point. We acted well in accordance with law and we followed our charter to the letter. I quote:

In times of peace, GOONS recognize the sovereignty and security of other alliances. An "alliance" is defined as a group with diplomatic ties. "diplomatic ties" may be of the form of MDP, ODP, Protectorate, or any variation thereof.

We are not mere 'bandits' we have a very well defined system of laws and rules pertaining to raiding. We acted within our charter, when the protectorate was inked we stopped, therefore I will say it flat out: do not bother seeking reparations from us.

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Boo friggin' hoo. You and your ilk raid an alliance for no reason and then complain about the lack of respect your victims show you afterward? Who do you think you are? You act all tough and bad, yet when someone "disrespects" you after you punch them in the face, then all of your insecurities start to show.

For the record, he is not disrespecting Kevin or Corp. He's opinion is directed towards you and yours. So trying to play white knight by claiming to defend Kevin, when it is actually you who is upset, well, it ain't going to work this time sweetheart.

Okay, thanks for the heads up, love-muffin.

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Do we have any other bidders on who speaks for FoA? Should we start a lottery perhaps? There's some definite revenue potential here.

E: Anyone who wants reps from GOONS for anything needs to speak with our MoFA, not whine about it on these boards.

E2: I'm the MoFA for GOONS currently.

Edited by salithus
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Do we have any other bidders on who speaks for FoA? Should we start a lottery perhaps? There's some definite revenue potential here.

E: Anyone who wants reps from GOONS for anything needs to speak with our MoFA, not whine about it on these boards.

E2: I'm the MoFA for GOONS currently.

You broke the law of peace written on my heart, sal :(

Rep me; rep me now!

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You and your ODP ally seem to be think you know whats best for FOA. Do you know whats good for FOA? not getting a beating from three larger alliances and running their own affairs. If they want to pursue reps and your ODP ally wont let them then perhaps they need a new protector who will put them first and not their ally who gave the beatdown for a laugh.

Do you ever get tired of speaking about things of which you know nothing?

As we have stated many times, FoA is free to pursue reps and we will send them the names of all the alliances who have said they would have fought for reps, so they can choose which one they want to get to help them.

FoA understands that reps are not coming for wars launched before the protectorate, and DarkCythe had no authority to talk about reps last night. This has been confirmed by actual FoA leadership.

We will "let" FoA do whatever they want, so how about you go try to fix a real injustice instead of trying to manufacture drama here. That goes for most of you in this thread.

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Darth is no longer even in FoA. He resigned. Unless of course he decides to go back on his resignation, but in my opinion FoA would be better off without him.

Really? Epic Fail. I would invite you to look at my Nation and look at its AA. Also, I gave a 72 hour notice LAST NIGHT and have never officially resigned from the position. Thus I have every authority to speak whatever the hell I want.

Do you ever get tired of speaking about things of which you know nothing?

As we have stated many times, FoA is free to pursue reps and we will send them the names of all the alliances who have said they would have fought for reps, so they can choose which one they want to get to help them.

FoA understands that reps are not coming for wars launched before the protectorate, and DarkCythe had no authority to talk about reps last night. This has been confirmed by actual FoA leadership.

We will "let" FoA do whatever they want, so how about you go try to fix a real injustice instead of trying to manufacture drama here. That goes for most of you in this thread.

Authority is recognized by our charter, not by you.

Another thing, two more GOONs members raided the FoA again today. So certain messages are not getting across it would seem.

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I am telling you for the last time, DarthCyfe6. Stop. You are not helping anything or anyone, but are definitely making what is more or less a resolved situation more difficult.

Those two new attacks have already been handled, but thank you for your time.

Edit and you having no authority was confirmed by your leader. I suggest you speak with him.

Edited by Kevin McDonald
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Thinking \m/ is a bunch of working attention girls that should be wearing those nice perty mini skirts and knee high boots. Maybe fishnet stockings with bright red lipstick.

At least you have one thing in common with them. mess with the wrong person and you commit suicide

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darthcyfe has offered his resignation from our alliance

but his position as foa foreign affairs was retracted as soon as he offered the resignations

by me the emperor of the foa

please ignore what cyfe has said as he gets hotheaded at times

this issue has been solved and i thank everyone involved for their co-operation

for the issue of reps

the foa will not be request any aside from

those attacks made after peace was declared

Edited by agnews
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Thinking \m/ is a bunch of working attention girls that should be wearing those nice perty mini skirts and knee high boots. Maybe fishnet stockings with bright red lipstick.

Thanks for sharing. Your desire to see men dressed up like women has been noted. I bet Marxie would be HOT in knee-highs.

for the issue of reps

the foa will not be request any aside from

those attacks made after peace was declared

Understandable and fair. My apologies for the attacks that occurred today...our forums were going through a difficult period and the message may have been overlooked by a couple of our less attentive members.

Edited by nippy
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Thanks for sharing. Your desire to see men dressed up like women has been noted. I bet Marxie would be HOT in knee-highs.

I'll tell ya what. Put one on, bend over and find out :ehm:

Besides, you have the Nation name of Leather pants. Now who's who?

Edited by WolfsPride
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darthcyfe has offered his resignation from our alliance

but his position as foa foreign affairs was retracted as soon as he offered the resignations

by me the emperor of the foa

please ignore what cyfe has said as he gets hotheaded at times

this issue has been solved and i thank everyone involved for their co-operation

for the issue of reps

the foa will not be request any aside from

those attacks made after peace was declared

Yes because I was hotheaded, it is not my fault your poor leadership has lead the FoA to this path anyways. I am sorry for trying to defend the FoA and trying to obtain justice. The fact that the Corporation is to weak to stand up for allies and to try and ignore any !@#$%^&* from them is pathetic. This whole Protectorate is a joke and a complete and utter insult to the FoA.

Edited by DarthCyfe6
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R-E-A-D-I-N-G C-O-M-P-R-E-H-E-N-S-I-O-N Not exactly a strong point of yours now is it?

'put one on, bend over and find out'. I read it. I comprehend it. If you didn't mean what I thought you meant, perhaps you can elaborate? If not, feel free to insult my intelligence some more.

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'put one on, bend over and find out'. I read it. I comprehend it. If you didn't mean what I thought you meant, perhaps you can elaborate? If not, feel free to insult my intelligence some more.

I don't really think your intelligence(?) needs to be questioned

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Yes because I was hotheaded, it is not my fault your poor leadership has lead the FoA to this path anyways. I am sorry for trying to defend the FoA and trying to obtain justice. The fact that the Corporation is to weak to stand up for allies and to try and ignore any !@#$%^&* from them is pathetic. This whole Protectorate is a joke and a complete and utter insult to the FoA.

im sorry cyfe, but even though you may be resigning from the FoA, please keep your comments about rebel and the rest of our gov to yourself.

After you leave, you can talk as much @#$% about us as you want.

Edited by amanalan
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I can speak what I desire, the whole reason we are in this mess is because of Rebel. Sparta contacted him on the 12th and the 72 hour notice was broken on the 15th. Nothing was done until we were raided and signed a protectorate with the friends of our attackers. I tried to help this alliance, but nothing could be done.

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