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EU Announcement


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"A junior aide was playing a joke. He's awaiting trial. Caucasia will send $10 million to Deutschland to make up for this misunderstanding on our part."

-HRH King James II

"As we have often in the past suggested, Caucasia should really invest in some... any security measures to prevent unauthorized officials from gaining access to official diplomatic channels, that, or get some competent government officials."

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"A junior aide was playing a joke. He's awaiting trial. Caucasia will send $10 million to Deutschland to make up for this misunderstanding on our part."

-HRH King James II

"The fact that a junior aide can command your army and make statements like this over offical diplomatic channals really makes me question the ability of the Caucasian government to rule. I also have to ask why King James II supported the actions of this aide and only now puts them on trial."

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"A junior aide was playing a joke. He's awaiting trial. Caucasia will send $10 million to Deutschland to make up for this misunderstanding on our part."

-HRH King James II

Any such offense committed by an official of Cochin Civil Service would get him liable for execution for threatening National Security.

- Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Kingdom of Cochin

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"A junior aide was playing a joke. He's awaiting trial. Caucasia will send $10 million to Deutschland to make up for this misunderstanding on our part."

-HRH King James II

"Only furthering the distrust we have of such governments. Though this is the age where few governments actually take credit for their mistakes. Quite funny when you think about it, when things go right, credit is given to the heads of state and governments, whilst when there are problems, it is the fault of a junior aide. I personally feel bad for this young man, it is clear that he is nothing but a scapegoat to the mishaps of the government in question."

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Statement from the League Foreign Office

The Sicilian League sends its regards to all those looking out for the best interests of Europe.

-Uberto Galliati

Junior Deputy Aide to the Junior Undersecretary for European Affairs

OOC: Consider me unlocked

OOC: I was wondering what happened to you, man. Good to see you back.

"A junior aide was playing a joke. He's awaiting trial. Caucasia will send $10 million to Deutschland to make up for this misunderstanding on our part."

-HRH King James II

Official Italian Response

lolwut? *epicfacepalm*

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"A little while ago, I had prepared a statement on this recent declaration from Caucasia, but retracted it, as it was unnecessarily harsh. Though, seeing Caucasia's explanation behind this fiasco, I do believe it is appropriate now. We at Rebel Army are wondering what exactly is going on with Caucasia, making statements such as this without double checking their information and without consulting the rest of the EU before hand. As such, we formally request that Caucasia at least check with another EU member before making a statement on our behalf. Futher more, we would also suggest that all foreign affairs statements be passed by the king, or another high-level foreign affairs official, before being put out into the public. This would prevent embarrassments such as this one, and save you headaches. Finally, we also petition the government of Caucasia to take responsibility for it's actions. Regardless of the ranking of this official, he still is/was speaking on Caucasia's behalf, and thus made an official statement. That is all."

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"A little while ago, I had prepared a statement on this recent declaration from Caucasia, but retracted it, as it was unnecessarily harsh. Though, seeing Caucasia's explanation behind this fiasco, I do believe it is appropriate now. We at Rebel Army are wondering what exactly is going on with Caucasia, making statements such as this without double checking their information and without consulting the rest of the EU before hand. As such, we formally request that Caucasia at least check with another EU member before making a statement on our behalf. Futher more, we would also suggest that all foreign affairs statements be passed by the king, or another high-level foreign affairs official, before being put out into the public. This would prevent embarrassments such as this one, and save you headaches. Finally, we also petition the government of Caucasia to take responsibility for it's actions. Regardless of the ranking of this official, he still is/was speaking on Caucasia's behalf, and thus made an official statement. That is all."

"Do note that Dalmatia and Groenlandia both supported the announcement."

"We support our allies on this move. Just another action to prove just how noble the EU is, ensuring peace across Europe."
"We support this move and hope stability will return soon"
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"I believe Groenlandia is no longer in the EU."

"Yes, they are former Eu.

Still, they supported this. They, like Dalmatia and Caucasia seemed to be misinformed. Verily so.

Why does nobody doublecheck nowadays?"

Edited by Lynneth
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"Do note that Dalmatia and Groenlandia both supported the announcement."

"Groenlandia is not an EU memberstate. As for Dalmatia, perhaps they made the same mistake as Caucasia? Everyone makes mistakes. Though, Dalmatia's support for this announcement does not mean that all of the EU supports it, let alone knew in advance that it would happen."

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"Do note that Dalmatia and Groenlandia both supported the announcement."

Look at who you're talking about. Dalmatia and Groenlandia... One has a NordSoc government, no more needs to be said there, and the other has been making trouble in Europe for years.

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"As we have often in the past suggested, Caucasia should really invest in some... any security measures to prevent unauthorized officials from gaining access to official diplomatic channels, that, or get some competent government officials."

"He stole his superior's identification from his desk while turning in some paperwork. He was thus allowed past the security systems."

"The fact that a junior aide can command your army and make statements like this over offical diplomatic channals really makes me question the ability of the Caucasian government to rule. I also have to ask why King James II supported the actions of this aide and only now puts them on trial."

"The army did not move. I never supported him. I supported the EU."

Any such offense committed by an official of Cochin Civil Service would get him liable for execution for threatening National Security.

- Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Kingdom of Cochin

"That option has not been ruled out."

"Only furthering the distrust we have of such governments. Though this is the age where few governments actually take credit for their mistakes. Quite funny when you think about it, when things go right, credit is given to the heads of state and governments, whilst when there are problems, it is the fault of a junior aide. I personally feel bad for this young man, it is clear that he is nothing but a scapegoat to the mishaps of the government in question."

"That you even think we would undermine our people's rights to make us look good is an insult to all Caucasians."

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"He stole his superior's identification from his desk while turning in some paperwork. He was thus allowed past the security systems."


"That you even think we would undermine our people's rights to make us look good is an insult to all Caucasians."

"it's either that, or admit you lack security in vital areas. Incompetence, or unwillingness to admit to an honest mistake?"

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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"He stole his superior's identification from his desk while turning in some paperwork. He was thus allowed past the security systems."

Why did the superior leave his identification laying around and not on his person? Why was the junior aide even allowed access to such vital things such as a superior's identification? Why is there no picture ID in the identification? Why are there no verification procedures regarding identification? How was the junior aide able to do all of this without raising even a single red flag?

These are troubling matters. The entire government of the Sarnungian Republic doubts your nations ability to be secure and stable.

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Barney Lolled.

"Seems the country who !@#$ talks to everyone doesnt even have good internal security, might want to look into that king Jim before you look even more stupid that you do now.

stop making pointless excuses and admit your mistakes.

you might even regain respect from the world.

If a junior aid can get a way to deploy your army, he could find a way to get hold of your nuclear weapons if you have them, or WMD's, if your officers have a habit of leavig security passes lying around like toys."

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