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El Eeino de España


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One landed in a safe house(OOC: Some house) in Salamanca, Vestfjara. Ezequiel was lead to a table with a man siting on the other side, Ezequiel started to write a message with the following inside.

To: Dan Donegan,

From: Ezequiel

Subject: Request

Hola Mr. Dan Donegan,

I am Ezequiel, soon to be leader of a new region in Iberia. I am writing this as a formal request to loan a legion of troops to help with my mission. IF you shall grant such a request, please send them to Cáceres, Kingdom of Spain to meet with myself.

Thank you,


The message was sent to Dan Donegan by the man in black and will be to him within 2 days. After Ezequiel was done, he was headed to Cáceres, Kingdom of Spain

**End Classified**


¡Hola Señoras y Señores!

Since the King of Spain has been M.I.A for several months, I, Ezequiel the I, claim the right to the imperial throne and will bring Spain back into a time of peace and prosperity! We will be keeping and reviewing all treaties but the current agreement with Scotland. Let the Kingdom live on for all of eternity, long live the King of the Kingdom!

OOC: Galvez hasn't posted since the 26th of Nov, and last logged in on the 2nd of Dec.

Edited by Ezequiel
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"The hell?" Donegan asked, reading the transmission. "I don't know an Ezequiel."

"There could be a good reward for it," his aide said.

"Yes, true."

10,000 Caucasian troops, in outdated combat gear and with G36 assault rifles, were sent to Spain.

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As the Caucasian troops arrived, they were asked to patrol from Cáceres up the North border with Vestfjara to ensure no resistance was meet or resistance members were let into Vestfjara.

'Send a message back to Vestfjara about the safe arrival and thank them for letting myself into their great nation. Ask for a formal Embassy with them as well.' Said Ezequiel to his Secretary. 'Also send a message to Caucasia and tell them thank you for the aid of the troops. Make sure you tell them they will be treated with the utmost respect.' He said again to his Secretary. 'Yes my King.' The Secretary said.

**End Classified*

Edited by Ezequiel
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The Vestfjaran Army has been sent to the border to secure it and make sure no resistance members get through. A few guerilla divisions were set up and prepared to assist Ezequiel. The Air Force and Navy were put on standby. Internationally, Vestfjara would look as though it is protecting itself from the Anarchy to the south.

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"Oh this is good. The man wishes to claim land that was left over from the Kingdom of Spain, wishes to carry all the treaties except for the one that would bind the land's original protector Scotland from interaction. Absolutely hilarious. We wish Scotland luck in preventing any rogue take over of their protected territory."

-HRH Hannah Asgeirsson

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OOC: FYI, The Kingdom of Spain was never a signatory of the Iberian Pact. You have no control over it.

IC: We support the new ruler of the Kingdom of Spain, and hopes that he brings it into a new golden age. It is good to see a Spaniard ruling Spain instead of a king on a far off island.

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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Severing ties with the people who allowed the nation to be formed in the first place is not a wise move. We fully expect a strong response from Scotland on this matter.


Taeunas' Second Fleet has been issued standby orders, while letters of notification and requests for use of airspace were drafted for the UK, Vestfjara and the Kingdom of Galicia. The letters were held back as DeSchaine waited to see the Scottish response.

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We regret that the imperialist nature of Scotland is trying to take over this situation, and wish that these freedom fighters can restore order within the area with a local rule, and not a foreign rule, since this is a landlocked nation.

OOC: Sure, it was territory of Scotland, but since when does land revert back to the owner of the protectorate? Very rarely. Land does not stay yours forever, and all that agreement was was words.

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IC: In addition, the Federal Union of Belarus and Moldova has now posted a $30,000,000,000 bounty for Senor Ezequiel, dead or alive. The foreign ministry of the Federal Union has issued the following statement:

"Senor Ezequiel and his rebel band has shown themselves to be extremely destabilizing in the Iberian Peninsula. Therefore, we have funded a $30 billion bounty for his head, dead or alive. We encourage other nations, especially those in the Iberian Peninsula, to further add to this starting amount and together bring Senor Ezequiel to the justice of an international court."

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IC: In addition, the Federal Union of Belarus and Moldova has now posted a $30,000,000,000 bounty for Senor Ezequiel, dead or alive. The foreign ministry of the Federal Union has issued the following statement:

"Senor Ezequiel and his rebel band has shown themselves to be extremely destabilizing in the Iberian Peninsula. Therefore, we have funded a $30 billion bounty for his head, dead or alive. We encourage other nations, especially those in the Iberian Peninsula, to further add to this starting amount and together bring Senor Ezequiel to the justice of an international court."

"We have to ask, how can you or any nation afford a 30 billion bounty for one man without completely cutting out important programs that your citizens want or need?"

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We regret that the imperialist nature of Scotland is trying to take over this situation, and wish that these freedom fighters can restore order within the area with a local rule, and not a foreign rule, since this is a landlocked nation.

OOC: Sure, it was territory of Scotland, but since when does land revert back to the owner of the protectorate? Very rarely. Land does not stay yours forever, and all that agreement was was words.

OOC: Ehem, what are treaties?

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'Please accept and welcome the Vestfjara men into Spain and ask them to guard Cáceres.' Ezequiel said to his Regent Carlos 'I'm on it sir.'


OOC: I think that the land automatically reverts to a protectorate of Iberia, as he is a signatory.
This hostile takeover is not permitted as this territory has automatically reverted to a protectorate of the Iberian Pact.

OOC: Seriously, you need to learn to ask people before taking what does not belong to you.

This is not your land, Scotland. You have surely known of this anarchy for months, yet you did nothing. Only when a man takes the throne do you come and try to claim it, The Kingdom of Spain is not a signatory of the Iberia pact, this land is rightfully ours.

OOC: Spain was never a signatory of the Iberia pact, if you wanted the land you could have gotten it two weeks ago. Where does it say here that it will revert back to yourself if the nation goes into Anarchy? http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...c=74144&hl=

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We regret that the imperialist nature of Scotland is trying to take over this situation, and wish that these freedom fighters can restore order within the area with a local rule, and not a foreign rule, since this is a landlocked nation.

OOC: Sure, it was territory of Scotland, but since when does land revert back to the owner of the protectorate? Very rarely. Land does not stay yours forever, and all that agreement was was words.

OOC: I'm pretty sure every treaty is "just words".


*Private to Scotland* You have our military support in crushing this rebellion if it is required. Your cause is just.

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"We have to ask, how can you or any nation afford a 30 billion bounty for one man without completely cutting out important programs that your citizens want or need?"

"These funds are from money allotted for foreign aid this year by the Presidium. Specifically, it came from the export and domestic sales tax of the last harvest of marijuana from Moldova at the end of this year's planting season, which is heavily regulated by our government in the interests of preserving public decency."

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