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Of Finishing Our Beers And Doing What Needs Doing

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Freaking vikings suck.........

wait no......

Freaking vikings are drunk

wait....no.....wait.....getting there.........

Freaking vikings and their awesome ways to honor treatys


GL Friends

well, we have Jesper, and Joe, so the first two attempts would technically be correct MD. :D

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I'm curious, is this actually a war? I don't see any war declarations from Valhalla, no indication of what alliances Valhalla has grievance with, or why. Just a vague reference to the coincidence coalition.

Everyone o/ing war needs to take a step back and see what's actually happening here. This is nothing more than another empty Declaration of Support. And well, Tyga already addressed this better than I could: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=77478

Also seriously, do you need to sign with every person in your alliance? Your signatures have more words than the rest of the post combined. wtf?

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I'm curious, is this actually a war? I don't see any war declarations from Valhalla, no indication of what alliances Valhalla has grievance with, or why. Just a vague reference to the coincidence coalition.

Everyone o/ing war needs to take a step back and see what's actually happening here. This is nothing more than another empty Declaration of Support. And well, Tyga already addressed this better than I could: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=77478

Also seriously, do you need to sign with every person in your alliance? Your signatures have more words than the rest of the post combined. wtf?

Do i sense some baawwing? I thought you were one of the more intelligent ones Seerow, didn't figure I needed to have Nevik break out the crayolas and draw you a picture.

Also Tyga's thread is locked, so it's beneath notice now.

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the $%&@ is this? a DoW? or a DoS?

Also, i finally get to used a quote from my dear SOM

[21:48] <SpacingOutMan> Wannabe Thor horn-wearing skirted men should never be given peace

Your friend is obviously talking about RoK. I'm afraid i don't see how this has any connection to this thread. ^_^

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Your friend is obviously talking about RoK. I'm afraid i don't see how this has any connection to this thread. ^_^

Man if I could dodge bullets the way you dodge questions I wouldn't be afraid to walk out into a battlefield butt naked.

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Very thick :wub:


It's been an interesting week, watching a good friend "vanish" because he wasn't everything he told people he was, and an alliance get rolled simply because they were low hanging fruit, seemingly easily picked off. Through it all, I seen a lot of rhetoric, taunts, and general trash talking taking place.

Now the time for talk is finished and it is time for action. Valhalla stands ready by its allies, no matter what lay ahead.

May one and all fight honorably and for what they truly believe. May the swords of my friends strike true. May victory come swiftly.

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