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Edited it to make it IC just to make you happy.

All hail supreme overlords and ruler of all RoK.

Im not interested in logs i was displeased at the way RoK treated ADI. No matter how many log dumps go on that won't change what is eseentially my opinion which i am perfectly entitled to. Nobody at RoK can change that and i wish you would stop trying to.

I never told you to edit it. What you did was your choice and yours alone. I didn't force you to do a thing. So, basically, if we're the "supreme overlords" you MADE us your supreme overlords, we didn't force it upon you.

And you're correct. You're perfectly entitled to hold your opinion that hold no empirical, circumstantial, or any other evidence of any kind to back it up. But you are perfectly entitled to hold it.

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Edited it to make it IC just to make you happy.

All hail supreme overlords and ruler of all RoK.

Im not interested in logs i was displeased at the way RoK treated ADI. No matter how many log dumps go on that won't change what is eseentially my opinion which i am perfectly entitled to. Nobody at RoK can change that and i wish you would stop trying to.

Because you're losing ... and badly at that.

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You say that, but i must do something right if i have made you upset enough to care to go to my government over my actions. My part in this is now complete and i have finished :>

Actually, that's just what allies do. When a member of one is bashing the other in public, governments usually get talked to. Of course, not being in government, you wouldn't know that.

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they might of mad mistakes, and huge ones at that but they should never be used as "meat shields"

Nobody asked them to help. The proof of that has alrady been posted.

If you insist on posting, I am going to insist that you actually read the entire thread.

Edited by Van Hoo III
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From the looks of things, ADI was simply intimidated in this matter being a relatively unexperienced alliance. When you were a new nation ya gotta remember decisions weren't as clear because you didn't know what you were doing either. I'll give ADI the benefit of the doubt and say Warbuck realizes his mistake now but has too much pride to mention he made a mistake in his judgement and it reflects poorly on himself and his alliance.

There really is no argument left though, Hoo has discredited every point made against him and/or Rok here with logs or reasoning which has logical backings from either current events on Bob or past events.

The only thing I can last think of to cause issue is the fact that your characters played a role in the fallout, Warbuck being a poor match to Hoo's character.

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Actually all that means is that I was pasting to Scutterbug because you had a problem with him and I wanted to show him what you said.

You already said earlier in the thread you had no problem dumping logs, and you have dumped logs. You're a terrible ally, and my alliance will never have any ties to you if I have anything to do with it.

That was during the stated period that after you told me I was obligated to help that I began coordinating. After that point, FEAR asked me to negotiate, I asked you if you would, you immediately said no. That was when I began having a personal conflict with being involved.

We can all see the context and you're not fooling anybody. Hoo was telling you how the treaties would break down in the conflict. Drop it, we're not stupid.

All hail supreme overlords and ruler of all RoK.

Seriously, you're making yourself look like a fool.

Edited by Penkala
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You already said earlier in the thread you had no problem dumping logs, and you have dumped logs.

He's by far not the only person to dump logs over this issue, or even in this thread. I see that you aren't in RIA any more ... perhaps moral panic at Hoo's dumping sent you away? :P

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He's by far not the only person to dump logs over this issue, or even in this thread. I see that you aren't in RIA any more ... perhaps moral panic at Hoo's dumping sent you away? :P

He started dumping on Hoo with out of context logs, so Hoo had to reply with more context, and it escalated from there.

My opinions have nothing to do with the alliance I reside in and remain pretty damn constant.

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STA has allies on both sides of this conflict as well. When it became clear that we were looking at the possibility of war, we went to them and talked about it. We agreed to do what we could not to directly attack each others allies, and if we absolutely had to, agreed to grant white peace to them. We agreed on the importance of keeping the lines of communication open during hostilities and ended the conversation by wishing each other luck.

I am not sure what's so difficult about this concept. Of course, none of our allies have stopped by to ask if we will defend them, and I can't remember the last time I had to ask our allies that question. In a MDP situation, defense is guaranteed. That's the point. I'm always hearing about alliances who have to vote on whether or not to enter a war per a treaty obligation. I thought that was why there was a voting process for treaties themselves in such alliances.

I'm rambling. In closing, I'm sorry you had to find out one of your closest friends wasn't a friend afterall, RoK. That stinks.

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I tried to tell you the first time, and you told me "you are obligated".

I wanna play the log game too:

Session Start: Sun Dec 27 00:00:36 2009

Session Ident: Warbuck[ADI]

Session Ident: Warbuck[ADI] ((Kait privacy edit))

[00:00] <Warbuck[ADI]> Give some TPF !@#$%^& hell with my name on it :P

[00:00] <Warbuck[ADI]> I'm currently getting a DoW passed so that ADI can come in for backup

[00:01] <KaitK[RoKWarmonger]> We appriciate that

[00:01] <KaitK[RoKWarmonger]> Watch our $@! and hit whoever tries to tap it ;)

[00:05] <Warbuck[ADI]> You bet we will... I got the dogs of war coming into sign in and get orders

[00:05] <Warbuck[ADI]> and I got a (Kait privacy edit) day warchest :D

[00:09] <KaitK[RoKWarmonger]> Excellent!

[00:10] <KaitK[RoKWarmonger]> Thats a sexy warchest by anyones standards

[00:10] <Warbuck[ADI]> (Kait privacy edit) mil ready to cause havok

Session Close: Sun Dec 27 01:17:05 2009

Both myself and Hoo were queried by you offering assistance as EVERY log here has shown. You volunteered WELL before any discussion of allies. Now for you to cry the big scary Ragnarok intimidated you is pathetic and a boldfaced lie.

You really have dug yourself a hole so deep you cant even see daylight at this point. Seriously Warbuck now is the time for you to fess up and face the music be the honorable leader I believed you to be.

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Very honorable to think with your mind and not just blindly follow. There treaty is MDoAP. RoK is not under fire so I see no reason they should be press gaged into being a meatsheld, not that it matters now. To those who feel they should have just blindly followed, why because you did?

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Very honorable to think with your mind and not just blindly follow. There treaty is MDoAP. RoK is not under fire so I see no reason they should be press gaged into being a meatsheld, not that it matters now. To those who feel they should have just blindly followed, why because you did?

Blindly follow? Expressly told that their assist with attacking was not needed..."...got your back" and "We will defend"... then a public F/U? ok, that sounds like adhering to the wording of the treaty, all right. Please.

Not under fire? Ok, granted... we are not wholly blistering... but when I hear someone wants my alliance destroyed, I'm kinda gonna take steps to defend myself.

Excuse me? Meat-shield? No, no, no... you obviously don't know Rok at all. We are our own meat-shields.

edit: spelling

Edited by Valtamdraugr
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Blindly follow? Expressly told that their assist with attacking was not needed..."...got your back" and "We will defend"... then a public F/U? ok, that sounds like adhering to the wording of the treaty, all right. Please.

Not under fire? Ok, granted... we are not wholly blistering... but when I hear someone wants my alliance destroyed, I'm kinda gonna take steps to defend myself.

Excuse me? Meat-shield? No, no, no... you obviously don't know Rok at all. We are our own meat-shields.

edit: spelling

I'll take this in order.

1) They didn't say they wouldn't defeand you, they said they wouldn't go in and attack for you.

2) You attacked TPF, that is agression. I don't care if you want to sugar coat it, but they are not obligated to attack with you.

3) Yes meat sheld, they said we have your back. In public they say they won't go to war with you in agression and how they feel about it, you in return cancel the treaty, yea you wanted a meat sheild and a tool, they are neither so you canceled the treaty, wow thats sticking it to them.

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I'll take this in order.

1) They didn't say they wouldn't defeand you, they said they wouldn't go in and attack for you.

2) You attacked TPF, that is agression. I don't care if you want to sugar coat it, but they are not obligated to attack with you.

3) Yes meat sheld, they said we have your back. In public they say they won't go to war with you in agression and how they feel about it, you in return cancel the treaty, yea you wanted a meat sheild and a tool, they are neither so you canceled the treaty, wow thats sticking it to them.

You're way off base. This has all been hashed and rehashed. Read the thread then come back and discuss it. RoK's problem is that in private they offered support, then WITHOUT TELLING THEM, came to the OWF and bashed them a bit and then told them "we're not going to back you".

Now go back and reread the thread, please.

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