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The Blood Bond

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The United Earth Directorate and Bushido have been friends for many months now. On behalf of UED, and Bushido I present to you The Blood Bond.



The Blood Bond

Article I: The Basics

The United Earth Directorate (henceforth known as UED) and Bushido are independent organizations and will remain as such.

Article II - Non-Aggression

UED and Bushido agree not to take any aggressive actions toward one another.

Article III - Mutual Friendship

UED and Bushido vow to maintain Continued Communication with one another, furthering friendship and keeping one another informed.

Article IV - Optional Defense:

If either party is attacked through no fault of their own, the other party has the option to come to the attacked parties aid, via war, aid, or in any fashion they deem fit.

Article V - No Spying

UED and Bushido will not commit espionage or aid in espionage against the other party. If espionage is committed this agreement is immediately terminated.

Article VII - Cancelation

Should either party wish to cancel, a 72 hour notice must be given and a termination notice must be posted after that time period.

Signed for The United Earth Directorate,

The People's Premier, King Death II

Signed for Bushido,

600px-Imperial_Seal_of_Japan-1.jpgEmperor Hobgoblin I

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For those of you who don't know, we are named after the Bushido Code and follow it to the letter. This makes what James Maximus said very accurate.

I must admit the name sounds a bit odd right now, but it will make sense in the coming week(s).

I don't mind unfavorable comments or obnoxious giggling, so long as they are not based on OOC issues. That is dishonorable.

I thank everyone else for their kind words.


left the word "else" out

Edited by Hegemon Rob
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