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Monthly STA Press Conference


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Welcome to STA's December Press Conference! This is a place where the citizens of the Cyberverse can ask questions of the STA government and get a public response. Just as a refresher, a few months ago, STA cancelled our diplomat corps in favor of an open Foreign Affairs policy in which alliance members are welcome to visit whichever foreign alliance they wish on an unofficial basis, leaving the government of the STA to handle all official communication with other alliances. A part of that is our once monthly press conference.

Feel free to ask any questions of the STA you may have. Our government will be happy to respond.

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I don't really have a question for STA, per se'. More for yourself.

Off-Topic: If this is an official STA thread where we will receive official STA answers, why is this posted in an OOC forum?

On-Topic: I'd just like to say that while sometimes we find ourselves on opposite sides of a given issue, that I have always admired the manner with which STA conducts its business, the lenience it shows it's enemies in the aftermath of wars, and the resolute fashion with which they support their allies.

Edited by WalkerNinja
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I don't really have a question for STA, per se'. More for yourself.

Off-Topic: If this is an official STA thread where we will receive official STA answers, why is this posted in an OOC forum?

On-Topic: I'd just like to say that while sometimes we find ourselves on opposite sides of a given issue, that I have always admired the manner with which STA conducts its business, the lenience it shows it's enemies in the aftermath of wars, and the resolute fashion with which they support their allies.

I post it in the OOC forum because at least 50% of the time, they tend to turn OOC in at least some way. It seems like the best way to go ahead and make sure that it's always on the up and up.

And thank you for the compliment. I'd just like to go ahead and state officially that STA holds absolutely no ill will toward TOP for our little fiasco last week. There are far better reasons to hold a grudge, and this just isn't one of them.

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I post it in the OOC forum because at least 50% of the time, they tend to turn OOC in at least some way. It seems like the best way to go ahead and make sure that it's always on the up and up.

Thank you for clarifying. While I humbly disagree, I can certainly appreciate your rationale.

And thank you for the compliment. I'd just like to go ahead and state officially that STA holds absolutely no ill will toward TOP for our little fiasco last week. There are far better reasons to hold a grudge, and this just isn't one of them.

That's a good thing to clarify. To that end, I'd like to apologize for engaging in that bizzare "Dr. Dan the Merciful" mess in your announcement. I won't speak for the other Paradoxians involved, but for me, the night was late and I was not using good judgment. I suspect that this was also the case for my brethren. It was an inside joke at Dan's expense, not STA's, and it should have stayed on our forums rather than bleeding into your announcement.

Edited by WalkerNinja
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I agree with my fellow paradoxian Walkerninja, and apologise for the poor taste we displayed with the "Dr Dan the merciful" hailing. It was meant as an inhouse joke, and we now realise that it was inappropriate and certainly in poor form.

I hope you will accept my apology for taking part.

Question: Does the STA have any interesting FA developments in the works?

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I agree with my fellow paradoxian Walkerninja, and apologise for the poor taste we displayed with the "Dr Dan the merciful" hailing. It was meant as an inhouse joke, and we now realise that it was inappropriate and certainly in poor form.

I hope you will accept my apology for taking part.

Question: Does the STA have any interesting FA developments in the works?

Both of your apologies are accepted. I think we all have gotten a bit carried away on the OWF at one point in time or another. I know that I most certainly have.

As for your question, we have a couple of things going on at the moment. We're exploring a treaty upgrade with one of our partners, and it looks likely that it will go through. I'd rather not name names in case it doesn't work out, but look for an announcement in the coming days.

We have also mended our fences with TPF, and it feels rather nice. It's never been a secret that STA and TPF just didn't get along, but they stopped by our forum and we've had a nice chat and cleared the air. That, combined with their admirable conduct in the Karma war caused us to reexamine the negativity, and it's all been let go. I mention this as interesting because it's been very obvious that STA and TPF just didn't get along for a long time. Now, a long standing negative relationship has been put to bed.

NPO has also come by and offered an unsolicited apology for their conduct toward the STA in the NoCB war. At the time, there was so much going on that neither of our alliances made much effort to publicize that drama, and in light of their apology, I'm not inclined to say anything more than that at the beginning of that war, STA and NPO held a treaty. Shortly after the war began, we no longer held that treaty. We have accepted their apology, and we appreciate that they offered it.

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Question: Where the hell is Uhtred? During the nocb war i fought against STA and found you guys to be honorable and the pms i got during my battles were great. I admired how you guys handled it I think I told Tyga as much in PM. I also enjoyed reading Uhtred's posts, specifically when the terms came down from Valhalla. I see you, Tyga and a few other notable vocal STA members out and about regularly. Uhtred not so much, why is that?

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Question: Where the hell is Uhtred? During the nocb war i fought against STA and found you guys to be honorable and the pms i got during my battles were great. I admired how you guys handled it I think I told Tyga as much in PM. I also enjoyed reading Uhtred's posts, specifically when the terms came down from Valhalla. I see you, Tyga and a few other notable vocal STA members out and about regularly. Uhtred not so much, why is that?

Uhtred is extremely active behind the scenes. Every decision, no matter how large or small, is made with Uhtred's input at some point in the process. As far as him posting publicly, he's been really busy IRL lately, and has been devoting a lot the energy that used to go into posting publicly into his RL. That said, now that someone has said they miss him, I am sure he'll step it up. :P

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Question: Where the hell is Uhtred? During the nocb war i fought against STA and found you guys to be honorable and the pms i got during my battles were great. I admired how you guys handled it I think I told Tyga as much in PM. I also enjoyed reading Uhtred's posts, specifically when the terms came down from Valhalla. I see you, Tyga and a few other notable vocal STA members out and about regularly. Uhtred not so much, why is that?

I would tell you that he is plotting to coup Tyga and steal all the Twinkies, but this topic seems rather serious so far, so I think it would be out of place. I've seen Uhtred around IRC and the forums quite a great deal, so if he hasn't been posting on the BB then I personally am a bit surprised. Maybe he lost the link? :P

Edit: Pez beat me. Better answer also. Drat!

Edited by the_great_one
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In all seriousness, what caused the change in Tygaland from Mr. "Look at me I give white peace, everyone should get like me" to demanding reps for the actions of a rogue from Kronos?

The Kronos issue has been responded to to death in at least two other threads. Unless there is a new question or new information, we're not going to repeat ourselves any more on it.

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Question: Where the hell is Uhtred? During the nocb war i fought against STA and found you guys to be honorable and the pms i got during my battles were great. I admired how you guys handled it I think I told Tyga as much in PM. I also enjoyed reading Uhtred's posts, specifically when the terms came down from Valhalla. I see you, Tyga and a few other notable vocal STA members out and about regularly. Uhtred not so much, why is that?

I'm still around and post occasionally but these days I tend to stick to private forums and IRC as I'm often too busy for these ones. Hopefully as things settle down for me more over the next few weeks I should be able to post more often.

Edited by Uhtred
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What are STA's thoughts on eliminating all treaties outside of FB, or maybe even including FB and running on a "friends we trust" only platform that needs no paper? I probably should make a thread about this as I'd like everyone's thoughts in CN but STA is one set of people I respect and think have the ability to do that should they ever want to as you have founded your FA around friendship I'd say (the way to do it imo).

EDIT: Since it's OOC I get to ask a OOC question too!

Favorite type of wings and place to get them at?

Favorite beer? (We like beer at TOP)

These questions can pretty much sum up who a person is in full in my opinion. They are the only two necessities in life.

Edited by LiquidMercury
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What are STA's thoughts on eliminating all treaties outside of FB, or maybe even including FB and running on a "friends we trust" only platform that needs no paper? I probably should make a thread about this as I'd like everyone's thoughts in CN but STA is one set of people I respect and think have the ability to do that should they ever want to as you have founded your FA around friendship I'd say (the way to do it imo).

EDIT: Since it's OOC I get to ask a OOC question too!

Favorite type of wings and place to get them at?

Favorite beer? (We like beer at TOP)

These questions can pretty much sum up who a person is in full in my opinion. They are the only two necessities in life.

We've considered this before, but I don't think it would work. If you recall, during the Karma war, MHA threatened to declare on anyone who went to war on one of their allies without a treaty obligation to do so. That leaves way too much stickiness up in the air.

There's a great place in Boston called Jumbos. Awesome wings. I like BBQ wings, myself, and very spicy. Edit: Jumbos is technically in Somerville. Ball Square to be exact. So if any of you Davis Squarians have a craving for wings, GO.

If I have to drink beer (and I vastly prefer bourbon) I'll almost always choose Blue Moon.

Edited by pezstar
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Seeing that you were notably absent in the thread on your forums where TPF and STA kissed and made up (mainly us doing the kissing cause it was very much on us to do that), how do you feel about TPF?

I'm pretty solidly neutral on you guys. You have a clean slate, as far as I am concerned.

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I'm pretty solidly neutral on you guys. You have a clean slate, as far as I am concerned.

Does that mean you will stop by and visit...like I have been pleading for you to do?

I will bring the Bourbon, I'm a Makers Mark guy myself.... splash of ginger. B)

Seriously though, it does feel good to have a productive dialogue happening, you have some outstanding members over there and respectful contact can only benefit all involved.

Even the mightiest oak started as a tiny acorn.

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