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The Nation of Ultima Presses the Big Self-Destruct Button


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CyberNations was a huge addiction ever since the start, when I joined almost two years ago. After being pulled into all the CN drama, politics, and backstabbing, all of CN is bland... and some things leave a bitter taste in my mouth.

I've always wanted to quit the game by "leaving with a bang" like most others do, but I guess there is still one thing I care about on CN, The Family. It's because of this that I've decided to allow my friends to "pillage the village". Of course, being the benevolent ruler that I am to my nation, I've also decided to build the Movie Industry wonder before quitting so that my citizens can watch movies as their nation burns around them :lol1:.

Maybe I'll be back, maybe I won't. I hope it's the latter because otherwise I'd be reverting to something that is the equivalent of meth.

So of course, before I have to leave, some corny shout outs: (I'm not including CN: RP people on here because we will still talk.)

To TAB: You guys were the first alliance I joined on CN. You guys helped me flourish from a little insignificant nation to what I am today... I guess still insignificant but who cares right. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your Triumvir, and for always being there.

To Zenith: You guys are an amazing alliance... and I have many regrets for the things that I've done to you guys. You guys definitely didn't deserve it, and I should've been ZI'd... but like the nice people you are you let me off the hook scott free. Thank you.

To The Family: The only thing I really have left on CN... you guys... are the best. I think I'll really regret leaving because of you guys... but hey I'll still be around to admin your forums.

To MHA: Known you guys over the times I've been around... and you've always been a classy bunch. Thanks so much for taking a chance with The Family... it's hard to express our appreciation in words.

To Kronos: If I wasn't quitting, I'd always have your back. You guys have a great thing going there... and I'm glad that we're allies.

To NoR: Even though we're allies... I don't think I ever got much of a chance to talk with much of you guys. Nevertheless, I'm glad you guys are around for us.

To TOP: Lots of fun guys with you guys and it's always fun seeing you guys in our embassy. Thank you for being a friend and ally to The Family.

And now for individuals:

Magicalbricks: It's been an honor... a really huge honor to found (find?) The Family with you. I'm sad that I never get to talk to you anymore because you're so busy all the time... but I don't know what else to say.

Skippy: It's been a long long run for me in CN... and you've been there from almost the very beginning. I'm glad that we've continued to remain friends even though our paths on CN differ. Yes, I'll still be around to help you on homework. And I refuse to buy Skippy, I will buy JIF. JIF!

Jm0406: Such a smart smart smart dude OOC. You put so much effort into TAB, and because of that it's still alive. I really admire and respect you. Probably the best IA person I've ever met. And... you've been so helpful to me over the times, and I really thank you for that.

MonE Mike: My first mentor! Remember when I was the little recruit that almost failed? Well you tutored me and got me up to speed! Another friend I miss on CN that I never get to speak to anymore because of that accursed thing called RL.

Tiberivs: I've always looked up to you and respected you. You never come on IRC anymore. Before we used to have such fun talks... what happened? I'll miss you.

Commander John: Someone amazing and always helped me RL. You've always been a great guy... I mean you helped me pass classes when I was struggling. You're just so wise and so smart, it's incredible. You've always been someone I could talk to when I had something bugging me and you've been there to talk to me during my down times. We haven't been able to talk as much recently because you're also busy.

Jack Diorno: We had a strange thing going there... and we no longer talk. It's strange. But it was fun during your time at TAB.

ImperatorAzenquor: Let's have more parties in those pants eh? Impy... we'll still talk. Well you better talk to me. >:(

Ghostmexi: I'm sorry that I'm going to quit. But anyway I'll be on IRC... so that's not much to miss?

Bomber66: A real stand up guy... glad that you're the Godfather. The Family will always be in good hands with you around. But who am I kidding, I'll still be around to talk to everyone in tF.

Sonny: Haha, the things you say on IRC. You're a real fun person to be around, and you're always there to break the silence. Glad you're heading up FA at tF... means things will go right for us.

Lord Ditka: We'll still talk outside. You're a great and fun person to talk to and I'm glad that you're Consigliere. But... hey again I'm not saying bye.

Claphamsa: I see some a bear with the name Pedo around. :P Haha. Don't send the ninja kitties after me for leaving.

PatBrown: Why aren't you on IRC as much anymore?! Well... working in IA was fun times. I really do wish I could have been a capo under you.

Kewlleo: A great outspoken individual. You always have interesting ideas, and I want to see what you do with them to shape tF.

Andrewbw: I'm glad that you joined tF. We never got talk as much, but it's been great to be in government with you for tF. I'm happy to see the military get whipped into shape under you and Kewl.

mackdaddy: Things are rough for you, and I'm sad that it's so. Still... hopefully things look up... and we'll continue to talk, yes?

Spectre: I'm glad you're pillaging my nation :D. It's far too fun a process destroying my nation... but that's ok! You make it fun! If I were to join STA, it'd be because of you.

Duncan King: I'm sorry for some of the things that happened with Zenith a while ago. Hopefully, you've forgiven me for them IC. I've always respected you and I'm glad that during my stay in TAB government Zenith and TAB were on the best of terms.

Hendrik the Great: I never got to speak with you much on IRC, but it's been a fun run in TAB... and even for that short excursion in Pendulum. Remember those days?

Frocony: Why did you leave BTO?! >:( I kid... thanks for spam kinging our forums and keeping them alive from the very beginning. I remember how our talks began with hotdogs and hamburgers... I'm so sorry I seem to be essaying all the time!

dwthegreat: Why don't we talk anymore? I remember how excited you were when you were going to start BTO... and I can't even remember when our friendship started. I think I was still in TAB during that time and you asked for a protectorate?

Darklordtim: I'm sorry I'm leaving! But we've always been great friends despite time zone issues... and I don't know we can still talk outside of CN. And yes... you can have your 50 and 3 million.

Vesalius: Why are we the same person? It's almost disturbing. But that's ok, you're my IB best friend. Haha. International BSers for life.

Rebel Virginia: You're an interesting character. That FAIL-tF excursion sure was a moment of fun for me. Perhaps if I ever return to CN, I will get to know you.

If I've forgotten anyone... I apologize. It's not because I hate you or something... it's because... as you've noticed this list of people is a bit lengthy. There are too many people that I would want to put down, but it's hard thinking of them all at the top of my head.

With that... good bye.

Edited by BlackjackCF
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Goodbye BJax! Dream Big and you will accomplish more in RL than you ever thought possible! May God richly bless you in all of your endeavors to come. See you on facebook!

"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. This I did."

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Best of luck, dude I never knew. At the very least, this addiction is less costly then the meth you equate it to... and has less health risks as far as we know (unless you include mental health).

How would you know Temps. :P

Besides BJ is a girl. Come visit us some time to come and chat, BJ. Good luck wherever life takes you.

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sad sad day. you were the only proof that i KIND OF knew what i was doing around here. real proud of how much you have grown in the past 2 years almost. you are definitely the best PSA announcer around and will be greatly missed! :lol1: goodluck with everything BJ, i'm sure you will do great.

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CyberNations was a huge addiction ever since the start, when I joined almost two years ago. After being pulled into all the CN drama, politics, and backstabbing, all of CN is bland... and some things leave a bitter taste in my mouth.

I've always wanted to quit the game by "leaving with a bang" like most others do, but I guess there is still one thing I care about on CN, The Family. It's because of this that I've decided to allow my friends to "pillage the village". Of course, being the benevolent ruler that I am to my nation, I've also decided to build the Movie Industry wonder before quitting so that my citizens can watch movies as their nation burns around them :lol1:.

Maybe I'll be back, maybe I won't. I hope it's the latter because otherwise I'd be reverting to something that is the equivalent of meth.

So of course, before I have to leave, some corny shout outs: (I'm not including CN: RP people on here because we will still talk.)

To TAB: You guys were the first alliance I joined on CN. You guys helped me flourish from a little insignificant nation to what I am today... I guess still insignificant but who cares right. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your Triumvir, and for always being there.

To Zenith: You guys are an amazing alliance... and I have many regrets for the things that I've done to you guys. You guys definitely didn't deserve it, and I should've been ZI'd... but like the nice people you are you let me off the hook scott free. Thank you.

To The Family: The only thing I really have left on CN... you guys... are the best. I think I'll really regret leaving because of you guys... but hey I'll still be around to admin your forums.

To MHA: Known you guys over the times I've been around... and you've always been a classy bunch. Thanks so much for taking a chance with The Family... it's hard to express our appreciation in words.

To Kronos: If I wasn't quitting, I'd always have your back. You guys have a great thing going there... and I'm glad that we're allies.

To NoR: Even though we're allies... I don't think I ever got much of a chance to talk with much of you guys. Nevertheless, I'm glad you guys are around for us.

To TOP: Lots of fun guys with you guys and it's always fun seeing you guys in our embassy. Thank you for being a friend and ally to The Family.

And now for individuals:

Magicalbricks: It's been an honor... a really huge honor to found (find?) The Family with you. I'm sad that I never get to talk to you anymore because you're so busy all the time... but I don't know what else to say.

Skippy: It's been a long long run for me in CN... and you've been there from almost the very beginning. I'm glad that we've continued to remain friends even though our paths on CN differ. Yes, I'll still be around to help you on homework. And I refuse to buy Skippy, I will buy JIF. JIF!

Jm0406: Such a smart smart smart dude OOC. You put so much effort into TAB, and because of that it's still alive. I really admire and respect you. Probably the best IA person I've ever met. And... you've been so helpful to me over the times, and I really thank you for that.

MonE Mike: My first mentor! Remember when I was the little recruit that almost failed? Well you tutored me and got me up to speed! Another friend I miss on CN that I never get to speak to anymore because of that accursed thing called RL.

Tiberivs: I've always looked up to you and respected you. You never come on IRC anymore. Before we used to have such fun talks... what happened? I'll miss you.

Commander John: Someone amazing and always helped me RL. You've always been a great guy... I mean you helped me pass classes when I was struggling. You're just so wise and so smart, it's incredible. You've always been someone I could talk to when I had something bugging me and you've been there to talk to me during my down times. We haven't been able to talk as much recently because you're also busy.

Jack Diorno: We had a strange thing going there... and we no longer talk. It's strange. But it was fun during your time at TAB.

ImperatorAzenquor: Let's have more parties in those pants eh? Impy... we'll still talk. Well you better talk to me. >:(

Ghostmexi: I'm sorry that I'm going to quit. But anyway I'll be on IRC... so that's not much to miss?

Bomber66: A real stand up guy... glad that you're the Godfather. The Family will always be in good hands with you around. But who am I kidding, I'll still be around to talk to everyone in tF.

Sonny: Haha, the things you say on IRC. You're a real fun person to be around, and you're always there to break the silence. Glad you're heading up FA at tF... means things will go right for us.

Lord Ditka: We'll still talk outside. You're a great and fun person to talk to and I'm glad that you're Consigliere. But... hey again I'm not saying bye.

Claphamsa: I see some a bear with the name Pedo around. :P Haha. Don't send the ninja kitties after me for leaving.

PatBrown: Why aren't you on IRC as much anymore?! Well... working in IA was fun times. I really do wish I could have been a capo under you.

Kewlleo: A great outspoken individual. You always have interesting ideas, and I want to see what you do with them to shape tF.

Andrewbw: I'm glad that you joined tF. We never got talk as much, but it's been great to be in government with you for tF. I'm happy to see the military get whipped into shape under you and Kewl.

mackdaddy: Things are rough for you, and I'm sad that it's so. Still... hopefully things look up... and we'll continue to talk, yes?

Spectre: I'm glad you're pillaging my nation :D. It's far too fun a process destroying my nation... but that's ok! You make it fun! If I were to join STA, it'd be because of you.

Duncan King: I'm sorry for some of the things that happened with Zenith a while ago. Hopefully, you've forgiven me for them IC. I've always respected you and I'm glad that during my stay in TAB government Zenith and TAB were on the best of terms.

Hendrik the Great: I never got to speak with you much on IRC, but it's been a fun run in TAB... and even for that short excursion in Pendulum. Remember those days?

Frocony: Why did you leave BTO?! >:( I kid... thanks for spam kinging our forums and keeping them alive from the very beginning. I remember how our talks began with hotdogs and hamburgers... I'm so sorry I seem to be essaying all the time!

dwthegreat: Why don't we talk anymore? I remember how excited you were when you were going to start BTO... and I can't even remember when our friendship started. I think I was still in TAB during that time and you asked for a protectorate?

Darklordtim: I'm sorry I'm leaving! But we've always been great friends despite time zone issues... and I don't know we can still talk outside of CN. And yes... you can have your 50 and 3 million.

Vesalius: Why are we the same person? It's almost disturbing. But that's ok, you're my IB best friend. Haha. International BSers for life.

Rebel Virginia: You're an interesting character. That FAIL-tF excursion sure was a moment of fun for me. Perhaps if I ever return to CN, I will get to know you.

If I've forgotten anyone... I apologize. It's not because I hate you or something... it's because... as you've noticed this list of people is a bit lengthy. There are too many people that I would want to put down, but it's hard thinking of them all at the top of my head.

With that... good bye.

I wanted to quote this so it pisses someone off. :D

Peace man, I love you.

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