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Ragnarok Treaty Cancellation

Van Hoo III

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I'm also interested in what's behind this ... Ragnarok usually stand strongly by their protectorates, so I imagine it's something pretty bad.

From where I'm standing, it's a lot of little and mid-size things. The kind of stuff that should stop happening over the course of 6+ months. From Sparta posting, it looks like its on plenty of fronts, too, not just bumble after bumble on Red.

I await the declaration of war at update, it's sad to see that things have returned to this.

If that's the case, Van Hoo is not Van Ho, and the imposter must be vanquished. This has been several weeks in coming, not OHNOES IT ALL COMES DOWN TO TONIGHT!!

Besides, I'm in no shape to lead Justitians in battle this weekend.

I've said this before and I'll say it again, UED is currently at the bottom of the totem-pole in Planet Bob. They have been there for awhile, and deservingly. Their leadership is sub-par as is their vision. However I still wish them luck.

Good choice RoK.

Despte our rivalries, King Death II has a lot of ambition, his alliance is growing faster than any of his Red peers, and and his many hiccups are a sign of a lot of activity. UED is left out in the cold because protectorates have few other treaties, but they're large enough to avoid raids from anyone except serious jerkwads, and have fast friends in some soft-spoken alliances.

Happy trails, UED.

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Eh, the damage was done as soon as RoK passed its Pacifican scepticism onto its protectorate; who lack/ed the logic and intelligence to convey it in a useful, legitimate way on the Red Team, as was intended. In this way RoK created a sort of monster which no treaty cancellation can fix.

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UED a word of advice... I would beat the holiday rush and start shopping for new protectors now. With what I have seen of you so far you're going to need one.

Crazy Eddie's Cybernations Holiday Sale


Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

Weapons Research Complex

Anti-Air Defense Network

Fallout Shelter System

Hidden Nuclear Missile Silo

Price subject to change without notice While supplies last and availability at any time by the publishers.

Well, in Crazy Eddie's circumstances that disclaimer should include "or IRS and SEC investigation..."

Anyways- good luck UED, hopefully this will be your chance to adapt into a real alliance who must face consequences AND then doesn't do stupid things because of it. (BOB likes those kind of alliances more)

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Nice calibre of people who abandon their principles because of pressure

For shame RoK

Har. Again with these principles. RoK is all for having a jolly good time, and that includes having the fun of a pressured situation. Its how you conduct your jolly good time is what makes you our allies or not.

Good luck UED.

Edited by Acca Dacca
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Yes, because Rok is a cowardly alliance with no honor, dont you have some fail bloc to keep alive?

Irony, that you speak of fail.

Yet you fail to realise our growth and potential.

I say, that if RoK doesn't want to be there for UED then I and my alliance will.

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Nice calibre of people who abandon their principles because of pressure

For shame RoK

Care to enlighten us as to where this supposed pressure came from?

Perhaps it was done at request of NPO, in light of the lack of effort KDII was making towards red unity?

No offense to that sphere, but we don't really care about red unity. :P

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Ok! Enough! This topic isn't for complete bashing each other. A few jokes here and there is alright, but half of a page arguing is a little much. So go beat the living crap out of one another on IRC or in RL, but no on OWF.

Isn't that what the OWF is for?

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