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The creation of Tech Sellers Union of CN


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As much as it pains me, I agree with this individual.

That really stings, you know. What have I done to earn such scorn? I always thought you were pretty cool and I don't remember depositing any sand in your direction. :mellow:

Noone asked them to post orders at those rates.... so in other words those alliances have been buying tech for those prices in the past and well, they are allowed to offer whatever they wish....

I suppose what you're hoping for then is to gain a reputation for being above average sellers which will incite something of a bidding war between buyers. Thus raising the prices.

Sorry if this seems like a random conspiracy theory, but I think the reason some people are looking for a catch here is that without one, none of the signatories stand to gain anything from this.

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Just in the last few days that I've been watching that board, I've seen more 3/50 deals that have been processing than I've seen 3/100 deals on there.

And that board makes up a small fraction and likely the most desperate buyers. People go pretty much everywhere else before they go there.

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An interesting idea. A union of sellers that seems to primarily act to right wrongs that affect buyers is a little odd, though not a bad thing of course. Given the nature of small nations I'm skeptical that it will be able to help in terms of solving those issues. Beyond that I don't see a lot that this can do, unless they help organize among themselves to share tips and increase the number of sellers and slot efficiency within participating alliances, which the treaty doesn't really say anything about. It should be pretty easy for seller-heavy alliances to find more than enough buyers, given the number of buyers looking. I can see this helping out buyers.

I agree to a great extent in that the is no provision for Bonding the participating seller alliances. Generally a recognized transportation intermediary (freight forwarder, customs house broker, nvocc) has a Surety Bond as proof of financial responsibility in order to do business.

So if Fast Freddy's Fly-by-night Freight accepts a 20' Container of chocolate for shipment to another country/alliance, and Freddy's office clerks eat all the chocolate, either Freddy pays back the value of the shipment + time/trouble or he loses his bond and is out of business. In CN the "chocolate" is the money because generally it moves to the tech farmers before they ship out the tech. What provision is there for the tech buyer if the farmer bails on the deal after accepting the shipment of cash?

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I agree to a great extent in that the is no provision for Bonding the participating seller alliances. Generally a recognized transportation intermediary (freight forwarder, customs house broker, nvocc) has a Surety Bond as proof of financial responsibility in order to do business.

So if Fast Freddy's Fly-by-night Freight accepts a 20' Container of chocolate for shipment to another country/alliance, and Freddy's office clerks eat all the chocolate, either Freddy pays back the value of the shipment + time/trouble or he loses his bond and is out of business. In CN the "chocolate" is the money because generally it moves to the tech farmers before they ship out the tech. What provision is there for the tech buyer if the farmer bails on the deal after accepting the shipment of cash?


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suppose what you're hoping for then is to gain a reputation for being above average sellers which will incite something of a bidding war between buyers. Thus raising the prices.

Sorry if this seems like a random conspiracy theory, but I think the reason some people are looking for a catch here is that without one, none of the signatories stand to gain anything from this.

No not really, our goal is not to raise prices.... there are many benefits of banding together as sellers, let me name a few:

--> The links a young alliance can create with its many peers, as well as the larger older alliances

+ Tips and resources on how to get efficient deals rolling and ensure success!

+ An easy way to ensure their tech is delivered and spare themselves the hassle of dealing with angry creditors

+ An organization which will actively stand up for them and cut off all exports to ANYONE who wishes to abuse their power to coerce, manipulate or --insert other negativly-connotated words here-- a tech selling alliance

+ Potentially Free monieyzzz

+ Having already made awesome contacts as a seller in the TSU to ensure you get good prices from the TSU once you become a buyer

+ You still have COMPLETE economic freedom while having all these benefots, ensuring that your part of a great organization WHILE remaining in complete command of your own beez-wax

= Seeing your 2 man, 329 ANS alliance be part of something important: PRICELESS


I legitly, LOL'd..... Well played sir, well played!

I agree to a great extent in that the is no provision for Bonding the participating seller alliances. Generally a recognized transportation intermediary (freight forwarder, customs house broker, nvocc) has a Surety Bond as proof of financial responsibility in order to do business.

So if Fast Freddy's Fly-by-night Freight accepts a 20' Container of chocolate for shipment to another country/alliance, and Freddy's office clerks eat all the chocolate, either Freddy pays back the value of the shipment + time/trouble or he loses his bond and is out of business. In CN the "chocolate" is the money because generally it moves to the tech farmers before they ship out the tech. What provision is there for the tech buyer if the farmer bails on the deal after accepting the shipment of cash?

Losing customers?... Is that enough of a guarentee?

I sense that will not do with such a shrewd negotiator as L Ruth. Hence I was forced develop a system (in truth it originates from before the TSU, and was present to a large degree in the 'foreign contributors program' which I started in UINE) which would guarentee technology.... The system works as such: the TSU will charge a 'fee' lets say for example 3 million per 1000 tech (or wtv). To keep this easy, lets say we sell 100K tech in a month, this amounts to 100 shots of 3 million$. This money will then be distributed around our different member alliances in order for them to boost smaller nations, if a seller was to (godforbid :o) forfeit on a deal, it would then become exceedingly easy for us to reroute 3 million to a reliable seller and have him send the tech to the guy who got scammed in the first place.

This system has several advantages: it requires very little manpower, it guarentees that tech actually does make it to the buyer, its not that costly, other member alliances dont have to pay the debts of of others, alliances are rewarded for good completion of deal (as they have more moneyz to spend)...

This system has several disadvantages: yeah a buyer is paying 33 mil for 1000 tech instead of 30 mil (just throwing numbers around), the buyer doesnt get his tech instantly if his first seller fails him and the buyer doesnt get to have a n00b rollled :(....

The system has been tested in the past (on a smaller scale i.e: UINE from 80 to 135 nations) and has proven very manageable and in the end has always left varying degrees of profit... Now its not perfect but, meh, its the best solution Ive found to the plague which afflicts techdealing!

Also, like I said in my OP, this system is NOT implemented yet in the TSU (I still have to get the others to accept it!). We are just starting and have greater priorities right now than insuring tech; for example ensuring that the forums are properly done up and that we have actual tech deals before we ensure them. Once all the kinks will have been worked out of the current system, then we will work on implementing things like this! Until its done, your just gonna have to show faith in our abilities at getting the job done and basically give us the same amount of trust you give ANY RANDOM individual you get on the CN forums Black Market when you give him your hard earned 3 million *rollseyes*....

Hope this satisfies all you curious types out there!

Edited by Keve69
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I remember having plans for something similar exactly one year ago, granted the situations and type of alliances were different. I wish you good luck with this. As advice from someone who tried it before.. the major flaw you can have is human lack of commitment, independently of how awesome the system is. Unless you somehow work a simplified system to get it working, though it might be hard considering it's several alliances you'll be coordinating, you'll need a very dedicated and reliable team to run it, otherwise it will fail.

Again, good luck :)

EDIT: Well there are a few more things in your favour, so the odds are way better :P

Edited by Lusitan
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I remember having plans for something similar exactly one year ago, granted the situations and type of alliances were different. I wish you good luck with this. As advice from someone who tried it before.. the major flaw you can have is human lack of commitment, independently of how awesome the system is. Unless you somehow work a simplified system to get it working, though it might be hard considering it's several alliances you'll be coordinating, you'll need a very dedicated and reliable team to run it, otherwise it will fail.

Again, good luck :)

EDIT: Well there are a few more things in your favour, so the odds are way better :P

Agreed! From, the beggining we worked the whole system to be efficient with a skeleton crew and as little manpower as possible! So far its only beggining but it is turning out really well....

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