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Announcements from the SOS Brigade


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It seems Mark and arexes are and will tear down iFOK that you and the rest built up with your blood, swear and tears. All you need to do is look at the last couple of months and the behavior by both arexes and ikMark. I have respect for Mike and Roeland, and I don't know you well so I can't really comment.

Whoa, what did I do to deserve this? I haven't had internet for about 1.5 months so 'look at the last couple of months' doesn't really make sense. I haven't done a single thing to the SOS Brigade, except for my sarcastic comment at the start of this topic. :o

And on a sidenote, I've been an iFOK triumvir for 9 out of the 10 months we exist. And still, I haven't torn it down. In fact, I'm the longest sitting Triumvir in our short history. Can you believe that? :D

Edited by ikMark
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I haven't done a single thing to the SOS Brigade, except for my sarcastic comment at the start of this topic. :o

Oh that's rich. I don't even know where to start with this one.

Let's just say that this is not the only channel of communication in which hurtful things can be said.

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Oh that's rich. I don't even know where to start with this one.

Let's just say that this is not the only channel of communication in which hurtful things can be said.

ikMark, If it turns out that you've been saying naughty things to Arrnea instead of coming to do stuff with iFOK when you had NO INTERNET, i will be annoyed

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ikMark, If it turns out that you've been saying naughty things to Arrnea instead of coming to do stuff with iFOK when you had NO INTERNET, i will be annoyed

Obviously, during this NO INTERNET period, I've had a telepathic connection with SOS brigade which allowed me to say all those naughty things. So yeah, I totally understand what they are accusing me of. :wacko: That's probably the 'channel of communication' Arrnea is talking about.

Let's just say that this is not the only channel of communication in which hurtful things can be said.
Edited by ikMark
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For those who are here to cause us trouble:

Get out of this thread now. I've had enough of you, honestly, even though I've been in this game longer than almost every remaining veteran, and have seen a lot of weird crap. Regardless, YOU really have no idea what kind of person Arrnea is if your going to judge him and make the assumptions i've seen. As such, i kindly ask you to bugger off, and leave us be. This alliance and those in it did nothing to you in particular, and hating an alliance due to it's leader is just pure idiocy. For those who further wish to question and annoy me, prepare to enjoy a loss.

For those who are here to support us:

Thank you ever so much for your continued support. The SOS Brigade <3's you.

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^ Amen. It's gone past the point of absurdity long ago and based on the stuff I've seen, most of our little troublemakers from both sides don't even seem to know the other participant yet they aren't humble enough to admit that. Hardly a potential ground for actually reasonable debate.

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It seems Mark and arexes are and will tear down iFOK that you and the rest built up with your blood, swear and tears. All you need to do is look at the last couple of months and the behavior by both arexes and ikMark. I have respect for Mike and Roeland, and I don't know you well so I can't really comment.

Thats uncalled for. I don't know why you're so bitter, but saying stuff like this doesn't make it any better.

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For those watching at home we have the following tl;dr:

1. SOS Brigade didn't do anything wrong.

2. Some people at iFOK were apparently hurt about some people leaving.

3. Some mean things were said.

4. And this thread is rapidly filling with too much anime and is totally lacking in hentai content.

With that, cue the goof anime theme/Japanese girl singer with the nice voice who could be listing what she had for lunch the past month for as much as I understand Japanese singing the end theme and we're done...I hope.

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For those watching at home we have the following tl;dr:

1. SOS Brigade didn't do anything wrong.

2. Some people at iFOK were apparently hurt about some people leaving.

3. Some mean things were said.

4. And this thread is rapidly filling with too much anime and is totally lacking in hentai content.

With that, cue the goof anime theme/Japanese girl singer with the nice voice who could be listing what she had for lunch the past month for as much as I understand Japanese singing the end theme and we're done...I hope.

You sir, have just won the thread.

Also, we'd be making up for that lack of hentai, but there are regulations against that kind of stuff.

No such regulations exist on our forums though. Come visit us sometime if you want to talk anime!

Edited by Arrnea
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Congrats guys! We aren't too far from 2 months either.

Also, congrats to the award winners

o/ SoS

Edit: I made a reply before getting to all the hate in this thread. What the heck? SoS have been nothing but nice and friendly people in my experiences with them. If you do have issues with them, can you not bring them up on a milestone thread? That is just mean. /rant

Edited by John Warbuck
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