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SLCB Harboring Rogues?


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Somehow I think if he addressed every single question you asked, you'd still be beating your heads on a wall for another 30 pages and we'd still be in the same situation. <_<

so you have no problem with doctored logs? good to know. i'll just assume every log i see you post has been fabricated from now on.

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so you have no problem with doctored logs? good to know. i'll just assume every log i see you post has been fabricated from now on.

You just leap to a conclusion in another galaxy. I'd tell you that you are off course, but you won't get the message for several million years. :rolleyes:

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My final view on the logs:

Maybe it was a mistake, maybe it wasn't. Whoever read it over didn't think too well.

Invicta apologized anyhow and posted full logs.

What's done is done.

They either messed up really badly and accidentally posted full logs which revealed the original one's were doctored


It was a legitimate mistake.

I don't think there's a way to prove it really, and whichever happened only Invicta will know for sure.

I shall except the apology given that Haf makes me a seaworthy cake.

In the mean time since clearly this topic isn't long enough I have one thing to address.

SLCB Harboring Rogues?

Who was/were the other(s)? :v:

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To anyone who read all that, I apologise even though it's nothing to do with me. What a crock of !@#$. SLCB, nervermind the so called doctored logs, even in the full logs, you said you wouldn't pay reps, because the damages didn't warrant that, right? Get the $%&@ out, your buddies in FOK charge 3m per any rogue attack, I find it hard to belive that you can allow a member to go rogue on an alliance and get away with payin $%&@all. Yes in the end, you can say ''we paid'' but the fact of the matter is, even from the FULL logs, your response says you weren't willing to pay, after you're government meeting you decided that, not that you didn't want to pay what was asked but that you wasn't paying at all.

And before you lot start, I have no other agenda, I think this thread is stupid, as is a lot of it but I can see through so many of you lot blindly following an alliance who have acted the !@#$ just because they can. Give over.

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To anyone who read all that, I apologise even though it's nothing to do with me. What a crock of !@#$. SLCB, nervermind the so called doctored logs, even in the full logs, you said you wouldn't pay reps, because the damages didn't warrant that, right? Get the $%&@ out, your buddies in FOK charge 3m per any rogue attack, I find it hard to belive that you can allow a member to go rogue on an alliance and get away with payin $%&@all. Yes in the end, you can say ''we paid'' but the fact of the matter is, even from the FULL logs, your response says you weren't willing to pay, after you're government meeting you decided that, not that you didn't want to pay what was asked but that you wasn't paying at all.

And before you lot start, I have no other agenda, I think this thread is stupid, as is a lot of it but I can see through so many of you lot blindly following an alliance who have acted the !@#$ just because they can. Give over.

Out for the weekend are we? Please descend back under whatever rock you crawled out of.

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My final view on the logs:

Maybe it was a mistake, maybe it wasn't. Whoever read it over didn't think too well.

Invicta apologized anyhow and posted full logs.

What's done is done.

Bingo. That should have been topic over.

Who was/were the other(s)? :v:

Beyond the topic title, Invicta has never asserted that there are other rogues. I'm satisfied that if they had evidence of such rogues, they would have brought it forward. If logs were involved, we'd get the full logs or I would go beat them out of someone just to close this thread....

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Out for the weekend are we? Please descend back under whatever rock you crawled out of.

Actually, just got in from a night out, sorry we've not spoken for quite some time and with your attitude recently probably never again, does that make anything I said any less credible?

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Actually, just got in from a night out, sorry we've not spoken for quite some time and with your attitude recently probably never again, does that make anything I said any less credible?

I find it quite humourous that you're questioning my attitude. Despite the fact that your attitude and demeanor in your post was dismal even resorting to using four letter words. I recommend you look in a mirror before pointing fingers.

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Let me take snippets from the logs and find what I find most relevant....

Oct 27 18:40:27 <jingoist[sLCB]> yeah for sure

Oct 27 18:40:28 <Waltar|Invicta> Yep, I know.

Oct 27 18:40:33 <jingoist[sLCB]> thanks for comin by

Oct 28 17:49:57 <Matt-Shovel[sLCB]> He is masturbating I think.

Oct 28 17:49:58 <Waltar|Invicta> Sorry, had to go do something.

Oct 28 19:42:49 <Waltar|Invicta> Hey man, you around?

Oct 28 19:42:54 <Matt-Shovel[sLCB]> Hi

...perhaps not much since everything was settled back in page 11. Yet the sniping continues nonetheless. It's like a carwreck where the drivers of the two cars despite having their arms and legs spliced off and lying in a desperate state on gurneys repeatedly spit on each other for the perplexed amusement of the paramedics.

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I find it quite humourous that you're questioning my attitude. Despite the fact that your attitude and demeanor in your post was dismal even resorting to using four letter words. I recommend you look in a mirror before pointing fingers.

I do believe you're the one who resorted to petty crap in your first reply to my post. Apologies if you took offence to the use of four letter words, sometimes I find it hard to manage five letter ones. ;)

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If you're going to try for a zinger, you should perhaps make sure that it makes some kind of sense first.

It makes perfect sense. I just don't feel the need to explain it to you.

What doesn't make any sense at all is continuing on this topic when both Invicta and SLCB are satisfied with how things worked out.

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You just leap to a conclusion in another galaxy. I'd tell you that you are off course, but you won't get the message for several million years. :rolleyes:

obviously, that was hyperbole used to make a point. the point (which you either got and ignored or were too dim to grasp) was that I don't understand why you would seemingly defend their having doctored the logs. People usually defend things they agree with. I understand that people often defend their friends, and that's fine, but if MY friends say something that I disagree with at the very most I would just keep my mouth shut.

Sure, don't humiliate or antagonise your friends in public.. i get it.

But to go out of your way to defend them when what they've done is, to most people, quite INdefensible, suggests that perhaps you actually support and agree with the practice of doctoring logs.

just callin 'em like I see 'em.

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It makes perfect sense. I just don't feel the need to explain it to you.

Well, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, since if I'm trapped at the bottom of a gravity well in the universe of leaping to wild conclusions, that makes me, by both literal and metaphorical definition, grounded. Somehow, I don't think that's what you were going for.

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Well, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, since if I'm trapped at the bottom of a gravity well in the universe of leaping to wild conclusions, that makes me, by both literal and metaphorical definition, grounded. Somehow, I don't think that's what you were going for.

Not just grounded...stuck in time...while the rest of the Universe leaves you behind--and yet you are unaware of it.

*That* was where I was going with that.

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Look, I answered the question to the best of my knowledge. And the full logs have been posted anyway. The full logs, I hasten to point out, that say fundamentally the same thing that my quotes did. All I was trying to do was illustrate my point with a supporting quote. I believed they were accurate. The words were, but as it turned out they were out of order. Why would I deliberately (and clumsily) alter a log when there were many, many people with access to the correct one? That wouldn't be very smart. I mean, I've never claimed to be a genius, but I'm not that dumb! No matter what my mother said when I was a kid.

We did apologize for the mistake. But I didn't. So I will now. Ahem. Please accept my apologies, on behalf of myself and my alliance, for posting inaccurate logs. I did not deliberately alter them, nor do I have any knowledge of any member of my government doing so. And if I were to discover that a member of my government did deliberately alter them there would be severe consequences for that individual.

Frankly, as fun as this has been in some ways, [OOC]and as good as it has been for interest and activity[/OOC], I'd like to put it behind us and move on.

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WOW .... 32 pages for this.

O.K. A member of your alliance attacks another alliance ..You refuse REPS ..That alliance makes a OWF announcement botchs the logs showing you refused the REPS . You turn it around on the other alliance ... That pretty much sums it up. If the full logs would have been posted from the start .How would have you responded to this post? Play the not enough damage to pay 3m per nation card? I am sure that would have went well.

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Ok. Seriously. Lets Let this go.

SLCB is done with all Purple Drama. I am speaking as SLCB Gov on this.

Invicta is also over this.

We won't be posting anymore threads, or causing problems in any foreseeable way(and I do know these things)

Jorost, just have the thread closed. (I was going to ask on IRC but I simply can't log onto coldfront right now, I am on Esper though.

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WOW .... 32 pages for this.

O.K. A member of your alliance attacks another alliance ..You refuse REPS ..That alliance makes a OWF announcement botchs the logs showing you refused the REPS . You turn it around on the other alliance ... That pretty much sums it up. If the full logs would have been posted from the start .How would have you responded to this post? Play the not enough damage to pay 3m per nation card? I am sure that would have went well.

To my understanding thats the "card" they played and the reps were lowered

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The long tunnel of darkness, lulz, fail, and everything else for everyone this thread was, but even then there is a flicker of light. Jorost and KillerKroel, good show in the end guys, keep it classy.

Look, I answered the question to the best of my knowledge. And the full logs have been posted anyway. The full logs, I hasten to point out, that say fundamentally the same thing that my quotes did. All I was trying to do was illustrate my point with a supporting quote. I believed they were accurate. The words were, but as it turned out they were out of order. Why would I deliberately (and clumsily) alter a log when there were many, many people with access to the correct one? That wouldn't be very smart. I mean, I've never claimed to be a genius, but I'm not that dumb! No matter what my mother said when I was a kid.

We did apologize for the mistake. But I didn't. So I will now. Ahem. Please accept my apologies, on behalf of myself and my alliance, for posting inaccurate logs. I did not deliberately alter them, nor do I have any knowledge of any member of my government doing so. And if I were to discover that a member of my government did deliberately alter them there would be severe consequences for that individual.

Frankly, as fun as this has been in some ways, [OOC]and as good as it has been for interest and activity[/OOC], I'd like to put it behind us and move on.

Ok. Seriously. Lets Let this go.

SLCB is done with all Purple Drama. I am speaking as SLCB Gov on this.

Invicta is also over this.

We won't be posting anymore threads, or causing problems in any foreseeable way(and I do know these things)

Jorost, just have the thread closed. (I was going to ask on IRC but I simply can't log onto coldfront right now, I am on Esper though.

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