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Quite Possibly an Endorsement

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There's an amazing amount of bad logic on your part if you let people run over you in wartime by trying to get a useless senate seat.

So you're saying that because Haflinger considered it an act of war we all should have lined up behind him and said "sir yes sir!" See despite your attempts at characterizing Purple Unity as tyrants that march in lockstep we actually have our own thoughts and work together to come up with solutions.

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if you want votes then spam the people not in alliances becuase i dont want a buch of people telling me to vote for someone and clogging up my inbox

Delete the message/ignore the user.

Two brilliant functions.

As an alternative, Michiel De Ruyter will be there for you.

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Try reading.

<Haflinger> I consider your spam messages an attempt to impersonate PEACE government officials.

<Haflinger> You're obviously copying our format.

<Haflinger> Impersonating alliance government is an act of war, however.

I seem to remember something similar with Spider Jerusalem. I havent forgotten btw, still 1-0 to you SJ

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I'm just a n00b (check my ID) but what grand power / impact does the senate have anyway? (aside from this thread)

Not trying to hijack, de-rail, or demean. Just curious.

Not really, which is why I don't get all the fuss.

So you're saying that because Haflinger considered it an act of war we all should have lined up behind him and said "sir yes sir!" See despite your attempts at characterizing Purple Unity as tyrants that march in lockstep we actually have our own thoughts and work together to come up with solutions.

I didn't say Purple Unity as a whole was going to war. However, if Invicta went to war I believe there's this thing called the "treaty web" that would drag most of purple in.

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I'm just a n00b (check my ID) but what grand power / impact does the senate have anyway? (aside from this thread)

Not trying to hijack, de-rail, or demean. Just curious.

They can sanction people (stop them trading on a specific sphere) that's it.

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I'm just a n00b (check my ID) but what grand power / impact does the senate have anyway? (aside from this thread)

Not trying to hijack, de-rail, or demean. Just curious.

It's a symbol of power for alliances large enough to have one or more seats, it's also a method of control for a sphere since Senators can sanction or remove sanctions on players. The senate was used as a tool for war back in the days of Vox Populi to some great extent. Though there really is no point to senate seats now other than sanctioning rogues or sending Team-messages that nobody reads. So it all boils down to being a symbol of power on a sphere.

Edited by Emperor Marx
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And by Haflinger's words, writing a generic message is the same as impersonating a government official :P

Let's go through this for the ten thousandth time, shall we? :facepalm: Haf's argument was that they should have specified they were asking people to vote for a Stickmen candidate, as we specify in our messages that we're asking them to vote for a PEACE candidate, and that the ambiguity on their part can be interpreted as an official message from us by the more inactive, laidback nations in our larger alliances (OOC: people who spend 10 minutes a week on the game). They responded by saying that it's our nation's fault that they weren't able to discern this themselves and that any misplaced votes are the sole fault of the voter.

Which really makes one wonder, if I were to go spam, say, IRON with target lists for ODN nations, and some members didn't bother to fact-check and simply declared, would I be absolved of any possible guilt?

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If only senators were worth more. Something like 10 senators per colour sphere, and sphere's have 5 options of which senators can choose 1 of that give all nations on that colour some kind of bonus. With each 5 options giving a benefit that would be worth more to different nation types/sizes.

Would make for senators actually being worth a lot to different alliances, and much more drama would ensue.

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Which really makes one wonder, if I were to go spam, say, IRON with target lists for ODN nations, and some members didn't bother to fact-check and simply declared, would I be absolved of any possible guilt?

Depends if you think spamming nations asking to vote for a certain senator equals sending other alliance members target lists.

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no we dont but alot of purple alliances are in peace and the only people getting mad are in peace so by joining our alliances will make sure you always get a senate seat and people will no longer be mad

So basically in order to exercise a sovereign right you have to join a bloc you don't want to just to not make people angry with you in gaining a senate seat on your sphere?

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Which really makes one wonder, if I were to go spam, say, IRON with target lists for ODN nations, and some members didn't bother to fact-check and simply declared, would I be absolved of any possible guilt?

I think a target list is a bit different than a meaningless senate seat.

Edited by Unavailable Contact
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So basically in order to exercise a sovereign right you have to join a bloc you don't want to just to not make people angry with you in gaining a senate seat on your sphere?

its not about gaining a senate seat, it's about the means in which you obtain a seat, spamming in annoying and quite dishonourable and Stickmen is dragging its own name through the mud by doing this.

Also, why did you join purple if you didn't want to join PEACE unless there were exterior motives.

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its not about gaining a senate seat, it's about the means in which you obtain a seat, spamming in annoying and quite dishonourable and Stickmen is dragging its own name through the mud by doing this.

Also, why did you join purple if you didn't want to join PEACE unless there were exterior motives.

We joined purple because we liked the color far more than our other assorted colors, and Stickmen needed to be united.

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its not about gaining a senate seat, it's about the means in which you obtain a seat, spamming in annoying and quite dishonourable and Stickmen is dragging its own name through the mud by doing this.

Also, why did you join purple if you didn't want to join PEACE unless there were exterior motives.

The main reason to move colour was for Stickmen to be together, united, and the main reason for purple was that there were ample trades but small enough so we could have an impact, not necessarily a bad impact, before Alterego tries to spin my words.

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its not about gaining a senate seat, it's about the means in which you obtain a seat, spamming in annoying and quite dishonourable and Stickmen is dragging its own name through the mud by doing this.

Also, why did you join purple if you didn't want to join PEACE unless there were exterior motives.

You making it sound that joining PEACE is a requirement to move to the purple sphere. We have our own motives. Thanks for your concern.

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Depends if you think spamming nations asking to vote for a certain senator equals sending other alliance members target lists.
I think a target list is a bit different than a meaningless senate seat.

It's a different degree, correct, but it's the general concept I'm getting at. Would you agree that when someone asks someone to do something they wouldn't ordinarily do, at least a small part of the blame rests in the one who asks? Would you not ask the asker to stop?

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