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It's that time of the year again


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People are just going to hate Bama.

Sorry in advance.

Bela had me going :huh: for a couple seconds. Then I realized what month it was.


Makes it even worse that we're in the same alliance. Also, my sig gives it away. :P

Also, I claim the title of "person who started wearing costumes before Nintenderek started wearing them or started this thread."

I win.

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By discussing 'dharma' between Pacifica and Polaris you are obviously indicating that Pacifica have a destiny and role to fight Polaris. You just want just want us to do that so that GOONS can benefit. Take off your tinfoil hat.

FAN, GATO, Legion, ODN, LUE, and everyone else tried to destroy us. The world tried to destroy us. They lost. You think you can win? You are not superior to Pacifica, Pacifica is superior to ALL. They were all crushed under the mighty jackboots of the Pacifican empire, like the babies we eat so often. Because that's all that GATO, LUE, ODN, FAN, and Legion are. Babies, waiting to be eaten by the mighty Pacifica. Pax Pacifica!

May Ivan have mercy on your souls, for I shall have none.

Of course you have a role in fighting Polaris. That was the whole reason they tried to take us out. Try as you may, GOONS will never fully be gone. But Pacifica might, when it chooses to take on more than it can chew in it's inevitable attack on Polaris. You can both burn, and I will be happy to throw the match into the pile of oil that this situation has become.

They world tried to destroy you? Tried? You jumped into the largest war at the time that had ever occured to defend your treaty partner who attacked a large alliance with a horrible reason. That is not superiority. That is not they're fault, that is yours. Your Jackboots have become tap-dancing shoes.

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Your nation name is still Zessa. :rolleyes: Amateur.

And it's not changing, because my username here is my nation name, and I don't want a ban for confusing the mods. :v:

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