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Italy to begin enriching Uranium

Agostinho Neto

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Just because this nation does not support Fascism, doesn't mean that we are against it. We would only go against Fascism is there is enough reason for us to do so.

"We were talking to Finland, not you. We are frankly surprised considering Finland's bad history with Fascism that they would support Italy in this matter."

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General Junio Borghese addresses the Nation and the World

"Today we have gathered here to exchange views about Europe and the rest of the World, its future and our common responsibilities towards it. It is evident that the future of the world is intertwined with its current state and the prevailing trends, which exhibit signs of hope and despair.

On the one hand certain hopes and opportunities exist. Today human thought reflects outstanding commonalities which provide appropriate grounds to build upon. With the passing of the era of radiations and anarchy, today Italy is once again joined in celebrating stability and will to rebuild this country as the source of our stability. This is the common thread which binds us all. Our stability will prove to be the solution to many of today's problems.

On the other hand, the prevalence of military domination, violence as a means to solve crises, spread of terrorism, specially state terrorism, the pervasive lack of respect in international relations, and disregard for the equal rights of peoples and nations in international relations, constitute some of the challenges and threats. Although these challenges are very real, we believe we are not predestined to experience them. Our common will not only can change this course but in fact can lead us to a life filled with hope and prosperity.

When and how will peace, tranquility and well-being for all come about? These are the fundamental questions before us. We believe that a sustainable order -nurturing and flourishing peace and tranquility -can only be realized on the two pillars of justice and stability. The more human society departs from justice and stability, the greater insecurity it will face, so much so that a relatively small crisis leads to various abnormalities and inhuman behavior.

From the beginning of time, humanity has longed for the day when justice, peace, equality and compassion envelop the world. All of us can contribute to the establishment of such a world."


General Junio Valerio Borghese

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"We support Finland and Germany in this matter. It will be irresponsible and destabilising for Molakia to attack Italy; while we disagree with the policies of the Italian government, the quick resort to armed - and possibly thermonuclear - conflict at our borders is not acceptable. Molakia should address its concerns via diplomatic means."

"Likewise, the presence of African military on European soil will be considered a matter of grave concern to the French government. We see no reason for the Kingdom of Serca to insert itself into a potential conflict half a content away.

"We further consider threatening the use of nuclear weapons a highly belligerent act, and appeal to all sides to exercise restraint."

If the war spread to Africa we have a right to intervene as our people will be in potential danger from nuclear fallout.

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"Though we are never happy to see another nation develop Nuclear weapons, we feel it is a fundamental right for a nation to do what it wishes with its resources so long as it does so responsible and civilians are not harmed. If Italy becomes nuclear, we will not stop them, however, we do recommend everyone clam down before Europe is thrown into war once more."

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I feel the need to tell the world that fallout from a nuclear attack on Molakia will most likely have some kind of effect on Slavorussia. Do not force our hand. Furthermore, an invasion of Malokia is perceived as a threat to the Royal Molakian Romanov family, which will activate Article III of the Romanov Pact.

Having said that, it's necessary to preserve the Pax Europa. Steps must be taken by all European nations to avoid a war, and we volunteer St. Petersburg to host a European conference over this matter.

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TRANSVALER DAAGLIKSE NUUS: Prime Minister Annetjie van Matteus - who also coincidently manages the Department of Atomic Research - announed this evening that the Republic of Transvaal pledges full support of Italy's move towards nuclear power. And when the time comes that Italy is ready to develop nuclear weapons, Transvaal will be more than willing to provide expertise in that field.

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Molakia reminds Slavorussia that Article IV is the one referring to the Royal Family. In any case, should Italy wish to discuss this issue, we will gladly meet in St. Petersburg to talk.

As another note, Molakia hereby enacts Article IV protocols immediatly, and asks Slavorussia to move our Royal Family to a secure location, should hostilities break out before any meeting.

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Sarah put down the news paper from her outdoor deck in Nieu-Hansa, her Transvaaler Islands in the Indian Ocean and shook her head. As she did so a young servant girl came by with a cup of tea and a pot of sugar. "Thank you Annette, that will be all for now."

"Are you sure there's nothing else I can get for you Ladyship?"

"You can humor me for a moment."


"Take a look at this." Sarah handed the newspaper to the young girl. "Tell me what you think?"

"They're attacking Italy for a nuclear power program?"

"Precisely. Stupidity at its highest level and what's worse is this will probably lead to war someway, sending this world into more chaos. Paranoia, nationalism, and so forth, just a mean for leaders to flex the muscles they don't have. But I guess its good to see Europe united, takes a country like Molakia to screw things up though first. Shame."

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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Molakia reminds Slavorussia that Article IV is the one referring to the Royal Family. In any case, should Italy wish to discuss this issue, we will gladly meet in St. Petersburg to talk.

As another note, Molakia hereby enacts Article IV protocols immediatly, and asks Slavorussia to move our Royal Family to a secure location, should hostilities break out before any meeting.

The Tsar’s Imperial Guard is being dispatched as we speak. A Slavorussian government jetliner and it’s 2 MiG-35 escorts are taking off from their base in the Petergrad Oblast (Leningrad). Accommodations are being made for the Royal Family in Moscow.

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"Austria will not tolerate war because some paranoid people think that a stable nation can't police itself just because of its political stance.

But, we are sure that Molakia and Italy will find a peaceful resolution in St. Petersburg.

Also, let it be noted that any nuclear weapon - be it from Carthage or Molakia - will be shot down by our national SDI system, as nuclear weapons are a threat to Europe."

Edited by Lynneth
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Comunicato Ufficiale del Governo Militare Repubblicano

Official Communique of the Republican Military Government

The Republican Military Government will not send any representative to St. Petersburg due to a serie of reasons, but we will make clear a few points:

1. Italy is a peaceful country with an isolationist foreign policy. We do not use war as a means of resolving international disputes, or interfere in another country's internal affairs. The existance of pseudo-countries like Molakia was source of inspiration and motivation to revitalize our nuclear program, we are still having troubles sleeping at night.

2. Italy does not feel necessary to discuss with Molakia or any other nation about our Nuclear Program and the eventuality of terms and regulation imposed by foreign observers or organizations.

3. Our soldiers are still in the barracks, our missile system is in standard alert. Unlike Molakia, and despite popular beleif we are a threat to Europe, the World and several planets in the Solar System, we are not trigger happy and we do not waste resources on military deployments everytime Molakia makes a threat - we are used to their paranoid escalations, and we do not take them seriously, because they are the parody of a nation.

4. Anyone concerned about peace and stability can redirect any concern towards Molakia, which is the only political entity that poses a real threat to Pax Europa and the stability of the Continent.


Senatus Popolusque Romanus

The Senate and the People of Rome

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Gran Consiglio del Fascismo - Dipartimento per gli Affari Esteri

Great Council of Fascism - Department of Foreign Affairs

The Fascist Regime of Italica recognizes the nuclear ambitions of the Italian Republic. There is someone who conspires against the security of our great People and that someone must be fight with diplomacy and, if necessary, with the brutal harshness of our weapons. Junio Borghese can count on the full Duce's support, because the infamous Molakian threat suffered by the Italian Republic for its nuclear program may be turned one day against Italica, which pursues the same purpose.

Edited by Arathog
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Care to expand on that or should we just assume you want this course of events to spiral out of control?

The Italian Repulic does not pose a threat to stability, even if WMDs equipped. This is a fact. Because unlike Molakia, we do not seek to expand our influence or ideas trought the use of force and harsh diplomacy. We do enact tought, the use of harsh diplomacy to defend our existance and our sovereignty, the right to further develope our nation, our military arsenal, our technology, our economy, which is a fundamental right of any sovereign nation.

The whole debate finds its roots in the unilateral ideological conflict Molakia is seeking to expand and enhance, involving even extra-european political entities. They hate our ideology, Fascism, and they do not tolerate our sovereignty and existance as a Fascist nation in southern Europe. We do not tolerate their interferences in our politics.

This crisis was started by Molakia, and Molakia will once again take a step back in the eve of international pressures and the support, unlike them, we are receiving from Europe, Africa and America. The Italian Republic will not cancel or modify the Nuclear Program. Our neighbors, our allies, our friends, and even some countries historically opposed to our regime, have expressed concern over the hostile stance of Molakia, and supported our right as a nation to develope Nuclear Technology. There is nothing to discuss in St. Petersburg, our position is crystal clear, and we are not going to be policed by Molakia or any other nation. Molakia does not like the idea of a Nuclear armed Italy? We do not like the idea of being harrased by their will to police the world.

To reach their level of diplomacy we would like to make a statement far from our traditional "Gentleman" diplomatic style: Go police someone else, Italy does not take orders from Molakia.


They will not prevail

Edited by Junio Borghese
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