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Noob here -- I need some help!


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GPA is a good choice for someone getting the lay of the land and just wanting to play the game for a bit.

Get good trades. You might want to re-roll (recreate your nation to get new resources) because furs suck. Start selling tech, I'm sure there's a guide in GPA somewhere or ask around.

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I'd like to concur with several of the folks here. I think you made a pretty great choice in joining/applying into the GPA. I had a short stint there. A warm and loving community by any measure. A honestly awesome place to start off in CN. Might consider joining a non-neutral alliance once you've gotten the hang of stuff.

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Yeah I would say GPA is good choice for a brand new player or any of the neutral alliances really. This way you don't run as big a risk risk of getting tossed into a giant war before you know how to deal tech properly. Then, once you've grown and are ready to learn the death dealing part of the game you join a really aggressive alliance.

I liked going from GATO (pre-1V war) to TPF during the GPA thing. It was a hell of a change in scenery and I feel I've gotten to taste the extremes.

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Forget all of these guys. Not only will the New Polar Order teach you everything you could want to know we'll also teach you more. If you are interested feel free to shoot a PM my way for more details about Polaris.

Also NSO is quite awesome since you know they're in a bloc with Polaris.

Edited by Fireandthepassion
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I would usually suggest you apply at the New Pacific Order because they have the best academy in Digiterria but they are paying reparations at the moment so you might want to hold off on an application there for now. Your next best bet would be Argent, I'm not to sure how strong their education programs are but I know for a fact that they are a solid group of guys and you will learn alot from them.

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To everyone telling a new player to join an alliance which is going through a rough patch, while implying that they are a good choice, in an attempt to get your "lulz" - congrats on achieving the coveted status of "giant !@#$% bag". It was a long hard road, but by God you refused to give in to the challenge. You dug deep, whipped out an old overused joke, and took shots at alliances who probably never even did anything to you. Well played O' masters of dickishness. You earned this one.

As a side note, GPA Bashing is sooooooo 2007.

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To everyone telling a new player to join an alliance which is going through a rough patch, while implying that they are a good choice, in an attempt to get your "lulz" - congrats on achieving the coveted status of "giant !@#$% bag". It was a long hard road, but by God you refused to give in to the challenge. You dug deep, whipped out an old overused joke, and took shots at alliances who probably never even did anything to you. Well played O' masters of dickishness. You earned this one.

As a side note, GPA Bashing is sooooooo 2007.

Coming from Hyperion, that really means something.

There's a few people I'd like to thank, because without them, I'd never have achieved this prestigious honor....

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I won't tell you who to join, but I would advice to stay away from neutral alliances like GPA. I was a member for about a year and, while there is some fun to be had in them, you really haven't played Cybernations until you've gotten into some wars and smashed your enemies. Find an alliance with decent diplomatic connections, gets in wars once in a while and has something along the lines of an academy to train you up: you'll be happy that you did.

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