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My CNRP Ignore list.

Maelstrom Vortex

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I will not RP with the following people because of behaviors they have demonstrated against me either on the boards or in IRC. I will not actively attempt to aggravate or communicate with their states or vice versa. The reasons for this ignore list is that some of these people flamed me or were verbally abusive me to as a player.. and I've just decided enough is enough. I have fought wars with people.. and had disagreements. These people have gone beyond that and directly assaulted my person and defamed me. If I am forced to RP with them, I will be forced to leave CNRP


Pravus Ingruo

It's hard to make this list. All others I still recognize. I look forward to fighting the war with Tahoe, win or Lose unless I am told this is not acceptable, in which case, I am folding up shop and leaving the community.

Do not comment. I am also having a moderator review this thread in advance.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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You cannot just ignore somebody because they disagree with you. (I do not mean literally, because there is an ignore function) If I ignored everyone I had an argument with I would have blocked all of the Nords, the EU, you and probably half of North America.

by the way, since your OP is edited you sort of lose your "closed" status. see: HK-47

Edited by Sargun
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I can understand your position, sometimes things get out of hand (I am not privy to any discussions from IRC and I am not taking sides), which is why I ignore the nords. It's made CNRP much more fun and relaxing for me personally, and there are still conflicts that I can easily participate in. I just need to say though, your timing is a bit bad. It gives the wrong impression seeing how you just went to war with him.

What I don't advocate is ignoring everyone you disagree with, because then things just get iffy.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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I really don't advise ignoring everyone you disagree with. I would honestly have ignored everyone in this forum if I did that (I am entirely serious, I ave at least been in OOC disagreements with everyone I can think of who RPs here.) I only keep one person on ignore, and that is for the shear reason that they repeatedly have proven to me that they are incapable of remaining civil in conversation or arguments.

Just saying

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You cannot just ignore somebody because they disagree with you. (I do not mean literally, because there is an ignore function) If I ignored everyone I had an argument with I would have blocked all of the Nords, the EU, you and probably half of North America.

by the way, since your OP is edited you sort of lose your "closed" status. see: HK-47

more like everyone in cnrp m i rite

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Madame Unicorn? :o

How has she 'verbally abused' or flamed you? She's cool, in my opinion.

Also, Biohazard and Pravus Ingruo too? They are cool people, it's not worth the time nor effort to ignore them or something like that. Sure OOC disagreements and whatnots happen, but that's life, and we all have to learn to reconcile our difference and cooperate together. That way, we can have fun in CNRP.

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Yeah so okay, I attacked him on IRC. I apologise for having an opinion because of his actions which, at the time, I thought were unjust and childish. Words that were heated were exchanged. And I believe I might've overstepped the line.

(I'm nice, really <_<)

So yeah, I apologised, it's all cool.

Doesn't stop me from arguing with you if I think you're wrong or acting stupidly.

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I think it kinda crosses that OOC-IC line. You have an OOC argument on IRC, then add the other person to ignore, thus ending all IC interaction. What if everyone did this? There would be no CNRP. There'd be groups of three or four in their own little worlds.

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You cannot just ignore somebody because they disagree with you. (I do not mean literally, because there is an ignore function) If I ignored everyone I had an argument with I would have blocked all of the Nords, the EU, you and probably half of North America.

by the way, since your OP is edited you sort of lose your "closed" status. see: HK-47

Don;t forget Africa, the rest of Asia, and Oceania. (I just know I spelled that last region wrong. :D)

I really don't advise ignoring everyone you disagree with. I would honestly have ignored everyone in this forum if I did that (I am entirely serious, I ave at least been in OOC disagreements with everyone I can think of who RPs here.) I only keep one person on ignore, and that is for the shear reason that they repeatedly have proven to me that they are incapable of remaining civil in conversation or arguments.

Just saying

It's not everyone he disagrees with, incase you didn't notice.. :P

more like everyone in cnrp m i rite
stfu noob!!111

Yeah, actually. this is pretty true.

I wonder why... :P

I think it kinda crosses that OOC-IC line. You have an OOC argument on IRC, then add the other person to ignore, thus ending all IC interaction. What if everyone did this? There would be no CNRP. There'd be groups of three or four in their own little worlds.

Is it crossing the IC-OOC line to insult someone OOC-ly for an IC action?

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Guys from your answers I think you got the wrong impression. Mael is not saying "If you disagree with me I will ignore you" he is in fact saying "If you insult me as a player then I shall ignore you" which I think is justified. You start insulting someone OOC whether its on the forums or IRC then ignoring them is perfectly fair in my books.

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It depends, subtle. If you do something moronic in IC, you can tell them they did something moronic. There's a line, though.

No, they do something moronic IC, it should remain IC. Tell them IC-wise it's moronic--don't cross the IC/OOC line.

Guys from your answers I think you got the wrong impression. Mael is not saying "If you disagree with me I will ignore you" he is in fact saying "If you insult me as a player then I shall ignore you" which I think is justified. You start insulting someone OOC whether its on the forums or IRC then ignoring them is perfectly fair in my books.

Thank you, a voice of reason. :D

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I can understand ignoring them on IRC, but why take it to the forums?

Its still the same person, and for some of the people out there their OOC does indeed affect their IC, no matter how much they bundle layer after layer of suitable IC reasons (which is quite easily done in an OPEN RP universe). Thus this will usually make their country have a more...negative stance towards the other. By just ignoring them and their RP's all together, then you won't have to deal with the crap from those that hate thee.

Anyway, it boils down to one player disliking the other player, and if those people don't like each other and cannot work out their differences, then it is easier for one just to ignore the other. Before it becomes a larger problem.

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If you have people start ignoring people like this though more, soon we'll have groups of people that won't recognize the others in other wars and stuff, things like that, could become a huge problem and lead to more OOC "NO Us!" and insulting of ones' mothers.

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A few things; first of all people have been ignored and done ignoring before. You don't want to RP with them, great. Just ignore them, there is no need to make a stink over it. Which brings me to my next point; this entire thread was not needed.

Don't clutter the forums with unnecessary drama.

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