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People's Republic of China


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December 2009

Slight changes in the PRC's ruling party, the CPC, happen. Few of the current high members have the necessary foresight to see what Jia Qinglin is planning.

January 2009

Jia Qinglin is joined by three other members of the Committee.

February 2009 - January 2010

Jia and his allies continue with their plans. The others fail to recognise the danger.

February 2010

As Russia seems about to split in two, Jia makes his move.

Hu Jintao, Wu Bangguo, Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang and Zhou Yongkang are killed almost simultaneously by special operatives.

Jia Qinglin assumes power over the CPC, Wen Jiabao, Li Changchun and He Guoqiang functioning as his advisors from now on.

Parts of the army desert, but are not punished. They are relieved of their weapons and sent back home. The people of China observe only the change in rulership, from Hu Jintao to Jia Qinglin.

The One-Child policy is rescinded for pairs under 24 years of age (average).

March 2010

Massive programs for industrial modernization are begun. The army is utilized to help in this process.

December 2010

As the USA are about to experience massive protests, China withdraws any money in other nations to finance its effort. Attempts to spread the population over all of china instead of concentrating it nearby the coasts and in the east are done.

January 2011

Long Lehao is the first Chinese on the moon, as part of the modernization and for propaganda purposes.

Plans to build a space station are made, as well as plans for an actual base on the moon.

The One-Child policy is rescinded for pairs under 25 years of age (average).

December 2011

The first results of the modernization show. As the Russians are on each other's throats and the United States recover from civil war, China begins to emerge as the only stable superpower.

January 2012

The One-Child policy is rescinded for pairs under 26 years of age (average).

The PRC reaches 1.4 billion people.

Present day



Where the Russian Federation split into two, the People's Republic of China was stable.

Where the United States of America descended into Civil War, the People's Republic of China modernized.

We extend our hand to you, so that this stability will continue.

Should you desire to establish more than simple relations of trade with our country, please send an emissary to Beijing, so that we may converse about what the world has changed into, and perhaps...a treaty.

With regards,

Jia Qinglin."

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While in the past our relations have not been positive those were the unfortunate mistakes of our fathers; and the results of western interventions. Perhaps instead we could work together for a better Asia. The Empire of Japan continues to recognize The People's Republic of China.

Edited by iamthey
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"Israel shall send a delegate to the People's Republic of China to begin diplomatic dialogue.

"We will await the delegate."

The Government of Canada does recognize the People's Republic of China and would like to increase relations between Canada and China to a more intimate level as compared to current relations.

"Indeed, before the world began to change a mere three years ago, relations between our two countries have not been the greatest. We would gladly work more closely with Canada."

While in the past our relations have not been positive those were the unfortunate mistakes of our fathers; and the results of western interventions. Perhaps instead we could work together for a better Asia. The Empire of Japan continues to recognize The People's Republic of China.

"Those mistakes are the past. We are brothers.

As such, we would love to establish more positive relations with the Empire of Japan."

"The Imperial Philippine Empire recognizes the PRC and wishes to begin diplomatic relations."

"Thank you, and gladly."


A short note: 
Taiwan has come under the chinese banner in 2011, as the protection they enjoyed by the United States faded. 
They are chinese, just as we. They will not be treated as traitors - something which the old government saw us as - but as brothers, rejoining their kin after being misguided by capitalist influence.

Edited by Lynneth
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Zhana stared at the television screen and stroked her chin, her eyes didn't betray an amount of nervousness. The People's Republic had been possibly the greatest nation on Earth, at least in her eyes, they had stayed true to the philosophies of Mao, the philosophies of Marx and Engels and for that she was grateful. Indeed, the Chairwoman of the Russian Communist Party was jealous of what had occurred in China, she was jealous of their stability, of their order of their will to hold together their country while her's had fallen apart. Were they not ideological brethren? Did they not see the world the same way? They had to, they were the last bastion of Communism since the Great Fall in 1991 and if any country could help get her movement of Soviet Unification a reality, it was the Chinese.

"Comrade Astomov!" The general called, leaning back in her seat in Novosibirsk, looking out at the city center.

The political officer immediately ran through the oaken doors and across the wooden floor to her desk. "Yes Comrade General, what is it?"

"Have we made any contact with the Chinese as of yet?"


Zhana scowled. "Do they recognize us as the true Russia?"

"I can't be sure General, we haven't made much contact outside of our borders."

"Then I want you to send a representative to Beijing with my well wishes. Is that understood?"

"Da, General Akhatova."

Comrade Qinglin

Greetings from your neighbors of the north. My name is General Zhana Akhatova, Chairwoman of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and Commander of all Soviet forces. As you are no doubt already aware, my nation and people are in a state of brutal civil war as we have been since January of 2011. Years ago, the Soviet Union counted the People's Republic as one of our closest friends, as one of our most trusted allies and I would like to see those days again. Our people and our ideologies are destined for greatness if only we can bring ourselves out of the chaos that has descended upon the world, which if I may add comrade, you have already done.

I have sent a man named Alexandr Sokolov, as a representative from my government east of the Urals. It is important that we are recognized as an actual nation as a nation that will rule over all of Russia, just as it is the destiny of the Chinese to rule over all of traditional Chinese lands. Consider this message as an unofficial treaty between our peoples if you so desire. Know that China will always have Russian friendship, if we can in return have Chinese.

-General Zhana Akhatova

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Comrade Qinglin

Greetings from your neighbors of the north. My name is General Zhana Akhatova, Chairwoman of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and Commander of all Soviet forces. As you are no doubt already aware, my nation and people are in a state of brutal civil war as we have been since January of 2011. Years ago, the Soviet Union counted the People's Republic as one of our closest friends, as one of our most trusted allies and I would like to see those days again. Our people and our ideologies are destined for greatness if only we can bring ourselves out of the chaos that has descended upon the world, which if I may add comrade, you have already done.

I have sent a man named Alexandr Sokolov, as a representative from my government east of the Urals. It is important that we are recognized as an actual nation as a nation that will rule over all of Russia, just as it is the destiny of the Chinese to rule over all of traditional Chinese lands. Consider this message as an unofficial treaty between our peoples if you so desire. Know that China will always have Russian friendship, if we can in return have Chinese.

-General Zhana Akhatova

Dearest Comrade General, 
I indeed am aware that your nation is engulfed in war between the glorious communist forces, which you represent, and the oppressive loyalist forces, which are in the west. 
Gladly would I re-establish the ties between our two nations, and I shall thus recognise only the Soviet Union as the legitimate ruler of all Russias. 
Comrade Sokolov will be received with all honours that a representative of your nation deserves. Additionally, we would gladly help you to mine the resources of easter Russia. Surely there are vast resources, untapped within those lands that both Russia and China can use to bring Communism to the world.

Just a short note; When I assumed power, I began some reforms, towards making this country's rulership more efficient. Essentially, you could think of it as...Well, rational thought mixed with communism. Of course, we are still in the process of 'converting' everything towards this, but it is going well.

Chairman of the CPC, 
Jia Qinglin

The Greater Korean Empire is proud to see that Asia remains a continent of stability, and peaceful reorganization.

We are curious as to if the PRC would be interested in a summit in Taiwan?

"This only shows that Asia is destined to be greater than the western world.

And yes, a summit could be of great use"

We recognize the PRC and wish to send a diplomat for Good relations.

"Thank you. Your diplomat will be received in Beijing."

Edit: OOC:

You can send your representatives into this thread unless you want to make a new one.

Edited by Lynneth
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The NZTO Rep has been sent to China and will arrive shortly.
"A representative of the IPE has been sent to Beijing."

"We are awaiting the arrival of your representative."

"We're happy to see our old trading partners emerge through the chaos of the Dark Years relatively unscathed."

"We have, in fact, left these dark years much more powerful than we were before; Our technology has only advanced, while your nation was in a civil war and is rebuilding."

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The NZTO rep arrived at Beijing and greeted the Chinese representative waiting there.

"Greetings, where are we to discuss diplomacy with the PRC?"

Wen Jiabao was waiting already, sitting in a limousine with the window down.

Formerly, he had been the Prime Minister. Now, he was only an advisor - yet having similar powers as before, in theory.


"Welcome to the People's Republic. Please, get into the car so that we may drive to the building where the proper meeting will be held."

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The rep, who shall now be Named Edward, gets into the limousine.

Once Edward was inside, the limousine would drive into Beijing, towards the Central Diplomatic District.


Once inside, Edward would be lead into one of the many meeting rooms. He would be asked to sit on one side of a five meter long table, while Wen sat onto the other end.

"Once again, welcome to the People's Republic. What exactly would you like to discuss?"

Ferdinand Cabrera would arrive at Beijing several hours later.

"Greetings. I am Ferdinand Cabrera, the Imperial Philippine Empire's representative. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Li Changchun would be waiting for Mister Cabrera, like Wen in a limousine with the window down.


"Welcome, welcome. The pleasure is all mine. Now, please enter the car, so that we can drive to the diplomatic district."

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"The Kingdom of Germany has placed PRC under a blue status. That is a friendly nation and we wish to exchange diplomats to help further increase our friendship."

"Why, thank you. Please, feel free to send a diplomat."

Imperial Central America has decided to acknowledge China as a first-class power and notes economic co-operation between our two nations would be particularly advantageous.

"You control the Panama Canal. Thus, economic cooperation would be most beneficial for both of us.

Please, feel free to send a diplomat."

"Persia is interested in sending Diplomats to Beijing to discuss feeding China's hungry and growing industry with Oil."

"Oil is a delicious thing. We would be glad to feed our industry with it, though we are looking for alternatives to fossil fuels.

Please, do send a diplomat, so that we may discuss this."

India seeks to improve its relations with China and hopes for a proper conclusion to the Aksai Chin dispute.

"Perhaps an agreement can be reached. It would help to strengthen the relations between our two nations."

OOC: If any of you wants to make a new thread, feel free to.

Also, I'm not going to use that other forum for the time being. Too lazy.

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