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Announcement from TSL

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With a recent member joining and then leaving he posted guides for nation growth... This has basically the same story SNAFU has so I'm going to get to the point.

New amendment to the charter:

Amendment I
Any member of the government that provides any information to the alliance must take recognition that it is now the alliance's information and any attempts to delete it will now be seen as acts of war and delt with accordingly.

Thanks for reading.

xR1 Fatal Instinct

The Shadow Legion


Edited by xR1 Fatal Instinct
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The masses of CN can now rejoice in knowing we are all far safer from the terrorists of Planet Bob now that this amendment is in place.

Thank you all for making sure our liberties are not in danger from those who hate our prosperity and freedom!

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The masses of CN can now rejoice in knowing we are all far safer from the terrorists of Planet Bob now that this amendment is in place.

Thank you all for making sure our liberties are not in danger from those who hate our prosperity and freedom!

Its only an alliance update/announcement... Chill out.

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With a recent member joining and then leaving he posted guides for nation growth... This has basically the same story SNAFU has so I'm going to get to the point.

New amendment to the charter:

Amendment I
Any member of the government that provides any information to the alliance must take recognition that it is now the alliance's information and any attempts to delete it will now be seen as acts of war and delt with accordingly.

Thanks for reading.

xR1 Fatal Instinct

The Shadow Legion


Please xR1 Fatal Instinct, do not try to compare your situation to the one of SNAFU. Here you do not say your guides were deleted. This guys posted guides, then left. So, he helped you out?

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This is what happened, A person joined and he had experience in Finance so he posted guides that he made to help out. After 4 days of being in the alliance he left without resignation and deleted the guides. If you want screenshots I'll be happy to provide them of the post where it says aoufhaoweufg where the guide was.

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Good move. *IF* he did have the right to delete them, well, now future members won't, so solves that problem rather nicely.

Though my thoughts are if you give someone guides, you still did give them something. It's pretty low to destroy and/or take back something you freely gave.

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Kreievla, such is what one would normally expect of people. Sadly such is occasionally not the case. People do sometimes retract the gifts that they thought fit to give in the first place of their own free will. All it leads to is souring of relations. One would think that soured relations is something to be avoided. But then, what do i know.

I shall just go look for Gatherum's stone and tree.

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Damn, And here I thought this was the disbandment announcement.

I mean, its getting to be around that time in the alliance when xR gives up and merges into an alliance...only to make a new alliance a month later.

that was a bit harsh scythe

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