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The Huns Official Announcement

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True the numbers are nothing to most but I understand where you are coming from. You have landed the best protector around and signed a couple other treaties in just 2 months ..To me that is not bad. Hang in there when times get tough and we will party on your 6 month mark !!


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Well, it's glad to see you making Offical announcements, but really, do something exciting.

I have to say, when I read the OP I knew someone would mock the spelling of "Offical". Makes you really cool, belittling someone.

But..."it's glad"? Really? You didn't proofread your own mocking of someone else's lack of proofreading?

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Anything under a year isn't really that significant. Telling people not to speak their mind just because they disagree with you is foolish and immature. If you don't have thick enough skin to handle being told that one hundred days isn't really that big of a deal, then I can't imagine how you would handle real criticism.

Its not like i already know that a 100 days it nothing in the big scheme of things i'm only saying, no wonder why i don't post on these forums there are far to many 'people' who take seriously what i say, for the record yes i know 100 days is nothing (i already knew that when i made my topic jezz people can be such..... nuf said) but some alliances do like to commemorate things like that, why? cause they can! simple! i will do a 200 day topic, why? cause i can! but also cause i didn't think i would make it 200 days in TRE i did think we were gonna get squashed by someone and that hasn't happened so am quite happy, i built up a good alliance base of good loyal members so i am happy may only be 21 members but i rather have that then 100 unloyal players.

I said don't bother posting here for the reason that if you aren't gonna simply congratulate him its kinda rude saying its insignificant, its not to him so play nice, make him feel important make him feel like others give a dam, thats all i ask when people post in announcements i make, i don't want to hear negative feed back, they want to say what i am doing is bad they are more than free to pm me and we can have a nice civilized discussion. And you should not really call someone foolish and immature without prior proof of the claim, and when i am not some 13 yr old kid, i do take offense to that, you can call me anything else but call me foolish or immature then we do have a problem.

Edited by Emperor Nicholas II
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Some forget while others have never attempted the struggles of starting an alliance. Two months is a good accomplishment, now it is up to you to keep up this good work and lets really have a party in 4 and 10 months from now.

Congrats on the first 2 months.

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I am saddened to see the number of people belittling what someone else considers an accomplishment. I congratulate the Huns. I have been around this planet for over three years and I want to make that clear since people seem to think that years is all that can matter to a person. So let me tell you right now, I am not the longest-ruling leader on this planet, not by any means, however, I am, by most standards, quite old.

While two months is not very significant in the large scope of things, neither is an artist's scribbles in his first notebook. However, it is the beginning of what becomes known as the greatest artist in the world in later years.

They have made it two months, and even though there wasn't much hardship, it is an accomplishment, and one that they consider significant, and therefore I congratulate them on this accomplishment.

Once again, congratulations to the Huns, I await the day when I can make a similar announcement for my new alliance.

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I am saddened to see the number of people belittling what someone else considers an accomplishment. I congratulate the Huns. I have been around this planet for over three years and I want to make that clear since people seem to think that years is all that can matter to a person. So let me tell you right now, I am not the longest-ruling leader on this planet, not by any means, however, I am, by most standards, quite old.

While two months is not very significant in the large scope of things, neither is an artist's scribbles in his first notebook. However, it is the beginning of what becomes known as the greatest artist in the world in later years.

They have made it two months, and even though there wasn't much hardship, it is an accomplishment, and one that they consider significant, and therefore I congratulate them on this accomplishment.

Once again, congratulations to the Huns, I await the day when I can make a similar announcement for my new alliance.

Why you acting so serious, broski.

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I am saddened to see the number of people belittling what someone else considers an accomplishment. I congratulate the Huns. I have been around this planet for over three years and I want to make that clear since people seem to think that years is all that can matter to a person. So let me tell you right now, I am not the longest-ruling leader on this planet, not by any means, however, I am, by most standards, quite old.

While two months is not very significant in the large scope of things, neither is an artist's scribbles in his first notebook. However, it is the beginning of what becomes known as the greatest artist in the world in later years.

They have made it two months, and even though there wasn't much hardship, it is an accomplishment, and one that they consider significant, and therefore I congratulate them on this accomplishment.

Once again, congratulations to the Huns, I await the day when I can make a similar announcement for my new alliance.

^ *Two Thumbs up*

Keep up the great work. ^_^

o/ Huns

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Its not like i already know that a 100 days it nothing in the big scheme of things i'm only saying, no wonder why i don't post on these forums there are far to many 'people' who take seriously what i say, for the record yes i know 100 days is nothing (i already knew that when i made my topic jezz people can be such..... nuf said) but some alliances do like to commemorate things like that, why? cause they can! simple! i will do a 200 day topic, why? cause i can! but also cause i didn't think i would make it 200 days in TRE i did think we were gonna get squashed by someone and that hasn't happened so am quite happy, i built up a good alliance base of good loyal members so i am happy may only be 21 members but i rather have that then 100 unloyal players.

I said don't bother posting here for the reason that if you aren't gonna simply congratulate him its kinda rude saying its insignificant, its not to him so play nice, make him feel important make him feel like others give a dam, thats all i ask when people post in announcements i make, i don't want to hear negative feed back, they want to say what i am doing is bad they are more than free to pm me and we can have a nice civilized discussion. And you should not really call someone foolish and immature without prior proof of the claim, and when i am not some 13 yr old kid, i do take offense to that, you can call me anything else but call me foolish or immature then we do have a problem.

You can be foolish and immature and not be thirteen years old. Alliances don't get held to different standards just because they're young; an unimpressive announcement is still unimpressive. Obviously you have every right to make such an announcement, but don't be surprised when people aren't ecstatic that you managed to last such a miniscule amount of time. No one wants to hear about it every month your alliance managed to not disband. I'm not against small alliances, I just refuse to pretend that they deserve special treatment just because they either choose to stay small, or whether they just simply cannot grow. Year increments are worthy of celebration, because a year is a significant amount of time, especially if your alliance has suffered hardships during that year. No amount of self entitlement will change the fact that minimal achievements aren't looked at with much esteem.

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You can be foolish and immature and not be thirteen years old. Alliances don't get held to different standards just because they're young; an unimpressive announcement is still unimpressive. Obviously you have every right to make such an announcement, but don't be surprised when people aren't ecstatic that you managed to last such a miniscule amount of time. No one wants to hear about it every month your alliance managed to not disband. I'm not against small alliances, I just refuse to pretend that they deserve special treatment just because they either choose to stay small, or whether they just simply cannot grow. Year increments are worthy of celebration, because a year is a significant amount of time, especially if your alliance has suffered hardships during that year. No amount of self entitlement will change the fact that minimal achievements aren't looked at with much esteem.


Edited by Emperor Nicholas II
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Why you acting so serious, broski.

Because I am the leader of a very old nation who's citizens demand that I take things seriously, lest we fall into danger due to some sort of a prank. I do like my fair share of jokes, but they are often shared with my friends, family, and other people I know I can do so around. On the world stage, however, I choose to remain serious so that everyone knows, without question, that what I am saying is not simply a joke, and is to be taken as the official, political stance of my nation.

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