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tristan the hammer

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Everything posted by tristan the hammer

  1. Hooray! Much love for the NATO members I know. And to the ones I dont know I will still love you anyway.
  2. NSO-Great People LOSS- never heard of them Bel-Air- Are you joking! What a joke!
  3. From all of us at Vires Noctu I would like to thank everyone for the award! DOWN WITH THE HATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Except STUMPY the king of all color spheres!
  4. I will put out the word to marble and wheat nations.
  5. I have been sending out messages left and right. Plus I already trade with JuJuwitch. She is in on this.
  6. It is not so bad playing in the night.
  7. Thanks for all the support. I love me some yous!
  8. Thank again Anu! You always have a place here if you want one. Me loves NATO and Anu
  9. Come one, Come all! the Night welcomes you.
  10. o/ MHA o/Fark o/NATO Times were good! but everything must come to an end. Best of luck to MHA and Fark.
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