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The Huns Official Announcement

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Offical Announcement of The Huns Alliance

Unlike what many many people said, we have reached the 2 month mark today, the 17th of September, 2009.

Along with this announcement we have a few others:

1. We have reached our 10 member mark and our next goal is 100,000 strength

2. We have made our offical recruitment video at:::::

3. We have signed 2 treaties, thus totaling our count to a protectorate with invicta, ODP with midnight order, and PIAT with democratic order of anarchy.

thanks form all who believed in us, that we could get this far

Edited by genghis khan II
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wait till you make it 100 days like TRE did then you can really party as that means you aren't some simple throw away alliance fading into nothing you are gonna remain and do something great.

o/ The Huns

:wub: :wub:

Not trying to say anything bout TRE here, but 100 days isn't that benchmark either. I'd even argue making it 1 year isn't a good benchmark for success. Until alliances celebrate 2 years you can't be fully sure of how structured and well built an alliance is.

Things change all the time, in a matter of days what lasted months can crumble.

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I should say the same for NSO, except posturing.

That wasn't posturing my friend, it was the truth. Haven't seen anything awesome come out of Bel-Air yet. However Genghis is right, this is not the place for this and I wouldn't feel good carrying this out in my friends celebratory post.

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Not trying to say anything bout TRE here, but 100 days isn't that benchmark either. I'd even argue making it 1 year isn't a good benchmark for success. Until alliances celebrate 2 years you can't be fully sure of how structured and well built an alliance is.

Things change all the time, in a matter of days what lasted months can crumble.

just via my experience all the alliances i have had relations with that were all created slightly after TRE have all fallen through other than TCoC none making 100 days and simply been reabsorbed back into the the alliances they formally came from, i say 100 days only cause i was the only one of them all to make it, more so that i am to stubborn to simply quit my alliance and join someone else, of course by other peoples standards 100 days is nothing i only say it as a stepping stone for us smaller guys that have to work twice as hard as everyone to obtain members, small alliances with big names running the show of course gain member ship uber fast, NSO for example, nearly 200 days and 163 members i would very much to have that many members but can't i don't have the 'star' power of other alliances so heck i guessing at best of reaching 30 members by years end,

100 days, 2 months whatever. its nothing for you big guys but for us small fries it is an achievement for us, don't ruin it for us, simply just congrat us or don't even bother posting thanks.

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100 days, 2 months whatever. its nothing for you big guys but for us small fries it is an achievement for us, don't ruin it for us, simply just congrat us or don't even bother posting thanks.

Anything under a year isn't really that significant. Telling people not to speak their mind just because they disagree with you is foolish and immature. If you don't have thick enough skin to handle being told that one hundred days isn't really that big of a deal, then I can't imagine how you would handle real criticism.

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just via my experience all the alliances i have had relations with that were all created slightly after TRE have all fallen through other than TCoC none making 100 days and simply been reabsorbed back into the the alliances they formally came from, i say 100 days only cause i was the only one of them all to make it, more so that i am to stubborn to simply quit my alliance and join someone else, of course by other peoples standards 100 days is nothing i only say it as a stepping stone for us smaller guys that have to work twice as hard as everyone to obtain members, small alliances with big names running the show of course gain member ship uber fast, NSO for example, nearly 200 days and 163 members i would very much to have that many members but can't i don't have the 'star' power of other alliances so heck i guessing at best of reaching 30 members by years end,

100 days, 2 months whatever. its nothing for you big guys but for us small fries it is an achievement for us, don't ruin it for us, simply just congrat us or don't even bother posting thanks.

Just because you're smaller doesn't mean we have to hold you in different light. If we went easy on alliances just because of their size then it wouldn't reflect your true strength.

I also don't see how I am ruining anything but letting you know that your accomplishment needs more work before it's big. Heck, Asgaard hasn't even been around officially 3 months but I ain't rushing to worry bout that.

In the end, we're only as strong as the leaders that govern the alliances. The ones that stick around and stick through the pain with their alliance are strong.

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Not tryna be mean or bash The Huns, but 2 months in CN isnt a very long time. And on top of that, its been 2 months that you havent really had to endure any harships. You havent had to fight any wars yet, or deal with anyone poaching your members (that i know of) or anything like that. I dont dislike you guys cuz i dont know you, so dont take it as me talkin !@#$. just sayin :/

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