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Declaration of Condemnation

Emperor Stranger

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logic is pure win, by condemning Area 51 for attacking a WOLF alliance you are essentially giving a DoS for WOLF, therefore truly dishonorable.

Wrong. If I were to condemn this new "Judgment" alliance, then it would be supporting WOLF. However, condemning one nation for attacking their previous friends, which I find dishonorable completely, does not a declaration of support make.

It's TE. It's about fun. Deal with it. A51 is at war. Let it be and enjoy the fun. :D

Ok, if I weren't already at war, I would join the fun. :P

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Greetings, you will know me better here on the flipside as Scully, the Director of Area 51.

I'm a little confused by this. I find nothing dishonorable in supporting another long-time friend of ours, MHA, by marching with them. We have also always been dear friends of TPF on the other side of the conflict, whom we are NOT fighting directly because of that long-standing friendship. We were asked to join in MHA's declaration specifically against Roman Empire. I have not had any direct ties, protectorate agreements, or friendships with RE.

Basically, we're specifically involved, with our friends, against folks I don't really know that well. Not that I wouldn't want to know them well, or that I think they're evil people. So why is this so dishonorable, that it deserves it's very own mention?

I suppose I should be flattered. ;)

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We weren't kicked out of WOLF. We left of our own accord. That kind of thing is how rumors start. ;)

And allow me to clarify one more thing. The only alliance listed in the Judgment Resurrected DoW thread we have always been friends with would be TPF.

We are not fighting TPF directly.

While I have nothing against the others, and figure that they're all fine alliances in their own right, our ties are simply not with them.

There is simply nothing to condemn, here.

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so you are condemning Area 51 for attacking an alliance unrelated to them at all because said alliance happens to be allied to another friend of Area 51? lawlz. what would you have done had TPF asked Area 51 to attack a Judgement alliance? from your posts, it seems you would hail them.

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so you are condemning Area 51 for attacking an alliance unrelated to them at all because said alliance happens to be allied to another friend of Area 51? lawlz. what would you have done had TPF asked Area 51 to attack a Judgement alliance? from your posts, it seems you would hail them.

I wouldn't have said anything. I am not supporting TPF officially in this war, nor am I supporting WOLF. (As a matter of fact, other than condemning A51, I am pretty neutral in this.)

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I wouldn't have said anything. I am not supporting TPF officially in this war, nor am I supporting WOLF. (As a matter of fact, other than condemning A51, I am pretty neutral in this.)

so you would not have made a thread like this? which means you are supporting WOLF since had Area 51 joined WOLF against Judgement you would have done nothing. Thanks for the clarification. Next time you wish to be neutral, don't show yourself to be biased for one side only.

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so you would not have made a thread like this? which means you are supporting WOLF since had Area 51 joined WOLF against Judgement you would have done nothing. Thanks for the clarification. Next time you wish to be neutral, don't show yourself to be biased for one side only.

lolwat? So because I wouldn't have said anything if A51 didn't go to war, I am automatically biased towards WOLF? It doesn't work that way? I could both condemn A51 and still be able to support Judgment, you know. (OCC: For example. Let's say I hate Bush. That doesn't mean I don't support Republicans..)

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We luv you, too, BEazy. :D

So this WOLF thing. Again I say, if you heard we were kicked, you heard incorrectly. We excused ourselves. Elbryan was the Director of Area 51 at the time, and it was his decision to agree enter Area 51 into WOLF. Upon thinking better of the aims and goals of that bloc, it was again his decision that they did not 'jive' with our own preferences and goals. While I was working with TPF last round (I was only Assistant Director, then, due to time constraints), it was at that time that I was informed that we had indeed left the bloc on our own, due to our own reasons.

Again, either way you look at it, there's nothing to condemn.

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lolwat? So because I wouldn't have said anything if A51 didn't go to war, I am automatically biased towards WOLF? It doesn't work that way? I could both condemn A51 and still be able to support Judgment, you know. (OCC: For example. Let's say I hate Bush. That doesn't mean I don't support Republicans..)

you need to learn how to read. i asked in my first post what you would have done had TPF asked Area 51 to go to war for them? you stated, nothing. (now it is implied that A51 would have joined TPF in said war since A51 joined MHA)

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Area 51 has been a long time friend of MHA even when inside WOLF.

You condemn them for going with friends? Shame on you.

If they were a part of WOLF and their allies' friends are the targets, that's pretty dishonorable, imo.

We luv you, too, BEazy. :D

So this WOLF thing. Again I say, if you heard we were kicked, you heard incorrectly. We excused ourselves. Elbryan was the Director of Area 51 at the time, and it was his decision to agree enter Area 51 into WOLF. Upon thinking better of the aims and goals of that bloc, it was again his decision that they did not 'jive' with our own preferences and goals. While I was working with TPF last round (I was only Assistant Director, then, due to time constraints), it was at that time that I was informed that we had indeed left the bloc on our own, due to our own reasons.

Again, either way you look at it, there's nothing to condemn.

It's TE. I don't even need a valid CB to declare war, let alone a completely valid reason to declare condemnation. (Though I find my reason valid.)

you need to learn how to read. i asked in my first post what you would have done had TPF asked Area 51 to go to war for them? you stated, nothing. (now it is implied that A51 would have joined TPF in said war since A51 joined MHA)

I didn't know of any ties to MHA before this war. WOLF is also more... dynamic than Judgment, which banded together overnight and will dissolve after this war. Along with being a part of WOLF longer than Judgment, it's a bit more honorable to fight alongside WOLF.

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