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Protection Over A War-torn Region

Voodoo Nova

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"The Kriegs claimed they were Dranaggan civilians."


"..heh" is added so he sounds less whiny.

"I believe it was stated pretty clearly that Dranagg civilians were 'deported' by no will of my own."

"Once you've 'gotten your facts straight' and can actually speak like a civilized leader of a respected nation, I'll consider your statements valid."

"And what would Dranagg civilians be doing in Dutch territory? Simple logic will tell you that they MEANT Dutch. Or is common sense beyond you?"

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"And what would Dranagg civilians be doing in Dutch territory? Simple logic will tell you that they MEANT Dutch. Or is common sense beyond you?"

"Why would a respectable nation that wants to be considered a 'good' nation make such a drastic miscommunication and then not correct it? It was strange, yes, but I react to what I see, not what I imagine."


"It would seem that everyone down under is a paranoid schizophrenic just like those guys in New Zealand."

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"And what would Dranagg civilians be doing in Dutch territory? Simple logic will tell you that they MEANT Dutch. Or is common sense beyond you?"

"Personally, I assumed it was continued incompetence of the Krieg foreign ministry for not knowing who's where on a map."

-Regent Dan Donegan

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"Why would a respectable nation that wants to be considered a 'good' nation make such a drastic miscommunication and then not correct it? It was strange, yes, but I react to what I see, not what I imagine."


"It would seem that everyone down under is a paranoid schizophrenic just like those guys in New Zealand."

"They have corrected their statement. Or did you miss that too?"

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The Commonwealth hereby claims the former Netherlands & Belgium territory as a protectorate.

France reminds the Commonwealth to steer clear of our territories in Belgium. A brigade of French troops which had previously been on the border to escort refugees have been ordered to take up defensive perimeters in the Wallonia region.

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General Eisner of the Dranaggan 1st Division Regulars has this to say.

"At this time All Dranaggan Forces are leaving the Netherlands areas. We would like to ask the Prussians to please send the 15th Division back home with us. We have not had contact with high command for some time now."

"It is true that Civilians, of the Dutch, were taken out of Utrecht, non-voluntarily, and transported or marched west to Rotterdam. Mainly women and children, and any men that did not become dissenters at the orders of the Dutch Government. An unknown of Dutch Civilians remained in Utrecht at the time of the siege, and during the Dutch mustard and Sarin gas attacks. Hoovegeen is currently silent, and as the 15th division is not able to report we have no idea how much of that town was destroyed. Additionally, after a surprise night attack on major buildings in Rotterdam, and estimated 10,000 Dutch civilians, from both Rotterdam and Utrecht, were killed and injured when shelters were destroyed. It is unknown at this time who launched the attacks. Refugees from the North have also started to filter south along the few pieces of high roads that are not completely under water, or by personal water crafts. Flood water is quickly following after. "

" Most Dranaggan forces are already housed inside of ships as part of Plan Len. 1st division will remain until the 8th Division and 15th Division return to Rotterdam for departure."

Edited by Tahsir Re
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France reminds the Commonwealth to steer clear of our territories in Belgium. A brigade of French troops which had previously been on the border to escort refugees have been ordered to take up defensive perimeters in the Wallonia region.

"Where was this order given?"

OOC: If you posted in the war thread, I never saw it. So much clutter.

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"Where was this order given?"

OOC: If you posted in the war thread, I never saw it. So much clutter.

"If you mean the presence of French troops on our borders assissing refugees, the order was given at the onset of the conflict by the French High Command. An announcement was made to that effect."

France will remain neutral in this conflict. Our borders are opened, with checkpoints manned by several military units. They will assist any refugees fleeing the sites of combat. Food, water and shelter are prepared in plentiful numbers."
Edited by Teriethien
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"If you mean the presence of French troops on our borders assissing refugees, the order was given at the onset of the conflict by the French High Command. An announcement was made to that effect."

"Then you have no holdings within Belgium, only the border."

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. . .Additionally, after a surprise night attack on major buildings in Rotterdam, and estimated 10,000 Dutch civilians, from both Rotterdam and Utrecht, were killed and injured when shelters were destroyed. It is unknown at this time who launched the attacks. . .
That would be the Republic of Dalmatia, their air strikes were high yield and rather indiscriminatory.
"Caucasia supports this move by our allies. We will begin sending aid into the Netherlands to rebuild the utter destruction caused by the blunders of Krieg's military."
Weren’t the Republic of Dalmatia the ones using Fuel Air Explosive Bombs causally over the Netherlands?

Using my estimate of common sense, thousands of Dutch citizens likely died as a result.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

Edited by Generalissimo
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That would be the Republic of Dalmatia, their air strikes were high yield and rather indiscriminatory.Weren’t the Republic of Dalmatia the ones using Fuel Air Explosive Bombs causally over the Netherlands?

Using my estimate of common sense, thousands of Dutch citizens likely died as a result.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

"Republic of Dalmatia are known to have bombed Utrecht and Hoovegeen. The missile attacks on Rotterdam and Utrecht were simultaneous, direct, and different than any active nation's tactics. However, remains of the devices probably exist somewhere in Rotterdam, where no other munitions was detonated, it can probably be checked there."

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Targets of opportunity presented themselves in Utrecht and Hoovegeen, therefore we did strike. However, the claims that we bombed the surrounded area indiscriminately are false. The weapons used were a combination of GPS and laser guided to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. - Minister of Aviation, Kren Blista-Vanee

Edited by Malatose
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