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Protection Over A War-torn Region

Voodoo Nova

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The Commonwealth hereby claims the former Netherlands & Belgium territory as a protectorate. Dranaggian soldiers are hereby requested to leave the territory, to which they'll find boats left behind the former Netherlands/Belgium nation. We thank everyone that helped push Dranagg out of the region and for keeping Europe safe from invaders.

The region will remain a protectorate of the Eurasian Union until such a time a new government will take charge of the region. This new government will have to establish themselves in the world as well. At that time, we reserve the right to choose to continue protecting them, should they wish the Eurasian Union to do so.

We're sending in 1750 peacekeepers to ensure order returns to the region as soon as possible. They'll be armed with a less than lethal armament (tasers, beanbag guns, water cannons, LRAD's, etc). They will remain until such a time the new government requests they depart or when the protectorate status ends. The Eurasian Union will also be sending economic aid to help rebuild the region from the destruction it received during the war.

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"Caucasia supports this move by our allies. We will begin sending aid into the Netherlands to rebuild the utter destruction caused by the blunders of Krieg's military."

"Thats ridiculous. Dutch National guards men and Rebels were the ones who attempted to drown their own country even after our voiced objection. The only region we inflicted damage upon was Utrecht with Artillery."

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"Thats ridiculous. Dutch National guards men and Rebels were the ones who attempted to drown their own country even after our voiced objection. The only region we inflicted damage upon was Utrecht with Artillery."

"You took artillery and bombarded the $%&@ out of everything in sight."

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"Thats ridiculous. Dutch National guards men and Rebels were the ones who attempted to drown their own country even after our voiced objection. The only region we inflicted damage upon was Utrecht with Artillery."

"Only? So the destruction of a major economic and cultural center as well as many thousands of lives is not anything major to you? I do not hate many nations, but yours may be up there rather quickly."

-Stefan Maarten

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"Only? So the destruction of a major economic and cultural center as well as many thousands of lives is not anything major to you? I do not hate many nations, but yours may be up there rather quickly."

-Stefan Maarten

IC: Incorrect. One: Dutch civilians were deported from Utrecht. I can direct you to that move if you would like.

Two: If you were paying attention, Artillery bombarded the outskirts and probably a few miles towards Utrecht entrance points at Enemy fortification.

Oh, and lets not forget Dalamatia's Fuel air bomb carpet bombing. Perhaps you forgot about those? Id happily direct both of you. Im sure they inflicted massive amounts of destruction beyond anything our Howitzers could have done.

Edited by Colerich Krieg
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IC: Incorrect. One: Dranagg civilians were deported from Utrecht. I can direct you to that move if you would like.

Two: If you were paying attention, Artillery bombarded the outskirts and probably a few miles towards Utrecht entrance points at Enemy fortification.

Oh, and lets not forget Dalamatia's Fuel air bomb carpet bombing. Perhaps you forgot about those? Id happily direct both of you. Im sure they inflicted massive amounts of destruction beyond anything our Howitzers could have done.

"Dalmatia attacked a Dranaggan military force as they marched through unused countryside. There's a major difference. You, good sir, have crippled any new nation's economy in the Netherlands."

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"Dranagg civilians? I don't think I care about Dranagg civilians as much as I care about Dutch civilians. Even if you were to evacuate Utrecht, you can't move everyone in a couple of days. The fact remains that you murdered thousands of Dutch civilians, and then on top of that, you called for a nuclear strike? Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? Do you have any sense at all? I suppose your thought processes are probably just about as poor as your speaking.

Enemy fortification? Do you really think that a few thousand soldiers from Antarctica built fortifications deserving of massive shelling like you did? You were the entire reason that war escalated to the point that it did. It is your fault that so many Dutch civilians are dead or homeless, and it's your fault that the government collapsed and entire cities have been destroyed, and it's your god damn fault that the Netherlands will now have to borrow massive sums of money to rebuild itself."

-Stefan Maarten

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"Dranagg civilians? I don't think I care about Dranagg civilians as much as I care about Dutch civilians. Even if you were to evacuate Utrecht, you can't move everyone in a couple of days. The fact remains that you murdered thousands of Dutch civilians, and then on top of that, you called for a nuclear strike? Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? Do you have any sense at all? I suppose your thought processes are probably just about as poor as your speaking.

Enemy fortification? Do you really think that a few thousand soldiers from Antarctica built fortifications deserving of massive shelling like you did? You were the entire reason that war escalated to the point that it did. It is your fault that so many Dutch civilians are dead or homeless, and it's your fault that the government collapsed and entire cities have been destroyed, and it's your god damn fault that the Netherlands will now have to borrow massive sums of money to rebuild itself."

-Stefan Maarten

OOC: It seems to me that you are blaming Krieg for everything, forgetting that there was a massive coalition that sent forces and they too inflicted damage on the nation.

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OOC: Dont sweat it Kitex. I get blamed by everyone IC for Lulz. Funny back when we took over France with Elrich von Richt because we thought Tere was AWOL, We posted two diffrent threads, and Elrichs nation (Chimairan at the time) got nothing but praise while in my thread people were condemning me as a mass murderer..

Tons of times thats also happened where Im the only singled out one who gets blamed.. heh

Dont know, its kinda cool being the World's Scape goat.. B)

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OOC: Dont sweat it Kitex. I get blamed by everyone IC for Lulz. Funny back when we took over France with Elrich von Richt because we thought Tere was AWOL, We posted two diffrent threads, and Elrichs nation (Chimairan at the time) got nothing but praise while in my thread people were condemning me as a mass murderer..

Tons of times thats also happened where Im the only singled out one who gets blamed.. heh

Dont know, its kinda cool being the World's Scape goat.. B)

OOC: At least have the decency to complain about IC accusations ICly and not OOCly.

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OOC: Oh come on I was telling her to not take it to heart OOCly. I wasnt complaining. Its one thing to do this ICly but theres no need to twist my words like that OOCly.

OOC: No, you were complaining, but using a bad facade of explaining.

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"Dranagg civilians? I don't think I care about Dranagg civilians as much as I care about Dutch civilians. Even if you were to evacuate Utrecht, you can't move everyone in a couple of days. The fact remains that you murdered thousands of Dutch civilians, and then on top of that, you called for a nuclear strike? Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? Do you have any sense at all? I suppose your thought processes are probably just about as poor as your speaking.

Enemy fortification? Do you really think that a few thousand soldiers from Antarctica built fortifications deserving of massive shelling like you did? You were the entire reason that war escalated to the point that it did. It is your fault that so many Dutch civilians are dead or homeless, and it's your fault that the government collapsed and entire cities have been destroyed, and it's your god damn fault that the Netherlands will now have to borrow massive sums of money to rebuild itself."

-Stefan Maarten

"The civilians in question were DUTCH civilians. Get your facts straight. The Kreig were not the ones who destroyed the dikes and dams, nor the ones who destroyed the bridges. The point is, by far the worst damage was done BY THE DUTCH THEMSELVES. They did fare more damage than both the Dranaggian forces and the other allied troops combined."

OOC: No, you were complaining, but using a bad facade of explaining.

OOC: No, I saw no complaining in his post. He has no problem with it. He said, and I quote "...it's kinda cool being the World's Scape goat."

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"The civilians in question were DUTCH civilians. Get your facts straight. The Kreig were not the ones who destroyed the dikes and dams, nor the ones who destroyed the bridges. The point is, by far the worst damage was done BY THE DUTCH THEMSELVES. They did fare more damage than both the Dranaggian forces and the other allied troops combined."

OOC: No, I saw no complaining in his post. He has no problem with it. He said, and I quote "...it's kinda cool being the World's Scape goat."

"The Kriegs claimed they were Dranaggan civilians."


Tons of times thats also happened where Im the only singled out one who gets blamed.. heh

"..heh" is added so he sounds less whiny.

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"The civilians in question were DUTCH civilians. Get your facts straight. The Kreig were not the ones who destroyed the dikes and dams, nor the ones who destroyed the bridges. The point is, by far the worst damage was done BY THE DUTCH THEMSELVES. They did fare more damage than both the Dranaggian forces and the other allied troops combined."

"I believe it was stated pretty clearly that Dranagg civilians were 'deported' by no will of my own."

IC: Incorrect. One: Dranagg civilians were deported from Utrecht. I can direct you to that move if you would like.

"Once you've 'gotten your facts straight' and can actually speak like a civilized leader of a respected nation, I'll consider your statements valid."

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