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Clarification of Protection


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...On Behalf of TPF and Her Allies

In the last week or so, a few of TPF's protectorates have come under attack due to tech raids. While the nations attacked have admirably decided to drop any demands for reparations, I feel the need to reiterate the fact that these nations & alliances are protected by the alliances of Karma (per the surrender terms of TPF to the alliances of Karma) as well as TPF's former protectorates in GRAN, NEW, OSA, SSSW18, Veritas Aequitas and Zenith (as noted here).

To those alliance who allow tech raiding, make sure your members do the research before attacking their targets. It's not a guarantee, rather wholly unlikely, that raiders against those under our protection will be let off as easily as these have been.

And to be clear, the TPF Protectorates are as follows: 64Digits, TSI, Ninjas Will PWN You, California, AOD Brigade and Aquitaine.

-JWConner, Il Duce of Veritas Aequitas

**edit: forgot to add the current protectorate list. :D

Edited by JWConner
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...On Behalf of TPF and Her Allies

In the last week or so, a few of TPF's protectorates have come under attack due to tech raids. While the nations attacked have admirably decided to drop any demands for reparations, I feel the need to reiterate the fact that these nations & alliances are protected by the alliances of Karma (per the surrender terms of TPF to the alliances of Karma) as well as TPF's former protectorates in GRAN, NEW, OSA, SSSW18, Veritas Aequitas and Zenith (as noted here).

To those alliance who allow tech raiding, make sure your members do the research before attacking their targets. It's not a guarantee, rather wholly unlikely, that raiders against those under our protection will be let off as easily as these have been.

And to be clear, the TPF Protectorates are as follows: 64Digits, TSI, Ninjas Will PWN You, California, AOD Brigade and Aquitaine.

-JWConner, Il Duce of Veritas Aequitas

**edit: forgot to add the current protectorate list. :D

If you need any help beating people off of them, just contact any Ronin gov member and we will be glad to help out.

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...On Behalf of TPF and Her Allies

In the last week or so, a few of TPF's protectorates have come under attack due to tech raids. While the nations attacked have admirably decided to drop any demands for reparations, I feel the need to reiterate the fact that these nations & alliances are protected by the alliances of Karma (per the surrender terms of TPF to the alliances of Karma) as well as TPF's former protectorates in GRAN, NEW, OSA, SSSW18, Veritas Aequitas and Zenith (as noted here).

To those alliance who allow tech raiding, make sure your members do the research before attacking their targets. It's not a guarantee, rather wholly unlikely, that raiders against those under our protection will be let off as easily as these have been.

And to be clear, the TPF Protectorates are as follows: 64Digits, TSI, Ninjas Will PWN You, California, AOD Brigade and Aquitaine.

-JWConner, Il Duce of Veritas Aequitas

**edit: forgot to add the current protectorate list. :D

Raids are fail... I hope you can get them to leave you alone. ;)

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Isn't this the second such warning?

The first time really wasnt a warning, it was our collective group announcing our intentions to protect TPF's protectorates as TPF rebuilds. As former TPF protectorates, we felt it our duty and responsibility to repay what TPF gave so generously in the past.

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