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Official RAD Announcement

from the desk of the head retard. yours truly.

RAD would like to officially recognize the fact that the current IS/CG conflict was a large-scale tech raid on the part of IS, and that CG is blowing this unnecessarily out of proportion. Due to recent experience, RAD does not like it when things are blown out of proportion. While we may or may not agree with IS's recent actions, we stand by our allies. If diplomacy fails, and the folks at Crimson Guard choose to blow this particular incident out of proportion, RAD will defend our allies at IS regardless of what it costs us. However; let it be known that we would certainly prefer to see things worked out diplomatically rather than militarily in this situation, as we are fully aware that is what is being worked on from IS's end.

Thank you, have a good night.


- Good Master Hakai - Head Retard

- The Rest of RAD's government, yadda yadda.

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What? In what way is it a tech raid? No normal tech raid tactics are being used, in fact, alliance war tactics are being used, smells to me like an alliance war.

It is most of Bob has already established this yet they are standing by their allies which should be commended.

I think :blink:

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What? In what way is it a tech raid? No normal tech raid tactics are being used, in fact, alliance war tactics are being used, smells to me like an alliance war.

Not going to sit here and argue about how or how it wasn't a tech raid. As far as I'm aware, no one has ever laid down a set of rules for what defines a tech raid. Am I right on that?

So far I haven't seen any good arguments besides personal opinion on why it is not a tech raid.

At any rate, definitions and unwritten rules are not the point here, and RAD will stand by its allies should they be attacked for this.

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RAD would like to officially recognize the fact that the current IS/CG conflict was a large-scale tech raid on the part of IS, and that CG is blowing this unnecessarily out of proportion.

Oh yes you'd much prefer if CG had just sat back and let IS violate their sovereignty. Well thats not how it works.

If anything yous are blowing things out of proportions with this announcement and causing further tension while IS-CG sort this out.

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So, here I was thinking that a peace was almost reached and here you guys go DoSing. Now that can mean two things:

1) RAD is completely out of the loop and didn't know that peace was being negotiated.

2) IS is using the peace talks as a stalling method to let their allies get ready for war and such.

Now which is it?

edit: is not was

Edited by James Wilson
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So, here I was thinking that a peace was almost reached and here you guys go DoSing. Now that can mean two things:

1) RAD is completely out of the loop and didn't know that peace was being negotiated.

2) IS is using the peace talks as a stalling method to let their allies get ready for war and such.

Now which is it?

edit: is not was

It means we support our allies, that's all. Jeez man, take it at face value!

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Not going to sit here and argue about how or how it wasn't a tech raid. As far as I'm aware, no one has ever laid down a set of rules for what defines a tech raid. Am I right on that?

No, your alliance set out these rules.

It's a good announcement though, so far as it goes. Let diplomacy prevail.

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So, here I was thinking that a peace was almost reached and here you guys go DoSing. Now that can mean two things:

1) RAD is completely out of the loop and didn't know that peace was being negotiated.

2) IS is using the peace talks as a stalling method to let their allies get ready for war and such.

Now which is it?

edit: is not was

It's actually

3) RAD is issuing a DoS just in case of any sudden turn of events.

Edited by Rey the Great
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It means we support our allies, that's all. Jeez man, take it at face value!

Then this announcement would have been more appropriate last night. Instead, you have gone and hit the button that makes the drama level go up again as people will now be speculating on whether this was all a trap!

Also, hai Jason :wub: We must sing Spongebob together some time!

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So, here I was thinking that a peace was almost reached and here you guys go DoSing. Now that can mean two things:

1) RAD is completely out of the loop and didn't know that peace was being negotiated.

2) IS is using the peace talks as a stalling method to let their allies get ready for war and such.

Now which is it?

edit: is not was

How about Neither? Maybe RAD just wants everyone to know that we got our allies back no matter what happens, If Peace is achieved or if someone escalates.

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