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See, the thing about this statement is that it's completely unsupported by facts.

It is supported by the fact that an alliance intent on domination had it's domineering interests furthered significantly by these wars, which were started upon very questionable cassus bellum. Forget alliance affiliations for 10 seconds and connect the dots.

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It is supported by the fact that an alliance intent on domination had it's domineering interests furthered significantly by these wars, which were started upon very questionable cassus bellum. Forget alliance affiliations for 10 seconds and connect the dots.

Look, you're restating your conclusion and using it as supporting evidence. It doesn't work.

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Lol. Come on PK, you know that's a weak argument. There is no such thing as 'common sense', especially in matters like this. Everyone's opinion is always going to be coloured by their previous assumptions.

Not really. Pacifica is an aggressive alliance, and in her quest to eliminate opposition and forge hegemony, she resorted to unfair means against alliances, whose [peaceful] existence outside the soon-to-be hegemony was still considered a threat to it. And because of the elimination of these alliances, Pacifica went on to benefit immensely as the unparalleled leader of a completely united world. It makes complete sense.

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Not really. Pacifica is an aggressive alliance, and in her quest to eliminate opposition and forge hegemony, she resorted to unfair means against alliances, whose [peaceful] existence outside the soon-to-be hegemony was still considered a threat to it. And because of the elimination of these alliances, Pacifica went on to benefit immensely as the unparalleled leader of a completely united world. It makes complete sense.

See, you're getting back to the "quest to eliminate opposition" idea again. Which just...

Well, assuming you're correct. Why did NPO not attack Ragnarok when the Hoo logs were released?

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See, you're getting back to the "quest to eliminate opposition" idea again. Which just...

Well, assuming you're correct. Why did NPO not attack Ragnarok when the Hoo logs were released?

I'm not familiar with the incident. It may have been during my absence. Elaborate and I'll attempt to answer your question.

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I'm not familiar with the incident. It may have been during my absence. Elaborate and I'll attempt to answer your question.

20:25 Hoo[AWAY] - no u

20:27 CENSORED - Goddmanit Hoo

20:27 CENSORED - Time for a little chat?

20:27 Hoo[AWAY] - Ok

20:29 CENSORED - Where's your FA headed currently?

20:30 Hoo[AWAY] - Tightening up bonds withold friends that we don't have military pacts with ... Carpe Diem, Ubercon, Orion, CSN ... alliances like that

20:30 Hoo[AWAY] - with old*

20:31 CENSORED - Right

20:31 CENSORED - Good strategy, none of them are very tight with the hegemony and the more allies you have the better really

20:32 Hoo[AWAY] - We like having allies outside the web a little, yeah

20:32 CENSORED - No doubt you've heard some of the latest rumours

20:32 CENSORED - You need to get over whatever it is with TOP that makes them not like you

20:32 Hoo[AWAY] - Yeah, I have ...

20:32 Hoo[AWAY] - Heh ... easier said then done

20:32 CENSORED - Indeed

20:32 CENSORED - I wish they didn't hate MK too

20:33 CENSORED - Goddamn Crymson and Saber

20:33 CENSORED - You need to tighten with Citadel

20:33 Hoo[AWAY] - If those rumors are true, they also have Citadel splitting

20:34 CENSORED - Well, plenty of rumours about SF and Citadel atm

20:34 CENSORED - But my latest info has SF higher up the list than Citadel is, and I don't see Citadel splitting just yet

20:34 Hoo[AWAY] - Higher up the target list?

20:34 CENSORED - Yes

20:34 - CENSORED is now known as CENSORED

20:35 Hoo[AWAY] - lol ... no one has a reason to target SF

20:35 CENSORED - I imagine everything about you that's annoyed other people lately is everything that's made me like you a lot more lately

20:35 CENSORED - What rumours have you heard then?

20:35 Hoo[AWAY] - haha

20:35 Hoo[AWAY] - That may be

20:35 Hoo[AWAY] - The Gremlins rumors

20:35 CENSORED - Ah right

20:35 CENSORED - Well they've been going for a while

20:36 Hoo[AWAY] - Yeah, but Gre told FARK themselves they were leaving tC

20:36 CENSORED - They've been trying to leave tC for a while

20:36 CENSORED - Syzygy wants to, and I guess he just got MoFA but..

20:36 CENSORED - Not sure if they'll actually leave tC

20:36 Hoo[AWAY] - However, "Hoo's a big mouth and we need to eliminate him and SF by association" seems feasible too ...

20:36 CENSORED -

20:37 CENSORED - Well, SF is the second biggest non-NPO bloc so it makes sense that you're in line

20:37 CENSORED - And pissing off Echelon and now putting Legion in their place amongst other things puts you in the limelight

20:37 Hoo[AWAY] - Excellent

20:37 Hoo[AWAY] - Let them come

20:37 CENSORED -

20:37 CENSORED - That's what I wanted to talk about

20:37 CENSORED - Although if Syzygy does get what he wants, then I think there's no doubt Gremlins will be next

20:38 CENSORED - Anyhow, I would very much like to see SF and Citadel get closer together

20:38 CENSORED - It would be disappointing seeing both taken out seperately

20:39 Hoo[AWAY] - Well, TOP and RoK aren't all that cool ... post-13661-1143531603.png

20:39 CENSORED - I know

20:39 CENSORED - But TOP and Grem and surprisingly cool, despite what many think

20:39 CENSORED - And Rok and MHA are cool

20:40 CENSORED - I'd like to see MK and Rok be cool, as well as MK and some Citadel alliances be cool. As well as Rok and some citadel alliances be cool

20:40 CENSORED - Uniting Aqua and tieing SF and Citadel together

20:40 CENSORED - I've been preaching my goddamn mouth off recently inside MK telling people to shut the $%&@ up with old grudges

20:41 Hoo[AWAY] - heh

20:41 Hoo[AWAY] - Aqua unification is difficult

20:41 Hoo[AWAY] - It always stalls

20:42 CENSORED - There's still the odd person that thinks you basically ditched us in our time of need but meh, MK are warming to Rok again anyway

20:42 CENSORED - Aqua unification is difficult generally because MK-Rok relations arn't so great

20:42 Hoo[AWAY] - lol ... I just don't get that ...

20:42 Hoo[AWAY] - FARK-MK relations need work too ...

20:42 CENSORED - Yeah I know

20:42 CENSORED - Although I think Fark-MK relations basically deteriorated with Rok-MK relations

20:42 CENSORED - I think you have plenty of influence with Fark

20:43 Hoo[AWAY] - I dunno, even when RoK and MK were BFF that MDoAP seemed to rankle FARK

20:43 Hoo[AWAY] - However, FARK is easy to rankle

20:43 Hoo[AWAY] -

20:43 CENSORED - Heh

20:44 CENSORED - Well, I heard once that they were angry at us for being ex-LUE and defending them from GOONS or something weird. Like, they wanted to get away from us and prove they were bigger now or something

20:44 CENSORED - Sounded crazy so I didn't really listen

20:44 Hoo[AWAY] - NPO probably didn't like us sticking up for ACV and essentially

20:44 Hoo[AWAY] - Threatening to drop treaties

20:44 CENSORED - I hate NADC..

20:44 CENSORED - So much

20:44 Hoo[AWAY] - They wanted to roll them and casually acted as if it was up to them

20:45 Hoo[AWAY] - We reminded them that it was not up to them

20:45 CENSORED - Did MHA stick up for ACV too?

20:45 Hoo[AWAY] - Yeah, but in a more subtle way

20:45 CENSORED - Yeah

20:45 Hoo[AWAY] - However, we did get an apology from Moo

20:45 CENSORED - Lol

20:45 CENSORED - That doesn't sound like a good thing tbh

20:45 Hoo[AWAY] - heh

20:45 CENSORED - As much as he needs all his allies, he really doesn't need any specific one

20:46 Hoo[AWAY] - Well, there are some amusing things that I am sworn to secrecy on that would make you lol ...

20:46 CENSORED - Anyhow, as I said, I want MK and Rok to make friends again because a step towards a united aqua would be a good one, and I think we're planning on signing with one or two more Citadel alliances once terms end.

20:46 CENSORED - Don't go blabbing that around or anything

20:46 Hoo[AWAY] - As long as one of them is Umrella ... we like those Umbrella guys

20:47 CENSORED - Do you know we have a 19 page thread in our Umbrella embassy called 'Daily Babes'..

20:47 CENSORED - Xavii is awesome..

20:47 CENSORED -

20:47 Hoo[AWAY] - heh

20:47 CENSORED - one of them would probably be Umbrella

20:47 Hoo[AWAY] - Sexy

20:48 CENSORED - Are you treatied to Umbrella?

20:48 Hoo[AWAY] - No, but we have three black protectorates and have gotten to know them well

20:48 Hoo[AWAY] - We talk to mrcalkin and Sceptor a lot

20:48 CENSORED - mrcalkin was in MK for a while

20:48 Hoo[AWAY] - Yeah, he's good people

20:48 CENSORED - And yeah, we talk to both of them a lot too

20:48 CENSORED - You should get a treaty with them ;P

20:49 CENSORED - I also love the fact that you stick up for Vanguard, even if so many people hate them

20:49 Hoo[AWAY] - We discussed RoK being \m/2.0 and Umbrella being [m]2.0 ...

20:49 CENSORED - Revanche is awesome

20:49 CENSORED - ;P

20:49 Hoo[AWAY] - <3 Vanguard ... allies from day one

20:49 Hoo[AWAY] - I think some of the powers that be forget that we are allies with them

20:49 CENSORED - Yeah

20:50 Hoo[AWAY] - We would drop TPF in a heartbeat if they attacked Vanguard

20:50 CENSORED - I wish MK could treaty with them, but some moron from MK was the one that let people know Revanche was Denial initially, so I think it's out of the question

20:50 CENSORED - I can't stand TPF to be honest

20:50 CENSORED - Slayer and TBB and magicninja are all morons..

20:50 CENSORED - But it's good that you're treatied to them..

20:51 Hoo[AWAY] - Slayer, TBB, and myself have always gotten along ... magic and I used to argue when he was in GATO though

20:51 Hoo[AWAY] - mhawk and RoK have zero relationship whatsoever ... that treaty is in jeopardy

20:51 CENSORED - magic is a !@#$@#$ moron.. TBB is barely literate, and Slayer is a racist..

20:52 CENSORED - mhawk is ex-purple, so you putting Legion in their place probly annoyed him

20:52 CENSORED - But meh, most of purple even thinks Legion are pathetic

20:52 CENSORED - Valhalla think they're a joke anyway, Invicta is a bit clueless

20:52 CENSORED - I get along with mhawk better than Slayer though, I have a tiny bit of influence at least

20:53 Hoo[AWAY] - heh

20:53 Hoo[AWAY] - mhawk begged me to drop Vanguard last war

20:53 Hoo[AWAY] - When he was Elysium

20:53 Hoo[AWAY] - Valhalla doesn't like Legion ... CJ and I joke about them all the time ...

20:53 Hoo[AWAY] - He knows I will roll them one day

20:53 Hoo[AWAY] -

20:53 Hoo[AWAY] - mhawk is an all right guy, we just don't have the relationship with TPF since he took over that we had before with Slayer, TBB, Mogar, and others

20:54 Hoo[AWAY] - But, since we're having a "it doesn't leave this query" convo ... 20:54 Hoo[AWAY] - NPO and NATO asked us if we'd accept a tC invite

20:55 Hoo[AWAY] - "If a spot were to open up ..."

20:55 CENSORED - Interesting

20:56 CENSORED - That does alter things

20:56 Hoo[AWAY] - Yeah, unless it's a smokescreen

20:56 CENSORED - Hard to say

20:56 Hoo[AWAY] - I didn't outright decline because I thought it would be rude ... but we have no intention of ever joining tC

20:56 Hoo[AWAY] - FARK got the same offer

20:56 CENSORED - With Gremlins wanting to leave Q, and you making Moo apologise.. You're both in a fairly !@#$ position

20:57 Hoo[AWAY] - Well, our theory is that Moo apologizing is due to them wanting SF on their side IF something goes down

20:57 CENSORED - Very fine line you're on now Hoo, rejecting could be disasterous, but entering would be even worse

20:57 CENSORED - Yeah

20:57 CENSORED - Whoever he chooses to go to war with, he'll want the other bloc to help in the gangbang

20:57 Hoo[AWAY] - Anu of NATO approached me about tC and SF getting closer

20:57 CENSORED - NPO sent Anu back to NATO

20:58 Hoo[AWAY] - I like walking that line ... tongue.gif

20:58 Hoo[AWAY] - But, we have no interest in being in something like tC

20:58 CENSORED - Hmm, maybe Citadel are back at the top then.. Syzygy getting MoFA is probly changing things

20:58 CENSORED - Yeah

20:58 Hoo[AWAY] - That and we sort of take great pride in becoming what we have without being in the current circle of power

20:58 CENSORED - Yes

20:59 CENSORED - You could go with the 'There are members of tC that don't respect us, and I don't feel confortable entering a bloc in which we're only friends with certain member alliances'

20:59 Hoo[AWAY] - However, even if this IS the Gre issue ... we know we will clash with the powers that be eventually ...

20:59 CENSORED - Either you don't join and it's not so rude, or you do join and force a TOP treaty too

20:59 Hoo[AWAY] - lol

21:00 Hoo[AWAY] - Deep down, I think we're NPO's most annoying ally

21:00 CENSORED - Yes

21:00 CENSORED - 1V is their tightest power bloc

21:00 Hoo[AWAY] - They always come to us to iron out something

21:00 Hoo[AWAY] - During the last war, we were a pain in the $@!

21:00 CENSORED -

21:00 Hoo[AWAY] - Refusing to drop treaties and whatnot

21:01 Hoo[AWAY] - That and the "Coalition" wasn't something we wanted in ... we were there for the initial strategy and then never visited the boards or channel again ...

21:01 Hoo[AWAY] - They always had to track me down

21:01 Hoo[AWAY] -

21:01 CENSORED -

21:01 CENSORED - I always thought 1V would want SF to help take out Citadel

21:01 CENSORED - Cause Citadel will be tough, and I figured the more 'meatshields' they can get the better

21:02 CENSORED - But recently I heard the rumour that SF were going down first, which kinda surprised me but I got it from a legitimate enough source

21:02 Hoo[AWAY] - Eh ... with RoK and FARK both declining possible tC invites, we would probably shoot up the list

21:02 CENSORED - Yeah

21:02 CENSORED - Although Gremlins declined an MDoAP

21:02 Hoo[AWAY] - And like you said, I am vocal about my dislike for Echelon and Legion who are both NPO toadies

21:03 CENSORED - Either way, one of you is next

21:03 CENSORED - And I think rather than worrying about who, you should get together

21:04 Hoo[AWAY] - lol ... we did once discuss a Citadel/SF treaty

21:04 CENSORED - That would be amazing

21:04 CENSORED - I don't imagine Crymson or Saber wanted anything to do with it

21:04 Hoo[AWAY] - It would make a lot of alliances twitch if we did

21:05 CENSORED - It would

21:05 CENSORED - SF and Citadel together are a very powerful force

21:05 CENSORED - Citadel with the top nations and SF covering the lower tiers

21:05 CENSORED - Umbrella and RIA are treatied to Sparta, which could bring them in

21:06 Hoo[AWAY] - We count on Sparta

21:06 Hoo[AWAY] - FOK too

21:06 CENSORED - So did Polaris

21:06 CENSORED - FOK will stick tightly with TOP I figure, so if TOP sticks with Gremlins, then FOK will too

21:06 CENSORED - MHA will certainly stick with Gremlins too

21:06 Hoo[AWAY] - Eh, we know Sparta leadership pretty well and Tulak is RL friends with Delta

21:06 CENSORED - And I'm doing my very best to tell people in MK to not even think about turning into a survivalist alliance, and do what we always do which is fight for the right side

21:07 Hoo[AWAY] - FOK would go with LEO ... which is R&R (A SF member), MOON, and Orion

21:07 Hoo[AWAY] - Eh ... yeah, I don't think MK turning survivalist would go over well anyway

21:08 CENSORED - Ugh, it's depressing seeing Moo start cosying up to us

21:08 CENSORED - I don't doubt they plan on offering us some kind of treaty at the end of our terms

21:08 Hoo[AWAY] - lawl

21:08 CENSORED - But I do not want to be the next Legion

21:08 CENSORED - And unless we had a specific plan with regards to an NPO treaty, I wouldn't support it

21:08 Hoo[AWAY] - Better NPO than Legion or Echelon

21:09 CENSORED - Definitely

21:10 CENSORED - Citadel+SF+MHA+FOK+Sparta+Vanguard+MK/CnG would be a nice little grouping

21:10 CENSORED - Especially if a couple random ex-BLEU were roped in like NV

21:11 Hoo[AWAY] - We'd have MA, CSN, TTK, and ROCK too

21:11 Hoo[AWAY] - Not that we've actually diagramed sides or anything

21:11 Hoo[AWAY] - :X

21:11 CENSORED -

21:11 CENSORED - And teen titans

21:12 Hoo[AWAY] - Yeah, SF and TT are "No surrender" blocs ... soooo ...

21:12 Hoo[AWAY] - heh

21:12 CENSORED - You need to keep your nose clean so Citadel are the ones that get attacked

21:12 CENSORED - Cause if you guys get attacked, I wouldn't put money on Citadel doing their best to help you

21:12 CENSORED - Unless you get that SF/Citadel treaty

21:13 Hoo[AWAY] - Yeah

21:13 CENSORED - That would be quite nice

21:15 Hoo[AWAY] - I was downtown and in the bay all night ... I'm hitting the sack, man

21:16 CENSORED - That's fine

21:16 CENSORED - Ciao Hoo, we need to keep in touch

21:16 Hoo[AWAY] - yes we do ...

21:16 Hoo[AWAY] - Take care, man

21:17 CENSORED - You too

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That's only half of it :v:

Hmmm, what were the implications of these logs during the time of the incident ? And did Pacifica have it's allies support to take RoK out ?

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-snip- some logs-

:awesome: had lost my copy of those. Say what you will, those logs are not actionable. Even though eventually, in hindsight, stuff did somewhat go down as mentioned there. At the time, it was all.. talk, and yes the need to defend against what was at the time seen as "being up there on the list" was felt to be very real.

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Haflinger: Well, I'm far from an authority on that situation, but my guess would be that that wouldn't have been a curbstomp. RoK had serious allies. GATO, FAN, GPA, ONOS and NADC had none, or next to none. And by the time of the Hoo logs (I'm guessing mid to late '08? Since that would explain my not knowing about them) the Hegemony was already beginning to show signs of cracks; the era for curbstomps in order to achieve Hegemony was well and truly over.

Edit: Spelling.

Edited by President Kent
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See, you're getting back to the "quest to eliminate opposition" idea again. Which just...

Well, assuming you're correct. Why did NPO not attack Ragnarok when the Hoo logs were released?

It was politically unfeasible because Ragnarok had one of the best networks of allies in the game, and most of them were also treated to NPO at the time? Not to mention the fact that , and the main potential rallying point to attack, Hoo, had left the game? Edited by Fallen_Fool
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We were discussing GPA, incidentally.

I actually provided reasons why two of the alliances who attacked GPA attacked them. Both just happened to be NPO MADP partners.

No one "just happened" to be MADP partners with Pacifica. And no one got to drag Pacifica into something without ultimately answering to Dilber and/or Moo. Whatever their AA. I have said repeatedly I am talking about enabling, and the only response you seem to have is "they didnt do it directly." Even if that is true, enabling allies to do the stuff still makes you culpable.

Also there werent two alliances who attacked GPA. It was 9 alliances at update. One of those alliances was Pacifica.

You denied those reasons out of hand, preferring instead to substitute "NPO made them do it because they thought GPA was a threat!"

There's just no basis for that claim whatsoever.

I dont believe the other gentleman actually made that claim, though he makes some that I believe are delusional. In particular, whether or no ONOS for instance dared dream of one day threatening Pacifica, Pacifica itself was clearly the only one capable of threatening Pacifica by the time of GWIII. Even in the abstract sense he is talking about. Thus I agree that there is no basis for the claim, in two senses at once.

See, I know why NATO wanted to attack GPA, from direct contact with NATO government at the time. I had less contact with Valhalla at the time (that was before noWedge's ejection and the subsequent detente in Purple) but man, read the announcement - Wedgie doesn't beat around the bush and Val was obsessed with Swampy at the time.

As I repeatedly tried to remind the other poster, Swampy was the centrepiece of "justification." Read the announcement, yes, read what it says. It says that Swampy was offered protection. The fact is he was not, and the fact that he was even masked as an affilliate (who gets no protection and is not guaranteed membership) for a few hours was due to Kurushio who worked for Chefjoe who worked for Dilber and NoWedge (the latter was removed early in the war leaving Chefjoe answerable only to Pacifica.) If that's a crime any democratic alliance in the game can be induced to commit a crime just about at will by someone in the position Pacifica was in. If you call that a solid CB so be it, I'll just shut up and let that affirmation stand for itself. It's fundamentally incompatible with all the nonsense about how the NPO is honourable or can be trusted.

Edited by Sigrun Vapneir
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I dont believe the other gentleman actually made that claim, though he makes some that I believe are delusional. In particular, whether or no ONOS for instance dared dream of one day threatening Pacifica, Pacifica itself was clearly the only one capable of threatening Pacifica by the time of GWIII. Even in the abstract sense he is talking about. Thus I agree that there is no basis for the claim, in two senses at once.

Neither me nor my arguments are delusional. I am not suggesting that ONOS posed a significant military thread to Pacifica; that would be delusional. Rather that they, as well as GUARD, posed a major ideological threat to the pursuit of a Pacifican hegemony. I didn't think that was such a new idea, and I'm getting pretty sick of restating it because people misinterpret me.

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Neither me nor my arguments are delusional. I am not suggesting that ONOS posed a significant military thread to Pacifica; that would be delusional. Rather that they, as well as GUARD, posed a major ideological threat to the pursuit of a Pacifican hegemony. I didn't think that was such a new idea, and I'm getting pretty sick of restating it because people misinterpret me.

We are not misinterpreting you, we just don't accept your reasoning. Like Vlad said before, would we really be worried if our enemies took up neutrality and isolation? How is that a threat?

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We are not misinterpreting you, we just don't accept your reasoning. Like Vlad said before, would we really be worried if our enemies took up neutrality and isolation? How is that a threat?

You cannot have Hegemony when there are prosperous alliances outside of it.

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So there never was a hegemony? What about ODN? TDO? Others that aren't coming to me because I haven't slept yet? -_-

I consider ODN a part of the former Hegemony. I imagine TDO was tolerated, but should they have risen as high as GPA did, I suspect their fate would have been similar. Though there was no equivalent of GGA on the Aqua sphere, another motivation for the destruction of GPA, and TDO's rise was after the period of curbstomps, so they aren't really relevant to this discussion.

Edited by President Kent
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I consider ODN a part of the former Hegemony. I imagine TDO was tolerated, but should they have risen as high as GPA did, I suspect their fate would have been similar. Though there was no equivalent of GGA on the Aqua sphere, another motivation for the destruction of GPA, and TDO's rise was after the period of curbstomps, so they aren't really relevant to this discussion.

How so? I may be wrong, I didn't take that much notice of ODN, but did they have treaties with hegemony? The only one I can think of off the top of my head is OUT. TDO may have become sanctioned after the hegemony was slipping, but they were big, and had the image of the 'true' neutral alliance after the GPA war.

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How so? I may be wrong, I didn't take that much notice of ODN, but did they have treaties with hegemony?

Hegemony is not a certain group of alliances. The Hegemony can be defined as the state of the MDP web post-UJW and pre-Karma (though they are very flimsy boundaries, and will probably vary more in truth), which included more or less everyone. If you're refering to 1V/Q and what I like to call the 'Upper Hegemony', then yes, ODN has an MDP with GGA.

TDO may have become sanctioned after the hegemony was slipping, but they were big, and had the image of the 'true' neutral alliance after the GPA war.

That may or may not have saved them should they have reached GPA's pre-war position under the Hegemony.

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Hegemony is not a certain group of alliances. The Hegemony can be defined as the state of the MDP web post-UJW and pre-Karma (though they are very flimsy boundaries, and will probably vary more in truth), which included more or less everyone. If you're refering to 1V/Q and what I like to call the 'Upper Hegemony', then yes, ODN has an MDP with GGA.

Ah, I assumed you meant the hegemony in the Karma war sense. And yes, I forgot about the GGA-ODN treaty. I assumed it was dropped somewhere along the way.

That may or may not have saved them should they have reached GPA's pre-war position under the Hegemony.

Yes, but if neutrality was an ideological threat then surely a 'pure neutral' alliance would be a big target.

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Yes, but if neutrality was an ideological threat then surely a 'pure neutral' alliance would be a big target.

I'd phrase it more as a 'sanctioned neutral' alliance, or even more simply, a neutral alliance with the gawl to be ranked number one. TDO was neither, they weren't on anyone's radar.

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