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Crimson Guard Edict #5: Ultimatum to Internet Superheroes

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If there were nukes spied away, if there were bombers and cms used, it's hardly a tech raid, and that's by the standards of the bloc they belong to. They want to impose upon people their own set of rules if they're raiding pink sphere nations, but they disregard that set of rules when it's them raiding other spheres? Why do they think they can have it both ways?

I do believe that people live by their standards and their standards alone.

But technically, PC, RAD, and TCB are the enforcers of the bus doctrine and the only alliances that have signed it.

So just because PC, RAD, and TCB say raiding doesn't involve CMs and APs that doesn't mean that IS does.

And here's a little tl;dr of the Bus Doctrine since you seem to like it so much.

They said they weren't protecting against any and all raiding. Only that if nations on pink were being reduced to rubble, extorted, etc that they now have a place to come and plead their case for a little help.


So you're going to disregard the set of rules your own bloc imposes on nations while raiding pink, too?

We protect our own.

That doesn't technically mean the rules we made applies to other spheres.

Edited by This Charming Man
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Right no military treaties... thank you for putting that out there. Oh and why don't you contact IS in private about the reps and THEN if they dont pay reps post a DoW and show everyone how much of a "bad" alliance they are.

Oh but it does concern me. When you bring something to the international community it concerns everyone and though its hard to believe, I am a member of the international community. One who is not willing to take your crying. And since I don't think you understood that i meant by friends I will clarify for you. Those who actually hold a military treaty with your alliance, which as Francesca pointed out is just Rebel Virginia.

My apologies, this matter does not concern you directly, oh champion of all things that are right in the cyberverse.

Treaty or no treaty our friends are backing us out in this war.

So what is the importance of that "piece of paper" again?

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I do believe that people live by their standards and their standards alone.

But technically, PC, RAD, and TCB are the enforcers of the bus doctrine and the only alliances that have signed it.

So just because PC, RAD, and TCB say raiding doesn't involve CMs and APs that doesn't mean that IS does.

And here's a little tl;dr of the Bus Doctrine since you seem to like it so much.

I'm familiar with the bus doctrine, no need to quote any part of it to me.

You're hiding behind PWN, PC is in on the raids with you, RAD nations have already stated they use CMs and Bombers on their raids.. so, since you're hiding behind them, you're with them on the bus doctrine.

Why then, do you feel you can have it both ways? And how does "protecting your own" mean you can attack people with bombing runs and cruise missiles, while doing ground attacks, all unprovoked?

How is that defending your own?

Edited by astronaut jones
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Right no military treaties... thank you for putting that out there. Oh and why don't you contact IS in private about the reps and THEN if they dont pay reps post a DoW and show everyone how much of a "bad" alliance they are.

There are actually logs of my conversation with IS leadership in the OP. Now, I don't know about you, but I tend to read announcements before I comment in them,

One who is not willing to take your crying. And since I don't think you understood what i meant by friends I will clarify for you. Those who actually hold a military treaty with your alliance, which as Francesca pointed out is just Rebel Virginia.

Crying? Where did I cry? Where did I ever ask for your help "because this was so evil?" I merely stated that I was demanding reps, and why.

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What is all this nonsense nowadays of "it's a tech raid, so it's ok!" Leaving aside that this is not a tech raid (you're not fooling anyone IS), why on earth does it matter? This is a coordinated attack on CG by IS without any just reason to do so.

Poor show IS. Poor show indeed.

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I'm familiar with the bus doctrine, no need to quote any part of it to me.

Didn't quote anything, just gave you a tl;dr some people just can't read official write ups.

You're hiding behind PWN, PC is in on the raids with you,

<+ThisCharmingMan> wat

<+ThisCharmingMan> wat

<+Jack|Diorno[Athens]> wat

<+ThisCharmingMan> wat

<@Hurricane[iS]> wat

RAD nations have already stated they use CMs and Bombers on their raids..

Correction, I said that I use CMs and Bombers.

so, since you're hiding behind them, you're with them on the bus doctrine.

You're right, I signed it.

Why then, do you feel you can have it both ways?

Because I signed it, and the Bus Doctrine states that we protect Pink nations, if CG was on Pink this would be a whole 'nother story brotha! B)

And how does "protecting your own" mean you can attack people with bombing runs and cruise missiles, while doing ground attacks, all unprovoked?

How is that defending your own?

It doesn't, it's something entirely different. It's the Bus Doctrine, a treaty signed by RAD, PC, and TCB to protect Pink sphere. Not set the ground rules for tech raids!

Edited by This Charming Man
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Though I do not approve of the actions of IS in this instance, Francesca, do you really have any weight to throw around here? To my knowledge, your only treaty is with Rebel Virginia which, let's face it, won't change the tides of war against IS and possibly their allies as well. Do you have any informal ties to other alliances that would support you in this? Without those, this announcement is tantamount to suicide. You're basically telling IS "come and get it," and believe me, they will. Lots of free tech, land, and cash that is.

Darn Locke, for once I agree with everything you have said.

at OP: Hurrdurricane mis-spoke, I'd trust Sakura over him. Sakura is a triumvir with a brain and whatnot, comparable to any triumvir in a top alliance. If one of MHA's triumvirs told you they were tech raiding you, my guess is that you'd believe it. This is really nothing more than a tech raid.

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Darn Locke, for once I agree with everything you have said.

at OP: Hurrdurricane mis-spoke, I'd trust Sakura over him. Sakura is a triumvir with a brain and whatnot, comparable to any triumvir in a top alliance. If one of MHA's triumvirs told you they were tech raiding you, my guess is that you'd believe it. This is really nothing more than a tech raid.

Don't raid like idiots then.

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Wow IS, maybe you aren't as bad as I initiailly tok you for. Definately a step in the right direction here.

A bold move IS, and I have to say I'm enjoying it. Good luck to IS, looks like you are going to need it.

Edit: Don't give CG anything, you are completely in your rights here. That being said, if you don't give anytihng, there might be consequences. Anything you need, you know where to find me.

Second Edit (I should really just make another post, oh well): CG, take the peace and run.

Edited by Jipps
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Darn Locke, for once I agree with everything you have said.

at OP: Hurrdurricane mis-spoke, I'd trust Sakura over him. Sakura is a triumvir with a brain and whatnot, comparable to any triumvir in a top alliance. If one of MHA's triumvirs told you they were tech raiding you, my guess is that you'd believe it. This is really nothing more than a tech raid.

Even if it is "really nothing more than a tech raid," how does that make it right? You're still attacking and damaging CG nations, as well as stealing from them. I don't see how a "tech raid" is anything other than an act of war, whether the victim is a single nation or an alliance.

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Lesson learned, now they don't have to pay the reps right? :awesome:

The whole point of my argument against this topic was that there was no way IS was going to pay reps.

Start shooting.

Take white peace.


Drag this topic out for as long as possible so that everyone knows IS is a crappy alliance and that CG won't fight back militarily.

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My apologies, this matter does not concern you directly, oh champion of all things that are right in the cyberverse.

Treaty or no treaty our friends are backing us out in this war.

So what is the importance of that "piece of paper" again?

Yes what is a point of a treaty? I don't really know why anyone ever signs them when we can just attacking on will. Would you like to continue to degrade your alliance?

There are actually logs of my conversation with IS leadership in the OP. Now, I don't know about you, but I tend to read announcements before I comment in them,

Crying? Where did I cry? Where did I ever ask for your help "because this was so evil?" I merely stated that I was demanding reps, and why.

Oh and i did read them, here lets use some of your own words:

01[23:40] <Francesca[CG]> They are not used for the purposes of gaining tech, which is the idea behind a tech raid.

[23:40] <Sakura> Do you think I did this for tech?

01[23:41] <Francesca[CG]> So you concede that this was not a tech raid. Thank you, that's all I need.

If that is "all you needed" than why have you not declared war with the support of these "friends" of yours. Its obvious by the fact of your post it was not all you needed and that you have come here to cry and try to gain the support of others. I for one don't respect alliances that cannot handle things on their own without having the support of "friends" that they have no treaties with. As others have said in the past, pop or get off the pot. Either declare war with these friends of yours or move on and get over it.

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What is all this nonsense nowadays of "it's a tech raid, so it's ok!" Leaving aside that this is not a tech raid (you're not fooling anyone IS), why on earth does it matter? This is a coordinated attack on CG by IS without any just reason to do so.

Poor show IS. Poor show indeed.

Clearly the reason for the war, as illustrated by the in-game declerations, is "MAIM KILL BURN."

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Even if it is "really nothing more than a tech raid," how does that make it right? You're still attacking and damaging CG nations, as well as stealing from them. I don't see how a "tech raid" is anything other than an act of war, whether the victim is a single nation or an alliance.

I'd just like to point out that people get tech raided everyday.

If only they knew that if they whined about it on the forums, and then made threats about bringing in "friends" it could all stop...

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You're hiding behind PWN, PC is in on the raids with you, RAD nations have already stated they use CMs and Bombers on their raids.. so, since you're hiding behind them, you're with them on the bus doctrine.

Correction, I said that I use CMs and Bombers.

You're right, I signed it.

It doesn't, it's something entirely different. It's the Bus Doctrine, a treaty signed by RAD, PC, and TCB to protect Pink sphere. Not set the ground rules for tech raids!

I'm sorry, but if that's your view as a signer of the bus doctrine, why should anyone treat that like it's not a piece of toilet paper?

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I'd just like to point out that people get tech raided everyday.

If only they knew that if they whined about it on the forums, and then made threats about bringing in "friends" it could all stop...

This is not just a tech raid, as demonstrated in the original post.

Edit: [OOC] I am going to sleep, I am dead tired and I've been working on this stuff all night. That is why I will cease to post here for the time being. [/OOC]

Edited by Francesca
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