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Crimson Guard Edict #5: Ultimatum to Internet Superheroes

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During the Karma War the forces from Internet Superheroes proved themselves to be honorable opponents - I feel the need to point out that this behavior isn't consistent with what I saw of them during that time.

Does anyone actually like IS who is outside of IS? I didn't think so.

I did - I'm withholding my opinion at the moment depending on how things resolve.

Edited by Tokugawa Mitsukuni
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I'm a bit confused... What constitutes an alliance really?

Different alliances define what they believe an alliance is. For example, Nueva Vida, used to raid Alliance that had below 50 members and no one used to whine about that. They got away with it because the 'groups of nations' they raided didn't have any treaty partners.

It seems to me that CG doesn't have any treaty partners, so why is everyone getting their panties in a bunch?

Because this is not a tech raid. Using bombers and CMs makes it a war.

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If you can't handle the "constant stream of queries" might i suggest that you get off IRC. Right, this coming from a person who makes big threats but is not willing to name treaty partners nor actually take the next step.

A - This thread does not concern you

B - Francesca already named our friends. Learn to read.

Edited by deSouza
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I'm not getting mad at you because you're not willing to support me. I'm getting slightly annoyed by your determination to insult me with very little justification.

I chuckled. Unless you have anything else to post besides what's in the OP, you don't have proof of anything beyond a tech raid. (Which you seem to be ok with?) It seems like you're either accusing IS of DoWing without a declaration or you're accusing them of tech raiding improperly.

If it's a war, I'm sure we'll hear more from them about why.

If it's a tech raid, just hit back already since you have a 0% chance of getting reps.

Since it looks like you're operating under the premise that this is a war, stop wasting your time asking for reps and fight.

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It seems to me that CG doesn't have any treaty partners, so why is everyone getting their panties in a bunch?

Back in the pre-Karma War Bad Old Days attacking a small alliance with no treaty partners when you were part of an impressive bloc got called a "curbstomp". Maybe people really do just dislike these sorts of things and are not limited to looking at who is doing them?

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It seems to Jack Diorno, that the world has gone underdog crazy.

I didn't see any section of those logs even slightly pertaining to you using any kind of diplomacy in this situation. Seems to me like you strolled in there are started asking questions and then this ultimatum pops up, did you try diplomacy? asking for peace even?

I spent six hours on diplomacy.

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I'm a bit confused... What constitutes an alliance really?

Different alliances define what they believe an alliance is. For example, Nueva Vida, used to raid Alliance that had below 50 members and no one used to whine about that. They got away with it because the 'groups of nations' they raided didn't have any treaty partners.

It seems to me that CG doesn't have any treaty partners, so why is everyone getting their panties in a bunch?

If the definition of real life interactions is that subjective, we could all ignore that post and consider it non existant.

Easy, right?

Except that CG has a DoE, is a protectorate of TC by an executive decision (after the negotiations of our protectorate with ODN failed, TC had to step up and do that job) and effectively exists / is recognized as an alliance in the cyberverse.

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I chuckled. Unless you have anything else to post besides what's in the OP, you don't have proof of anything beyond a tech raid. (Which you seem to be ok with?) It seems like you're either accusing IS of DoWing without a declaration or you're accusing them of tech raiding improperly.

If it's a war, I'm sure we'll hear more from them about why.

If it's a tech raid, just hit back already since you have a 0% chance of getting reps.

Since it looks like you're operating under the premise that this is a war, stop wasting your time asking for reps and fight.

Good sir, have you read anything posted in this topic at all? I think it became quite clear a couple of weeks ago when RV was "raided" with CMs and air strikes what the general Planet Bob community considers a tech raid to be and what the general planet bob community considers a war to be. Tech raids do not use CMs or air strikes. If someone is using CMs and air strikes, they are either a really noobish tech raider, or they aren't tech raiding. It's that simple. So yes, she is accusing them of either DoWing with out a declaration, or tech raiding an alliance improperly, both of which are worth of reps.

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and spying nukes ^_^

hope this gets sorted out, CG how come you never got someone to protect you?

Because we were going to merge shortly with another alliance and no longer considered it necessary. Today I agreed to a protectorate with TC.

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I chuckled. Unless you have anything else to post besides what's in the OP, you don't have proof of anything beyond a tech raid. (Which you seem to be ok with?) It seems like you're either accusing IS of DoWing without a declaration or you're accusing them of tech raiding improperly.

If it's a war, I'm sure we'll hear more from them about why.

If it's a tech raid, just hit back already since you have a 0% chance of getting reps.

Since it looks like you're operating under the premise that this is a war, stop wasting your time asking for reps and fight.

If there were nukes spied away, if there were bombers and cms used, it's hardly a tech raid, and that's by the standards of the bloc they belong to. They want to impose upon people their own set of rules if they're raiding pink sphere nations, but they disregard that set of rules when it's them raiding other spheres? Why do they think they can have it both ways?

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Good show IS, giving the world a reason to eliminate you. Sure CG has limited treaties, but does that even matter anymore? And to those who brought up NV raiding alliances smaller than 50 members and no one complaining, it is society at large that decides what is morally right.

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I chuckled. Unless you have anything else to post besides what's in the OP, you don't have proof of anything beyond a tech raid. (Which you seem to be ok with?) It seems like you're either accusing IS of DoWing without a declaration or you're accusing them of tech raiding improperly.

If it's a war, I'm sure we'll hear more from them about why.

If it's a tech raid, just hit back already since you have a 0% chance of getting reps.

Since it looks like you're operating under the premise that this is a war, stop wasting your time asking for reps and fight.

I have been in many alliances and all of them demand reparations from rogues attacking one or more of their nations.

Even if this is really a tech raid (with naval blockades, spy operations, cruise missiles, aircraft attacks and update blitzes), it is a tech raid on an alliance and therefore a collective rogue act, and reparations are necessary for that kind of thing.

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I don't have any military treaties save that of the Prayer to Rebel Virginia. As for friends? I already named several alliances who support our decision.

As for making the next step, look me in the eye and tell me if there is anything to suggest that I'm not deadly serious. If IS will not pay reps for what they did, Crimson Guard and her friends go to war.

Right no military treaties... thank you for putting that out there. Oh and why don't you contact IS in private about the reps and THEN if they dont pay reps post a DoW and show everyone how much of a "bad" alliance they are.

A - This thread does not concern you

B - Francesca already named our friends. Learn to read.

Oh but it does concern me. When you bring something to the international community it concerns everyone and though its hard to believe, I am a member of the international community. One who is not willing to take your crying. And since I don't think you understood what i meant by friends I will clarify for you. Those who actually hold a military treaty with your alliance, which as Francesca pointed out is just Rebel Virginia.

I chuckled. Unless you have anything else to post besides what's in the OP, you don't have proof of anything beyond a tech raid. (Which you seem to be ok with?) It seems like you're either accusing IS of DoWing without a declaration or you're accusing them of tech raiding improperly.

If it's a war, I'm sure we'll hear more from them about why.

If it's a tech raid, just hit back already since you have a 0% chance of getting reps.

Since it looks like you're operating under the premise that this is a war, stop wasting your time asking for reps and fight.

Thank you!

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Good sir, have you read anything posted in this topic at all? I think it became quite clear a couple of weeks ago when RV was "raided" with CMs and air strikes what the general Planet Bob community considers a tech raid to be and what the general planet bob community considers a war to be. Tech raids do not use CMs or air strikes. If someone is using CMs and air strikes, they are either a really noobish tech raider, or they aren't tech raiding. It's that simple. So yes, she is accusing them of either DoWing with out a declaration, or tech raiding an alliance improperly, both of which are worth of reps.

Good sir, I assume that IS took the possibility of having to pay reps into consideration when they attacked. The fact that this topic was even necessary tells me that she has a 0.00% chance of getting anything. So yes, she wants reps, but she is not going to get them no matter how much CG deserves them.

Start shooting.

Take white peace.


Drag this topic out for as long as possible so that everyone knows IS is a crappy alliance and that CG won't fight back militarily.

/Hegemony 2.0

//I blame Tyga

EDIT: I should mention that I believe raids should be 2 GAs and then peace. I'm not defending any crappy raid tactics here, I'm just saying that if you don't think it's a raid, you should probably start acting like it's a war.

Edited by rsoxbronco1
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