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DoE of The Huns Alliance

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we are too small to any sort of conflict yet, but once we grow strong, we will become the huns everyone knows and loves. we in the huns alliance want to grow peacefully to good strength and then unleash our inner tiger

Just to confirm, then: you do plan to destroy the Roman Empire, correct?

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we are too small to any sort of conflict yet, but once we grow strong, we will become the huns everyone knows and loves. we in the huns alliance want to grow peacefully to good strength and then unleash our inner tiger

Inner Tiger?

Please Grow Quickly so I can see the Fury of the Huns unleashed on all of CN.

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we are too small to any sort of conflict yet, but once we grow strong, we will become the huns everyone knows and loves. we in the huns alliance want to grow peacefully to good strength and then unleash our inner tiger

You need something to inspire your members. Seeing you put a valiant effort into war does that.

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Demand Tribute and If they don't Pay you, That should anger you. Then you can show us your growth into a Fierce Tiger from a Cute Little Kitten

lol..of course we are going to be a war alliance, for legit reasons, but not right now as we want to confirm our protectorate first

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lol..of course we are going to be a war alliance, for legit reasons, but not right now as we want to confirm our protectorate first

But Surely the Great Hun Empire Doesn't need to be Protected by anyone. You are Barbarians. You should be pillaging instead of being peaceful.

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There is a history problem here.

In the chaos of the late twelfth century, a chieftain named Temüjin finally succeeded in uniting the Mongol tribes between Manchuria and the Altai Mountains. In 1206, he took the title Genghis Khan, and waged a series of military campaigns - renowned for their brutality and ferocity - sweeping through much of Asia, and forming the Mongol Empire, the largest contiguous land empire in world history. Under his successors it stretched from present-day Poland in the west to Korea in the east, and from Siberia in the north to the Gulf of Oman and Vietnam in the south, covering some 33,000,000 km2 (12,741,000 sq mi),[10] (22% of Earth's total land area) and having a population of over 100 million people. After Genghis Khan's death, the empire had been subdivided into four kingdoms or Khanates which eventually split-up after Möngke's death in 1259. One of the khanates, the "Great Khaanate", consisting of the Mongol homeland and China, became the Yuan Dynasty under Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan. He set up his capital in present day Beijing but after more than a century of power, the Yuan was replaced by the Ming Dynasty in 1368, with the Mongol court fleeing to the north. As the Ming armies pursued the Mongols into their homeland, they successfully sacked and destroyed the Mongol capital Karakorum among other cities, wiping out the cultural progress that was achieved during the imperial period and thus throwing Mongolia back to anarchy.

There were no 'Khans' in the Hunnic Empire.

The Huns, historically were a more European Barbaric Tribe, with some corners of their empire reaching the middle east and asia under Attila The Hun, but to me it looks like your alliance should be called 'The Mongols'

Edited by King Alias
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There is a history problem here.

There were no 'Khans' in the Hunnic Empire.

The Huns, historically were a more European Barbaric Tribe, with some corners of their empire reaching the middle east and asia under Attila The Hun, but to me it looks like your alliance should be called 'The Mongols'

OOC: One problem with your "history" mate. This is Cybernations politics and history, not RL politics and history, so your attempt at tearing this alliance apart has only resulted in you going severely OOC like I have just now. There has yet to be a Hunnic or Mongol alliance in CyberNations until this one IIRC. As such, the history you are referring to does not actually exist in the politics and history that you should be referring to in this section of these forums. In the future, I suggest either making your post one with OOC tags or refraining from posting things like that at all because, as I said earlier, they do not exist in an IC sense. /OOC

To all those that are tearing this alliance apart, I must say, you are sad indeed. Why not welcome this alliance with open arms and see what it grows into before judging and tearing it apart?

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Just today I posted a neat "Alliance Creation for Dummies" guide on my CN forum blog.

Apparently The Huns Alliance failed to read my guide.

If you need to read a guide on how to start an alliance, then you shouldn't be starting an alliance.

Best of luck Huns, though I think you are far too inexperienced to start up an alliance right away. I'd suggest joining an established one first.

Edited by Mathias
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