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Ulitimatium to the Krieg Empire

Stefano Palmieri

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Europeans do not interfere in African affairs, and we expect the same level of courtesy. Should you attack a European nation, you can expect retaliation.

The FGR is hardly a European nation. With the exception of Arkhangelsk, parts of southern Russia and Monaco, the FGR is either North American on Asian, but we agree with your point. Libya doesn’t seem to be directly or indirectly threatened by the Kreig Empire, so what’s their angle?

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The FGR is hardly a European nation. With the exception of Arkhangelsk, parts of southern Russia and Monaco, the FGR is either North American on Asian, but we agree with your point. Libya doesn’t seem to be directly or indirectly threatened by the Kreig Empire, so what’s their angle?

Im going to go out on a limb and say they have friends in high places who are going to help them comprimise my sovereignty. This is purely speculation and I will not comment anything offcial etc.

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2 SEE MCR in Febuary @ SW10 says (11:32 PM):


so be it

So people of bob, we have a war. He has denied a withdrawal ICly and OOCly. I would hope nations will do their part to help ensure this threat does not cause the deaths of hundreds of thousands.

OOC: Show the full logs or dont show any at all.

IC: Again we reiterate we shall not back down from our ultimatium unless change is seen by the end of the week.

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Im going to go out on a limb and say they have friends in high places who are going to help them comprimise my sovereignty. This is purely speculation and I will not comment anything offcial etc.

The Scottish government finds this claim to be laughable if not an outright lie.

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OOC: Don't make me get the full logs, which clearly show one of them being reasonable, and the other acting paranoid.

IC: While the Republic of Normandy is allied to both respective nations through treaty, we believe Africans state should not interfere in Europeans politics, and anything related to the European continent, unless it's a treaty or organization that allows such.

Normandy will however, remain neutral, if this breaks into war, as Libya will most likely suffer the consequences.

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The FGR is hardly a European nation. With the exception of Arkhangelsk, parts of southern Russia and Monaco, the FGR is either North American on Asian, but we agree with your point. Libya doesn’t seem to be directly or indirectly threatened by the Kreig Empire, so what’s their angle?

We are inclined to disagree. While Greenland may geographically be part of North America, politically we have always associated ourselves with Europe.

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OOC: Don't make me get the full logs, which clearly show one of them being reasonable, and the other acting paranoid.

IC: While the Republic of Normandy is allied to both respective nations through treaty, we believe Africans state should not interfere in Europeans politics, and anything related to the European continent, unless it's a treaty or organization that allows such.

Normandy will however, remain neutral, if this breaks into war, as Libya will most likely suffer the consequences.

OOC: Im going to not say a word of it after this, but like I said I thought it was a reasonable OOC conversation between both of us, it just clarified what his IC intentions were, and that was really it.

IC: The Empire frowns upon this Neutral stance, and wishes Normandy to try to talk to their newly found allies and urge them to stop this unprovoked statement.

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Facism must die in Europe. Molakia will support any Armed Conflict into this cesspool of a nation. Prepare to die, pigs!

Molakia goes to DEFCON 1 and prepares to move forces into this group of thatched huts.

The NoN is saddened by the sudden change of heart of the Molakian Government. Surely this is not the same regime that so graciously sent peacekeepers and aid to war weary and beleagured NoN citizenry?

To announce that a certain style of governing "must die" is shocking and quite hypocritical of those who denounce Facism.

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"Once again, we suspect our nation to succumb to the imperialist nations. This deeply saddens me, however, we will not go down without a fight. The Empire of Kreig is sure to inflict death upon the invaders, up to our last breaths..."

"Libya, Scotland, Molkia, they all close in on our land, and it seems the world is becoming a darker place.. women, children.. sons, daughers, shall perish because of this supposingly fascist hatred, even after the laughable fact our country has sustained Centralist reforms..

to the citizens of the world, we hold strong until the end."

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"Once again, we suspect our nation to succumb to the imperialist nations. This deeply saddens me, however, we will not go down without a fight. The Empire of Kreig is sure to inflict death upon the invaders, up to our last breaths..."

"Libya, Scotland, Molkia, they all close in on our land, and it seems the world is becoming a darker place.. women, children.. sons, daughers, shall perish because of this supposingly fascist hatred, even after the laughable fact our country has sustained Centralist reforms..

to the citizens of the world, we hold strong until the end."

Scottish troops have at no time entered Krieg territory.

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The 1st and 2nd Militant Cabals (approx 9100 men max each) are loaded unto Civilian Airlifters and sent to predetermined co-ordinates set by the Krieg. They will use international routes only, and try their best to avoid nearing any potential enemy forces.

The NoN is at Defcon 1 yet again, and preparations are being made with other concerned African nations with regards to the seemingly rogue state of Libya.

Edited by Executive Minister
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Annihilation must ask, why are you interferring in another nation's sovereignty? Sovereignty is a legal right, and unless the Krieg Empire have wronged you (Examples please), then you do not have the right to invade them.

That being said, A war can be started for MANY reasons. State as many as you want.

OOC: Thanks for helping me with my Politics study guys :D

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Any invasion performed by the Krieg Empire will be strongly frowned upon, and considered an aggressive act, regardless of any ultimatums sent or rescinded. We urge both parties to sit down and talk this one out, lest we want this situation to escalate into war.

Considering the Krieg Empire already was involved in an aggressive act, after claiming peaceful isolationism, the Republic finds this statement behind the times.

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*The Emperor pulls out a Luger pistol.. Although Ancient, it has a distinct look to it, and looks operational. The Emperor loads and #%&$@ the pistol, and places it in his holster. He begins writing his last will, letters to family residing in Bavaria. He orders a disquised civilian to sneak the letters into Bavaria, and see to it his hidden family members get his letters. A single tear falls down his cheek, as he looks out the window of his Reichbuilding. The people, so innocent, shall soon be victim to a great genocide, of epic proportions, all for the actions of one man, a man who tryed to reform to the worlds view, but not to much, to remain vigliant... but, too late in cause, he places the luger on his desk, and awaits the sirens to go off. He makes his final announcement.*

"Sons and daughers of Krieg, I beg of you for forgivness, for my actions have sealed the fate of us all. Our valiant troops shall stand to the end, brutually cut down by the invading armies.. I will be however, using the most honorable means I can, as also a punishment, and a sancutary. The moment our invaders reach Madrid, I shall commit suicide, to prevent the dishonor of surrender, and the possiblilty of my famil being found, and the Imperial secrets stored deep within my head, must die with me... I ask our soldiers, to remember, our place is set above the skys, above the angles. Those who defend his people, his nation, himself, in the name of god shall have everlasting peace and enternity in bliss, a utopia, millions of times greater then i could have achieved.. My Troops.. My people.. For The Empire.."

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