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Ulitimatium to the Krieg Empire

Stefano Palmieri

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In preparation for the impending assault on Krieg, an additional 50,000 soldiers have been dispatched along with another Carrier Battlegroup, bringing the total force deployment to 80,000 Soldiers and 500 tanks, with 8 Ships and 20 Squadrons of Aircraft, in addition to various helicopters and other units.

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The Imperium of Poliz is both deeply concerned and appalled at the readiness that some nations on the world stage have shown in assault upon their neighbours' soverignty purely because their governments disagree with political alignment, governing styles and cultural ideals.

Particularly, the comment

intrigues us. Where is your ultimatum to the Italian Republic? Or does your hunger for destruction of facists limit you to accosting nations without the ability to effectively defend themselves?

What other government types offend you so much that you would call your nation to arms to force them to desist? Are theocracies next? Maybe anarchist states? If the world watching this at large allows this gross, baseless eviction and forceful dissolution of soverignty to take place, then a deadly, disgusting precedent will be set, and the world will burn for it.

OOC: I think I need some Ice for that burn :v:

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In light of this uncalled aggression by the Caliphate Queen Anne Smith pledges the support of the Imperial Kingdom of Tasmania to the Krieg's cause and shall dispatch the Imperial Legion at once. A large armed force shall be deployed to the Krieg by landing ships. The force structure is listed below.


Total soldiers: 22,000.

4th and 5th Royal company.


Total tanks: 750

1st,2nd and 3rd Royal Armoured.


4 C-130 spectre Gunships

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The Church greatly condemns the Caliphate for not only messing with European affairs, but for also pressing an unjust ultimatum on a country that has done nothing to the Caliphate. If the Empire gets pulled into the war, the Church will condemn the Caliphate again for failing to use the just war procedure, and the Church will give full support to the Empire.

OOC: World War maybe?

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OOC: The Milita formation statment was more of a humorous contradction since I said "moral at an all time low"

IC: The Empire of Krieg refuses to do any of the sorts and reminds you we have passed centralist reforms.

We strongly urge the Libyian government to take mercy on our troops and civlians as you enter our land. All troops will not respond to an attack and will simply surrender and raise a white flag.

We question the Empire's decision to surrender. When it comes to the Church and war, the just war doctrine only applies to the aggressor. We strongly believe that the Empire still has the right to defend itself.

EDIT: OOC: Spelling. Also know that that in an IC response, and I already read about Operation Execution.

Edited by KingChris
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The Republic of Euzkadi finds it amazing that anyone would see the Kreig Empire is even worthy of any support, had the majority of European nations been proactive in dealing with such abominable regimes as Krieg and Borghese perhaps the world would not be so critical.

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The Republic of Euzkadi finds it amazing that anyone would see the Kreig Empire is even worthy of any support, had the majority of European nations been proactive in dealing with such abominable regimes as Krieg and Borghese perhaps the world would not be so critical.

If the others who have decided to stand up for Krieg share the same feelings as the NoN does, then let it be known that the reason others defend this nation is not in support of any policies or any of its actions. Instead, this aid must be seen as a resounding move to oppose the rights a nation has to impose its will upon other sovereign entities who cannot defend themselves.

The Libyans are cowards, shoving an Ultimatum such as this knowing full well that Krieg has little, to no military capacity. A nation that must be lent military hardware in order to be effective during the simple pacification of Anarchists is one to be pityed, if anything, not bullied.

Edited by Executive Minister
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And the partition of France was a commendable action? we saw no evidence of destructive anarchism in neighbouring France. All we saw was barefaced expansionism.

We do not care about Krieg's past actions, as stupid or aggressive as they may be. Anarchists are but bugs to be squashed, unworthy of the bullets needed to silence their inane jabbering.

Again, our defence of Krieg is not a defence of their policies or actions, it is opposition to the attempt Lybia has at exerting its control over another sovereign entity.

Not to say that the notion fascist's tend to stick together did not play a role in our decision, but nevertheless it stands as is.

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Yes we realize Fascist stick together, judging by the NoN's support of the despicable Borghese regime we not surprised in the slightest.

We are not ashamed of who and what we are. We are born and bred in a culture where pity and mercy are but a weakness to be exploited, where those who hesitate are weak, and the weak will die, unless someone strong protects them.

We will not hide this fact from anyone, and do not take your attempt at slighting us as an insult. We support whomever we want and do not care about any PR our nation may lose from associating with nations others deem undesirable.

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The Royal Mechodamian Airforce and Navy are en route to the Mediterranean Sea. This is being announced publicly to hopefully dissuade any sea or air-based invasion. We will not tolerate a war of this nature and, if need be, we will end this war justifiably by declaring war on both nations in an attempt to sue for peace. As we are a border nation with Libya, it is obvious what our course of action would be. For the Krieg Empire, the course of action is also obvious. Again, this is all announced publicly so you all get your heads out of your @#$% and actually work this out.

Somewhat Secretive

•55% of the RMN is en route to the Straits of Gibraltar and are being escorted by 60% of the RMF, with cyclical landings for refueling on aircraft carriers, but will remain stationed at Gibraltar and will advance no further unless instructed to do so.


•Ground forces are mobilizing near the Libyan border for an invasion. This includes a complete ground force of 450,000 soldiers and 3,500 tanks. 30 air squadrons will also take precedent courses of action here as well.

•Country DEFCON is now at 2.

Edited by SpacingOutMan
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We question Mechodamia. It is extremely obvious that ending a war cannot be done by declaring war. We also see the obliteration of both countries as inhumane.

By putting a buffer force between two warring nations, it's somewhat difficult to get at one another when they have to go through a rather superior force.

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By putting a buffer force between two warring nations, it's somewhat difficult to get at one another when they have to go through a rather superior force.

Yes, but why not simply blockade both cuontries so that military ships and transports can't get through? Why declare a full war?

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With a blockade conflict is, indeed, inevitable. If our ships are attacked then war will be declared. That is a constant. It is painfully apparent that these nations are hard headed and do not resort to diplomacy as often as we'd like, so a third party must play the role of arbiter.

Throughout our history as a nation, Africa has been very resentful toward the influence of Europe within the continent. The same courtesy is shown by Europe toward African involvement. It is with that that we must make greater strides to prevent European-African strains, lest we want to have an intercontinental war.

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With a blockade conflict is, indeed, inevitable. If our ships are attacked then war will be declared. That is a constant. It is painfully apparent that these nations are hard headed and do not resort to diplomacy as often as we'd like, so a third party must play the role of arbiter.

Throughout our history as a nation, Africa has been very resentful toward the influence of Europe within the continent. The same courtesy is shown by Europe toward African involvement. It is with that that we must make greater strides to prevent European-African strains, lest we want to have an intercontinental war.

OOC: :awesome: you know...that ain't such a bad idea!

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Off the Coast of Euskadi

Molakian Expeditionary Force

"Euskadi Military Command this is the Molakian Expeditionary Force. We request permission to come ashore to invade Krieg."

---Transmission to Euskadi, Classified---
219,190 Soldiers
Tanks to arrive later.
Fighters to arrive once airbases are secure.
Corvettes are en route to provide fire Support

Let us kill these fools together!

Transmission to the World

As of several hours ago, an Official Declaration of War has been brought against this Krieg Rogue State. Molakian Forces are very close to landing and will eradicate this Facist State from the World. After, The land will be returned to Rebel Army for them to distribute. Any nation that attacks our forces will be also declared on.

----Molakian MILCOM, Kotka---

Missle Silos 1 thru 5 begin checks for Emergency launches, should they be needed. The ICBMs Warheads are armed.....

(OOC: Once Euskadi declines or accepts my troops, ill make another thread for the actual war.)

Edited by Comrade
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OOC: Molakia doesn't have 219,000 soldiers. They have 68,000 soldiers. As per:

OOC: Um, not true.

34,221 Supporters - 6,823 Active Soldiers = 27,398 Citizens.

27,398 Citizens * 80% = 27,398 * .8 = 21,918.4 Max. Cap. IG Soldiers

21,918.4 * 10 = 219,184 Max. Cap. RP Soldiers

His soldier counts are fine.

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OOC: Ok, I thought it was troops you actually had x10, but I misread it... did they change the rules recently?

Also... that implies that there are no actual soldiers in Molakia. He left NO defensive force. Wow. If anyone IC invaded him (not that I could or would from my IC knowledge, he would be completely wiped by a gang of kids and their meddling dog! (Plus he has -6 six soldiers in Molakia :P)

Edited by Zarfef
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