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Official RAD Response

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We didn't call in help from our allies, because it's not necessary. We're only fighting for a few days, so we'll do that ourselves just fine.

Thank you, I will embrace my incompetence and love it to the most SERIOUS degree.

To all the people who support RAD in all of this balderdash: thanks homies, love ya too. ;)

The respected Emperor has made quite the point. Surely, anyone who has survived CN over the last 3 years can recognize its accuracy.

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Are you still playing the "Jason8 isn't government" card here? Come on people.

He is listed on your forum, on the wiki and in a couple of other places as the #2 person in RAD. After the war was recognized it was stated that Jason8 handed off his post while he was going on vacation. Well, he is back from vacation now and no documentation has been modified to state that he has lost his ranking within the alliance.

Seems to be another one of those "lulz" things.

You actually expect a 34 nation alliance, with members who have known each other in some cases for over 3 years, to stand on formality? <_<

Small alliances have a slower pace of life than the big city. I realize you wouldn't know that, but it's true. Nothing to do with "lulz".

Having observed (and crushed) several of these type alliances before, the one connecting thread is that the leadership of these "lulz" alliances are always, always, always entirely incompetent. They attempt to mask this incompetence by claiming "oh we're not serious, everything's a joke haha see? Aren't we whimsical?" Meanwhile 2 years later members of the lulz alliance "\m/" still direct more hate my way than could be reasonably expected for a group of people who were all about joking around.

It's all a front.

\m/ wasn't a lulz alliance. R would have probably cussed you out for even implying it. On the scale of things, \m/ was probably a bit more lulzy than Fark, but less so than RIA and even RIA can get serious when required. There were times when people who were members of \m/ did lulzy things, but when it was serious business time, it was just that.

Some of the former members did go on to create a few lulz-based alliances (and some that absolutely were not like Ragnarok), so far as I know RAD is the only one that survives and even RAD wasn't originally envisioned it a lulz-based alliance--it sort of evolved that way.

As for you taking credit for "crushing" lulz-based alliances, the reality is that such alliances rarely last very long and they would have fallen apart regardless of whatever Polaris did in terms of tech, cash and land grabs under your reign.

I do share your analysis however that lulz-based alliances aren't any way to go if you want long term stability. However, being totally anal retentive doesn't get it done either...unless your goal is to become a complete whack job IC and OOC.

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Having observed (and crushed) several of these type alliances before, the one connecting thread is that the leadership of these "lulz" alliances are always, always, always entirely incompetent. They attempt to mask this incompetence by claiming "oh we're not serious, everything's a joke haha see? Aren't we whimsical?" Meanwhile 2 years later members of the lulz alliance "\m/" still direct more hate my way than could be reasonably expected for a group of people who were all about joking around.

It's all a front.

The former members of \m/ were competent enough to overcome plenty of obstacles and take your alliance (specifically under your leadership) to its knees, so they can't have really been that incompetent can they have?

(Sorry to all Polars, this isn't meant as a jab at you.)

Edited by Penkala
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This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

RAD - "Watch what you say on the OWF cuz will kill you no matter what alliance you're in!"

OWF - "We're not afraid of you LULz"

RAD - "But we have Big strong friends"

NSO - "We recognize your declaration of war"

RAD - "No WAIT! It was for the LULZ! WEe weren't serious!! HaHa, um.. yeah!"

Stumpy does it better...+5 for effort though ^_^.

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The former members of \m/ were competent enough to overcome plenty of obstacles and take your alliance (specifically under your leadership) to its knees, so they can't have really been that incompetent can they have?

(Sorry to all Polars, this isn't meant as a jab at you.)

Polar survived despite the odds and didn't disband.Seems to me their leadership did just fine.

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Problem is, NSO doesn't want to get along.

Pretty much this. RAD just gave them an opportunity to scratch their itchy trigger finger.

NSO is pretty much lacking tact here, it's obviously a joke, I don't believe a single alliance has declared on RAD for their "poaching" on IRC. To say it is an overreaction is an understatement, sure, rough up Jason8 a bit, but all of RAD? Though, with NSO's track record, I'm not exactly surprised.

Hell, I even declared in-game on the MoFA of TFD during fake DoW during April fools, no one raised an eyebrow. It's overdramatic with the "Oh you don't ever declare on someone in game".

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Pretty much this. RAD just gave them an opportunity to scratch their itchy trigger finger.

NSO is pretty much lacking tact here, it's obviously a joke, I don't believe a single alliance has declared on RAD for their "poaching" on IRC. To say it is an overreaction is an understatement, sure, rough up Jason8 a bit, but all of RAD? Though, with NSO's track record, I'm not exactly surprised.

Hell, I even declared in-game on the MoFA of TFD during fake DoW during April fools, no one raised an eyebrow. It's overdramatic with the "Oh you don't ever declare on someone in game".

When this whole thing was starting and I realized NSO was srs bsns about it, I assumed at the most, we'd see Jason8 quadded and attacked once or twice.. I was a little surprised to see the whole alliance brought into it, especially considering what little knowledge I as the leader had of the incident.

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Didn't you guys attack first? Doesn't really leave you guys with an area to complain in.

Yes, we attacked first (as part of a duel) We're not quite complaining, so kindly find a leg to stand on.

What makes me sad is from the threads RAD actually seems not so bad and is taking it well but the people im fighting flame me like no other....

I really hope you aren't talking about me...

Edited by Rey the Great
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Such an act would be most...unfortunate? I guess, I am not sure how I would characterize that.

Considering that I have expressed to the leader of RAD what the end result of this conflict will be any actions by outsiders to escalate it would be absolutely unnecessary and would really, really screw RAD over.


Did you just say lolpink?

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Lordy, I never thought history would repeat itself...so quickly, anyway.

Anyway, as RAD already knows, they have the full support of the LSF if they desire it, though it's been made clear they'd rather their allies save up a little extra for the post-game. NPO, NSO, Martens' Nordreich, NoV, it's all the same to us. Libertad o Muerte!

P.S. I gotta say, this war is producing some classy lulz the likes of which weren't to be found in my old days in /b/. :awesome:

Edited by The Mongol-Swedes
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You know your talking to Tyga right?

He invented "no humor"

You still haven't sent me the balance of those reps, big guy.

To refresh your memory:

Man i would have rather paid 1 bil and 100k tech myself, if the term included, Tygaland can only make 1 post about the valhallan terms. If Tygaland makes another post about valhalla terms 1$ and 0,01 tech will be deducted from the reps.

Because I'm all about serious business. To save you the trouble of counting my posts mentioning those terms I'll spot you 100.

Edited by Tygaland
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This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

RAD - "Watch what you say on the OWF cuz will kill you no matter what alliance you're in!"

OWF - "We're not afraid of you LULz"

RAD - "But we have Big strong friends"

NSO - "We recognize your declaration of war"

RAD - "No WAIT! It was for the LULZ! WEe weren't serious!! HaHa, um.. yeah!"

That's basically what I understand after I read the OWF this morning.

Here's me laughing at your joke, Rad: "ha ha ha"

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When this whole thing was starting and I realized NSO was srs bsns about it, I assumed at the most, we'd see Jason8 quadded and attacked once or twice.. I was a little surprised to see the whole alliance brought into it, especially considering what little knowledge I as the leader had of the incident.

Kinda gives you a little incentive to keep a better eye on your membership. Set out a few rules concerning non-government-sanctioned wars and such.

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