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Recognition of war

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Ha, you have a jaded sense of civility if you can honestly look back on your previous posts and say you aren't being an ***.

You're right, decent was a poor word choice, civil is much better.

I have answered this "question which questions", plainly, several times. I don't care what your AA is, you're degrading civil debate with personal attacks, slander, chiding, etc... As a result, I'm criticizing your actions. I've already stated the only reason I mentioned your AA is it's public face uses the same tactics, with little exception. If RAD were doing the same, I would be just as critical.

There has not been a "civil debate" in this world since before you joined this world. I don't expect it to start anytime soon.

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That's only part of it. The lack of a diplomatic approach on your (NSO) part is the other. But Diplomacy is so over rated. Who needs that?

edit; left out a word.

So if diplomacy with NSO is such a big deal to you guys then what was with the pink attacks on their IRC? How very diplomatic of you guys.

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So if diplomacy with NSO is such a big deal to you guys then what was with the pink attacks on their IRC? How very diplomatic of you guys.

They probably didn't think we'd pull their punk cards.

Edited by Corinan
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We haven't been the ones bogging this "debate" down into the realms of inanity. You, on the other hand, are doing a pretty good job of it. I don't care what your morals are or what you feel is being violated. I think your preconceptions of our alliance is clouding your judgment, or your morals standards are completely ludicrous, because I can't divine any way in which we've violated any common "moral standard." Most of which are, of course, a complete crock anyway, and generally enforced for the sake of homogeneity.

By the time I got here, no such thing was left. ;)

Of course my perception of your alliance has affected how I judge what you say, my mind is that of a human after all. What, exactly, has fueled this perception? The things I've seen come from your alliance, which is rather uniform. I cannot recall a single post from an NSO member that hasn't fit this perception, though I'll be the first to admit, I have not seen that much of the OWF as of yet.

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By the time I got here, no such thing was left. ;)

Of course my perception of your alliance has affected how I judge what you say, my mind is that of a human after all. What, exactly, has fueled this perception? The things I've seen come from your alliance, which is rather uniform. I cannot recall a single post from an NSO member that hasn't fit this perception, though I'll be the first to admit, I have not seen that much of the OWF as of yet.

I think upon further inspection you will find that we are, in fact, gentlemen.

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Are you suggesting, then, that RAD is acting in a similar fashion? If so, I would like some proof, as I have not seen it.

No, he is suggesting that You are. Your entrance upon the OWF stage was nothing but a testosterone filled tirade.

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There was no debate here when I arrived. <_<

So how can you complain about anyone degrading debate when there was none to begin with?

Unless you were using Straw Men, and blatant misrepresentation...Which in itself is fake debating.

And if you were fake debating, that means you were being disingenuous, thus making all of your tirades an utter and blatant exercise in hypocrisy.

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So how can you complain about anyone degrading debate when there was none to begin with?

Unless you were using Straw Men, and blatant misrepresentation...Which in itself is fake debating.

And if you were fake debating, that means you were being disingenuous, thus making all of your tirades an utter and blatant exercise in hypocrisy.

All of two of them? <_<

I did not say there was none to begin with. I said there was none when I arrived. ;)

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All of two of them? <_<
They say first impressions are everything. A perfect score on the hypocrisy test isnt something to use as a defense.
I did not say there was none to begin with. I said there was none when I arrived. ;)

So then what exactly are you claiming were ruining? Did we run over your puppy or something?

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Chron, you should know by now that the NSO have broken the law of peace that is written on the hearts of all men.

Or....something like that.

Also, as much as I love repeating myself:

RAD played a joke....

No they didn't. As has been pointed out repeatedly, their thread was quite serious. The only people claiming it was a joke are not in RAD.

Edited by kingzog
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They say first impressions are everything. A perfect score on the hypocrisy test isnt something to use as a defense.

So then what exactly are you claiming were ruining? Did we run over your puppy or something?

Well, with the people I've seen stating so, I'm not particularly worried. ^_^

Why yes, yes you did. That pup had some real potential, you careless ********. Watch were you're driving. <_<

I am claiming that you are ruining the civility that would ideally be in a debate with personal attacks and such. It may be a pipedream to have a civil debate here, in which case I apologize for bringing my noobish musings to you. I came in to this discussion a bit too serious, and I can see were you perceive hypocrisy. However, it would be nice to an effort from both sides to improve the debate. :D

[ooc] That being said, I'm about done for the night. Cheers to if nothing else an interesting conversation. [ooc]

EDIT: Poor word choice.

Edited by Vesalius
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I think I should post what my RAD war opponants send me in ingame messages, that might be interesting for some people.....

Your RAD war opponents can post a message you sent them, too. You have to learn the ropes of the OWF before you are made into the fool, as then there's basically no going back in the eyes of this community..

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So if diplomacy with NSO is such a big deal to you guys then what was with the pink attacks on their IRC? How very diplomatic of you guys.

Because that's what a friendly rivalry looks like (when it comes to "lolbrown" anyway), not that I expect you to know that. And not to mention, I don't even know who did those "Pink Attacks" on their channel because I didn't take part in them since I had no idea they were going on. I may have heard about it, but seriously - I don't care lol. If some other guys from Pink wanna do that, that's there thing then. If you're so upset about it, maybe you should help NSO in solving that situation because complaining to me about it won't do any good since I wasn't involved.

Edited by Emperor Marx
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