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Recognition of war

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Are you trying to bait me into coming back to this inane argument?


Now would I do such a thing Delta? Perhaps to simply state that SF wants nothing to do with this isolated war considering there are now elements well outside of the posturing trying to ramp up the posturing. *cough*citadel*cough*

I understand why Frostbite and Superfriend nations are posturing but we all know that is all that it is gonna be. Everyone showing support for their allies so the other side doesn't jump in. The reality is, and we both know it, that RAD allies will help them rebuild afterwards and that will be less costly to all parties involved then an all out full scale war.

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So, just for future reference, you are stating that if members of your alliance post the standard "attack me and see what happens" crap that is fairly common here it will be okay for them to be attacked and your alliance will not defend them? Just making sure I understand your position. Evidently the line between cowardly and just plain foolish has blurred quite a bit in the Jedi Order.

In all honestly, its not that common...first time I've seen it done was with your guys.

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Yes, you and a Sith member were fighting the same nation at the same time. A de facto ally of convenience. Perhaps that is why you peaced out so quickly? I don't blame you for not wanting to be told how to have your fight but maybe you should go back and read the OP from RAD about their declaration that they now call a joke and a lulz despite (OOC) getting a mod to reopen it after the mod declared it a joke thread(/OOC) telling others a different story. In that OP they understand and accept any responsibility for what happens due to attacks they commit upon others due to that declaration.

Our wars were active at the same time, we did not fight at the same time. There is quite a large difference. I peaced out because I had no desire to assist in NSO's war despite their demands to do so.

This is not a case of a single nation quietly making an attack on an allianced nation. It was part of their open declaration thus why the situation is unique. RAD made an open statement and declaration, NSO abliged them. It is not NSO's fault that RAD really doesn't back up its own declarations and instead resorts to backpedaling and calling it a joke despite telling the powers above otherwise.

It was RAD attacking someone who asked to be attacked and who I am sure they would have peaced if they wanted it. This was NSO laying a trap that they would not have tried against a more powerful alliance, that is cowardly.

So, just for future reference, you are stating that if members of your alliance post the standard "attack me and see what happens" crap that is fairly common here it will be okay for them to be attacked and your alliance will not defend them? Just making sure I understand your position. Evidently the line between cowardly and just plain foolish has blurred quite a bit in the Jedi Order.

I asked RAD to attack me, they did, I informed everyone that I did not want help. Take from that what you will.

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People ask to be attacked on a daily basis in this venue, it is part of the bravado of the Cyberverse.

Just last week I told someone (Hyperion123 I believe) that if he had the authority to back up the threats that he was then making against NSO that he was welcome to attack us and I stated that I would not request assistance from Frostbite or Terra Cotta. And yet, he saw the wisdom of not attacking.


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Now would I do such a thing Delta? Perhaps to simply state that SF wants nothing to do with this isolated war considering there are now elements well outside of the posturing trying to ramp up the posturing. *cough*citadel*cough*

Sorry, you're not going to provoke Citadel into jumping into this tiny war. I don't know why you dislike us enough to want to declare on us, but you'll have to do better than that.

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A few things for future reference to those asking for references to use in the future:

TJO allows dueling, which is what srqt and attacker informed us this was.

Dueling isn't any fun when other people jump on.

You all seem quite uninformed about TJO not defending srqt.

Any more future references will be available upon request.

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Sorry, you're not going to provoke Citadel into jumping into this tiny war. I don't know why you dislike us enough to want to declare on us, but you'll have to do better than that.

I don't believe anyone is seeking to draw other alliances into the conflict. I don't think anyone really wants another large scale conflict right now, even if the animousity to fuel it exists.

RAD and NSO have come to a quiet agreement on how this war will end and it will remain unescalated unless someone really has a bout of idiocy at the last minute.

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Sorry, you're not going to provoke Citadel into jumping into this tiny war. I don't know why you dislike us enough to want to declare on us, but you'll have to do better than that.

You don't know? Short version is that he really wants to see some sort of SF vs. Citadel brawl. For some reason or another that's the trendy pick for the next hell in a cell match maybe even get Sparta and a couple of others in there for a guest referee spot.

Well, trendy pick for people that aren't in SF and Citadel that is.

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Probably because you also accused Citadel of wishing that all other non-allies attack each other. Three of your four sentences were critical of Citadel.

Perhaps because we saw a sudden influx of some rather well known Gramlins nations asking publically to see a response from RAD's allies. Aren't you guys the "private room for the win" group? Why would you ask for such publically when I am sure some of your diplomatic crew and leaders have probably already done some contacting? So yes, I am being critical of Citadel and why some of its members are seemingly trying to nudge this incident onward to something bigger.

Our wars were active at the same time, we did not fight at the same time. There is quite a large difference. I peaced out because I had no desire to assist in NSO's war despite their demands to do so.

It was RAD attacking someone who asked to be attacked and who I am sure they would have peaced if they wanted it. This was NSO laying a trap that they would not have tried against a more powerful alliance, that is cowardly.

I asked RAD to attack me, they did, I informed everyone that I did not want help. Take from that what you will.

Yes yes, go ahead and make your explanation about how you were not on the same side as the Sith for a moment in time.

I am sorry your Pink Lady friends made a huge public statement that turned out to be a massive blunder on their part. You probably do not know but NSO has been harrassed by some RAD folks and IS folks for awhile. RAD really did ask for this and yes NSO probably wouldn't have laid the trap for many others because there are not many others whom have gone out of their way to piss off the Sith like the lolbrown guys have. Its a shame that the Internet Superheroes did not join their pink brothers and sisters in this as they are just as responsible if not more so.

I am sure you will find some way to explain away all that by stating that NSO doesn't know how to have fun and they should enjoy having their chat room spammed up and enjoy bearing the brunt of the pink verbal assault. Sorry but this was built up due to the stupidity of Pink and that RAD declaration basically opened them up to this.

Your situation in how you reacted to it is completely different then that of the Sith. That doesn't stop you from getting high and mighty and condemning folks though does it?

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I was referencing this brief exchange.

So me disliking you and taking jabs at your doctrine (which I strongly disagree with) is automatically a threat? Since when did you start acting like such a drama queen.

Edited by Hyperion321
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I don't believe anyone is seeking to draw other alliances into the conflict. I don't think anyone really wants another large scale conflict right now, even if the animousity to fuel it exists.

RAD and NSO have come to a quiet agreement on how this war will end and it will remain unescalated unless someone really has a bout of idiocy at the last minute.

I think someone already had a bout of idiocy....

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Perhaps because we saw a sudden influx of some rather well known Gramlins nations asking publically to see a response from RAD's allies. Aren't you guys the "private room for the win" group? Why would you ask for such publically when I am sure some of your diplomatic crew and leaders have probably already done some contacting? So yes, I am being critical of Citadel and why some of its members are seemingly trying to nudge this incident onward to something bigger.

Ah, so asking to be informed of what's going on is belligerent. I'm glad I'm now aware of this.

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You aren't this stupid either ;). Someone did not 'attack the NSO', or at least not in the way that saying that implied, and military defence was not necessary. This is not a case of defending the alliance from a massive attack. It was one war declared as a result of a joke which Anthony seemed to be participating in, and the 'defence' is doing far more unnecessary damage than if NSO had simply said 'Excuse me, joke's over, peace out now'. It's not even as if RAD pulled the NSO into the joke against their will, since several NSOers were asking to be attacked.

As I have stated many times, I simply feel it is more simple that that. You don't attack alliances unless you want to get countered. You certainly don't attack an alliance without clearing it with said alliances gov. Regardless of what any NSO nations did, RAD attacked one of them and therefore they get war. Regardless, we weren't arguing about that. You were arguing that this war should involve nukes and massive amounts of nuclear damage to both sides, and I am arguing that the NSO and RAD made the right choice in keeping this conventional.

Okay I'm biting on that bait – examples please? You should know by now that I don't and never have supported that.

I seem to recall you being a part of the Continuum for quite some time. Particularly when it was running mass tech raids on alliances. You may not have stormed said alliances yourself, but it was always clear that you were fine with running interference and enabling such things to happen. Anyway, I only pointed it out as it was the only way I could envision for why you couldn't see the benefit in a short term war without going for maximum damage and punishment.

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A few things for future reference to those asking for references to use in the future:

TJO allows dueling, which is what srqt and attacker informed us this was.

Dueling isn't any fun when other people jump on.

You all seem quite uninformed about TJO not defending srqt.

Any more future references will be available upon request.

I guess those mass recruitment for a spy ring PM's on our boards didn't really work out that well since nobody seems to be feeding them information.

/I'll be honest about it though, it did provide a rather large belly shaking laugh for me.

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Sorry, you're not going to provoke Citadel into jumping into this tiny war. I don't know why you dislike us enough to want to declare on us, but you'll have to do better than that.

How the hell do you come to that conclusion? I was calling out a small amount of Citadel nations who were seeming to try and provoke an SF vs FB war and you twist that into me wanting an SF vs Citadel war? Very rich indeed....

I don't believe anyone is seeking to draw other alliances into the conflict. I don't think anyone really wants another large scale conflict right now, even if the animousity to fuel it exists.

RAD and NSO have come to a quiet agreement on how this war will end and it will remain unescalated unless someone really has a bout of idiocy at the last minute.

Stating the reality of the situation does not get through to folks who know the reality but want something else to become the reality.

You don't know? Short version is that he really wants to see some sort of SF vs. Citadel brawl. For some reason or another that's the trendy pick for the next hell in a cell match maybe even get Sparta and a couple of others in there for a guest referee spot.

Well, trendy pick for people that aren't in SF and Citadel that is.

Ahh, you wish to try and spin my words too KDW? Ok, you are welcome to try too. My response to AA works for you too. I eagerly await any further words you have to explain your statement.

Ah, so asking to be informed of what's going on is belligerent. I'm glad I'm now aware of this.

I would say pointing out publically who all has a treaty with RAD is not exactly asking to be informed, it is trying to stoke the fire. It is obvious that allies on both sides are not going to come out and make any announcements of their own. You can try to cover over the real reason for those public questions this late into the situation but it was pretty obvious that such statements were about attempting to stoke the fire.

Edited by HeinousOne
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So me disliking you and taking jabs at your doctrine (which I strongly disagree with) is automatically a threat? Since when did you start acting like such a drama queen.

Ah yes, pointless insults and throw away comments on something that was addressed last week. Good show.

The point since you apparently lack the necessary comprehension skills, was that I made a similar comment to Anthony's to you some time ago and yet you decided correctly not to take the bait. RAD failed to do so. It was a compliment to your judgement, which has apparently lapsed in the few days since then.

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Ahh, you wish to try and spin my words too KDW? Ok, you are welcome to try too. My response to AA works for you too. I eagerly await any further words you have to explain your statement.

You can drop the "K."

As to the rest of it, don't blame me that that particular matchup seems to be the lovely selected next one on the card, though again, by folks that aren't a part of either grouping. I mean really, all you have to say is point blank "No, I don't really want or care to see SF and Citadel go at it," instead of all that other dancing.

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You can drop the "K."

As to the rest of it, don't blame me that that particular matchup seems to be the lovely selected next one on the card, though again, by folks that aren't a part of either grouping. I mean really, all you have to say is point blank "No, I don't really want or care to see SF and Citadel go at it," instead of all that other dancing.

Honestly I don't care either way if they do or don't but I was not the first one to bring Citadel into this. Citadel requiring a public statement from RAD allies brought Citadel into the equation. So they only have themselves to blame for finding themselves part of the situation.

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How the hell do you come to that conclusion? I was calling out a small amount of Citadel nations who were seeming to try and provoke an SF vs FB war and you twist that into me wanting an SF vs Citadel war? Very rich indeed....

You see a handful of Gramlins (I'm betting it's 2-3 people) giving their opinion and asking questions in this thread and suddenly you think that these nations are not only speaking for their alliance but for the entire Citadel? If you are going to try to spin some negativity towards us then atleast put some effort into it.

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How the hell do you come to that conclusion? I was calling out a small amount of Citadel nations who were seeming to try and provoke an SF vs FB war and you twist that into me wanting an SF vs Citadel war? Very rich indeed....

Considering Citadel is also connected to RAD via treaties, albeit by one more step, and your obvious hostile attitude toward us, it was a very reasonable assumption.

Again, trying to understand the situation and everybody's position on the matter is not belligerent.

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Honestly I don't care either way if they do or don't but I was not the first one to bring Citadel into this. Citadel requiring a public statement from RAD allies brought Citadel into the equation. So they only have themselves to blame for finding themselves part of the situation.

Requiring? Maybe I missed that particular part (you know how these simple little things blow up into hundreds of different messages within the span of moments,) you mind tossing me a bone and pointing me to where Citadel announced they required anything out of this?

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