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Transvaal expells foreign religions


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TRANSVALER DAAGLIKSE NUUS: Prime Minister Annetjie van Matteus announced today that the Republic of Transvaal would be expelling all foreign and national practicioners of what are deemed "foreign" religions.

"The Government has determined that there is no place for muslims, jews, buddhists, and any other followers of non-Christian religions. Native animists will be tolerated but any religions not native nor 'natural' to Transvaal are hereby prohibited. Offending practicioners have two days to depart the nation otherwise they will face imprisonment."

781 citizens of various non-acceptable beliefs are now scrambling for quick exit out of the country; they are only allowed to take $500 with them.

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The nation of Top Gear is horrified that a nation is removing people from it's land simply based on what they believe in.

Top Gear shall be sending a ferry to anchor a mile from the west coast of Transvaal for any asylum seekers that require refuge to board and be provided shelter by our country.

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Top Gear shall be sending a ferry to anchor a mile from the west coast of Transvaal for any asylum seekers that require refuge to board and be provided shelter by our country.

Your ferry is permitted to dock at Cape Town. We will make transportation arrangements that anyone wishing to depart via Top Gear is able to reach the ship there.

As for any concerns about the relocation, keep in mind that this affects only 1.5% of Transvaal's population.

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Your ferry is permitted to dock at Cape Town. We will make transportation arrangements that anyone wishing to depart via Top Gear is able to reach the ship there.

As for any concerns about the relocation, keep in mind that this affects only 1.5% of Transvaal's population.

OOC: Should't this be in the fantasy section?

IC: only 1.5%. How many would it have to be before it was wrong? 3 percent? 5? 10?

Promised Land will take in any Refugees from this edict who wish to move far away from this oppressive government.

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IC: only 1.5%. How many would it have to be before it was wrong? 3 percent? 5? 10?

Promised Land will take in any Refugees from this edict who wish to move far away from this oppressive government.

As will New England. Our borders is open to these that wish to emigrate there.

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Your ferry is permitted to dock at Cape Town. We will make transportation arrangements that anyone wishing to depart via Top Gear is able to reach the ship there.

As for any concerns about the relocation, keep in mind that this affects only 1.5% of Transvaal's population.

OOC: Yeah this probably should be in the fantasy forum.

IC: In an official statement, the leader of Top Gear - Emperor Stig - addressed the leaders of Transvaal:

"I am officially questioning this action. Why do you deem it necessary to banish hundreds of innocent souls from the safety and comfort of what has always been their home on the basis of their personal beliefs? Surely those do not offend you, affect you or even concern you in the least?"

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The newly formed Empire of Krieg shall observe where this situation goes - The Government does have a certain extent as to what their people do - but Religon should not be one of them, especially if practiced peacefully. The Empire of Krieg strongly urges our Neighbors in the south to maintain order, as a war would only affect all of us, especially trade between the Northern and Southern Hemisphere.

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The Republic of Euzkadi condemns the policy of prejudice towards those of different faiths, the xenophobia of the Transvaal government should be censored by the international community (alas we do not hold much faith in the world to do so), the numbers involved are not relevant but the repugnant principle of expulsion is. Should any refugees wish to seek asylum within our borders they will be welcomed.

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The Kingdom of Serca condems the Transvaal government on this action.

"People of all religions are to be accepted. No one person should be excluded from thier home nation just because thejr religion is of Native discent. We will welcome any refugees from Transvaal and will p[ropvide support and homes to fleeing familiies."

-Emperor Sergio

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Just to clear up any technicalities, citizens who have chosen to board our ferry docked in Cape Town will be granted six months citizenship in Top Gear receiving standard government benefits and accommodation. We shall help them find work in our country and providing they do, we will upgrade their citizenship to permanent status.

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Though Minilla Island does not like this policy, we understand it. In reality, why should Transvaal bend its policies for 781 people? In fact, by sending them away, they are doing these people a favor. They will be mercilessly discriminated in Transvaal. So, why not just let them go?

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Though Minilla Island does not like this policy, we understand it. In reality, why should Transvaal bend its policies for 781 people? In fact, by sending them away, they are doing these people a favor. They will be mercilessly discriminated in Transvaal. So, why not just let them go?

Then perhaps the government needs to take action to prevent this discrimination within the country. Every human should have the right to believe what they want to believe in, with safety and security, and freedom from persecution. Particularly by their government.

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The Danielish government is deeply concerned by these actions of the Republic of Transvaal.

The true nature of this policy is reflected in the low limit on the property the deported citizens can take with them. Also, we have confirmed information of acts of violence against followers of the minority religions with the security forces doing nothing to stop it, and in some cases directly involved.

We are usually willing to cooperate with any nation, but this unacceptable policy obliges us to severe the diplomatic relations between our countries and use other measures to express our discontent with the policy of Transvaal on this matter. As a first step, the Danielish government forbids export of any goods and technology to the Republic of Transvaal.

Needless to say, the deported citizens of Transvaal are welcome in the nation of Danieland.

Edited by Golan 1st
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"Viniland condemns the deportation of people due to their religion. Not only that, but the disappearance of other religions will very likely create new schisms between the existing ones. This move is highly detrimental to the deportees as well as Transvaal itself."

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"We are infact willing to take in all 781 citizens into our country and pay them 1500$ a month as their salary and will be offered government jobs in the various provinces of ours."

The Government had already received an offer from Top Gear for refugee status, but these people are free to go to whichever country they choose.

As for foreign 'criticism' regarding this action, the Government of Transvaal has always practised a policy of legislated Christian Nationalism towards its white citizens. We have generally left our Native Africans free to worship either christianity or their own animist beliefs. Along with communism, islam particularly has been regarded as subversion and most of its followers have been sent to our labour camps in Mozambique. What we are doing is permitting them to leave. The number of jews, buddhists, hindus, etc are very small, less than a hundred total. For 98.5% of the population, they are unaffected by this policy application.

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"And what of the perfectly logical points raised by Viniland? You claim to be getting rid of subversives, and yet how do you know this will not create schisms in the religions you have left?"

"And we see our earlier point was not addressed. At what percentage of your population would the implimentation of such a policy become wrong. 5 percent? Something more?"

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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President Ned of Nedland has strongly condemned this action by Transvaal.

"This recent action shows yet another example of Transvaal's barbarism," he said in a recent interview.

As a result of these actions, President Ned has announced an embargo upon Transvaal. He also expelled the Transvaal ambassador and has stated that Nedland shall no longer have diplomatic relations with Transvaal.

Nedland shall also accept any refugees fleeing from Transvaal as a result of this draconian measure.

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