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I've received V's permission so I hereby claim Louisiana (he should be by shortly to verify). I give up any and all claims that I previously held.

Edit: I'd like Louisiana colored navy blue, same as my previous claim of Indonesia. Labeled simply as Louisiana.

Edited by Yawoo
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Awhile back, before I created a new account entirely (My country is intended to be a Monarchy so the other name did not really work...) I came through this section wondering if I could make my own Island in the pacific...I was told my tech level was not high enough. So now I have a question: What tech level do I need to make an Island or...Since I think that may be too good to be true... What would it take to get one of the 8 main Islands of Hawaii from Tahoe? It doesn't take much to figure out I like Hawaii. ;)

After I get this location thing settled I figure I'll try out this stuff, sounds fun.

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If you need an island from Hawaii you have to ask Emperor Mudd who plays Tahoe.

As far as creating new island goes , i am not sure what tech level you need but i am guessing you will have to be a modern nation, ie 1500+ tech.

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