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Common sense means I should put 18 million people in Rhode Island right.... yay multipliers!

Well probably, it really all depends on numerous factors like size, technological status, wealth, the ability to feed people. For example if one would put a billion people in say Luxembourg it would be outrageous but 18 million in Rhode Island is within the lines.

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Actually if we were to follow the population rule, 4024*100 = 402,400, which is not anywhere near 5 million. You would also have an army of 8500 soldiers, not 40k. That said I do think a nation of your tech level and population (some realistic number given your area) should be able to maintain a base in Antarctica. But at the same time a third world nation trying to establish a base in Antarctica shouldn't be a piece of cake, not to mention developing high tech weaponry in such a hostile environment. (as to the logic of conducting extensive test and development all the way there instead of in your backyard...)

Meant to say *1000, but I saw it said 100, however it seems like most people just go with whatever population they deem reasonable

And, on the soldier count, its your MAX buy, not what you have currently. You add your max purchase to your current and then add togehter, and for me its roughly 3000-4000 soldiers

And I will remind you that my Tech level is based in 1970s-1990s and Im pretty sure (seeing as how 80s-90s was the period I grew up in) they were able to have missiles, research bases, etc.

In that time period, Yes, nations did have bases in hostile enviroments (Siberia, Arctic circle, etc)

And again yes, your right its not a piece of cake, Ive been RPing my thread for nearly two weeks now.

And High tech weaponry? Seriously? If V2 Missiles and Old 70's Cruise missiles are high tech, I feel sorry for Modern nations.

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And I will remind you that my Tech level is based in 1970s-1990s and Im pretty sure (seeing as how 80s-90s was the period I grew up in) they were able to have missiles, research bases, etc.

Not sure what you are trying to argue about, I said 'I agree'.

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To be frank, I'm quite tired of you mouthing off to me.

Maybe I won't join CNRP if this is the reception I get.

Thanks for everything.

Dont take it to heart, There are some people who dont realize that RP is new to them, ignore their spite. Contact HHYAD Nicely via PM, and Im sure he wont deny you some land.

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To be frank, I'm quite tired of you mouthing off to me.

Maybe I won't join CNRP if this is the reception I get.

Thanks for everything.

Deal with it. Someone else has it, you have two choices: work something out or find a new place. Stop acting like you deserve to be treated with anything more than a passing glance.

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Deal with it. Someone else has it, you have two choices: work something out or find a new place. Stop acting like you deserve to be treated with anything more than a passing glance.


Once again just send a PM to HHYAD and ask him for land. If he denies it, look for a protecterate and contact the leader of the nation who has the grey claim.

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So why is it when someone is doing something non-cannon everyone uses kid gloves to make sure not to offend them. Some even go so far to even deny the fact that CNRP is pretty clearly a sanctioned RP (given mod appointed GMs and stickied map threads). Yet when someone else shows up to actually play the game, who may not happen to fully understand the rules, you tell them to know their place or $%&@ off?

Edited by iamthey
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So why is it when someone is doing something non-cannon everyone uses kid gloves to make sure not to offend them. Some even go so far to even deny the fact that CNRP is pretty clearly a sanctioned RP (given mod appointed GMs and stickied map threads). Yet when someone else shows up to actually play the game, who may not happen to fully understand the rules, you tell them to know their place or $%&@ off?

Litler acted like an $@! to Cent, so I acted like an $@! to him. Litler is fully capable of understanding the rules, and he was already told that he was wrong and he was a jerk about it. If you want to join in, don't be an $@! if you don't get your way.

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Litler has been part of CNRP before, I think he got rolled by a bunch of crazy euopeans. Anyway I think he probably remembers the land claim rules, he's not an innocent newbie who sargun randomly targeted with his "lolrage"

Yeah http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...c=45506&hl=

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Whatever. I'm not playing your game.

It's a shame CNRP is basically the official way to RP since that leaves "unpopular" individuals like myself to be spat on.

Maybe I'll come back when it's actually properly controlled and isn't a "first come first serve" opportunity to be involved as the usual players sign up for a new round and grab massive swathes of land.

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Whatever. I'm not playing your game.

It's a shame CNRP is basically the official way to RP since that leaves "unpopular" individuals like myself to be spat on.

Maybe I'll come back when it's actually properly controlled and isn't a "first come first serve" opportunity to be involved as the usual players sign up for a new round and grab massive swathes of land.

CNRP is a continuous universe - "wiping out" players to "give others a chance" wouldn't be controlling but forcing people to completely change their RP for pretty much no reason.

By the way - you know, there's still a crapload of land left on the map that you can pick, but not everyone gets the exact land they want - that's impossible

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CNRP is a continuous universe - "wiping out" players to "give others a chance" wouldn't be controlling but forcing people to completely change their RP for pretty much no reason.

By the way - you know, there's still a crapload of land left on the map that you can pick, but not everyone gets the exact land they want - that's impossible

My nation is in Canada. It wouldn't make much sense for it to be anywhere else (which in this case is limited severely to Antarctica).

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