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Do you have proof of that?

None that I still have access to. I believe Dragon of Athens may still have the IRC logs of the meeting that took place. Dragon and john were both approached with that offer if I recall correctly.

I may have referenced this incident in earlier posts, I can search for those if you like.

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Here's a post of Tyler implying that I am correct in my assertion that he is bribing Athens to get me expelled. I'll see if I can find a post of me saying the same to Rey.


Edit: After going through my post history I don't believe I levied this charge against Rey on the OWF. Ask john and/or Dragon (or GtG because I told him about it too) if you want to know more about this.

Edited by Sileath
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Umm, Doitzel dear? Don't you think you're being, I don't know, a bit of a, well, unpleasant person? I mean, granted, Sileath has run his mouth a couple of times, but he's really not that bad of a guy, and I can tell you from personal experience that he's a damn hard worker.

And you should know better than appealing to public opinion. I used to hear a ton of crap about you not too long ago, and I had the good sense not to believe that either.

Hard work doesn't count for much when you're working in the wrong direction. I don't think he's a bad guy, I think he needs an attitude adjustment before he finds himself on perma-ZI and I think he needs to stop stirring things up wherever he goes. There's a time and a place for grandstanding -- defending a tech-raid of a two-man alliance (especially when it's R_V) is not the time or place.

And there's a great deal of difference between what was said of me and what's said of him. A concentrated attempt at character assassination against a revolutionary vs. a disdain from multiple unaffiliated alliances whose common denominator is the acceptance of the same single person into their ranks. I don't believe in coincidence and when I see a pattern of occurrences testified by multiple independent sources and a single common factor it's not too difficult to figure out. As I said, his public attitude supports it.

A Vox wannabe? Did I ever apply to Vox? Thanks, but no I did not.

I'm glad you put so much faith in democracy.

Bolded: Really? I've fought wars for NPO, /A\/A\, NSO, Athens, and tF. I've done some other loyal things, but part of that is I can't say what they are :) I'm sure you understand.

You're pretty good at using the thesaurus, but do you have any perception of the reality of my situation? Did I post my infrastructure or tech level for people to see? No, I posted my casualty count, because I don't just re-roll every few months like you, I stick with my history and keep on truckin'. I am quite content with my actions, and I really don't need your approval, especially since you're one of the few left in the cyberverse with whom I have never been in an alliance.

I'm sure you making lolSileath posts will win you some brownie points with some unseen entity, so I'll let you continue with my blessing.

Right, I guess I imagined your daily queries. There's more to being in an alliance than fighting wars, or do you really consider your passing info from within NPO while they fought those wars an act of loyalty? Pick something and stick with it rather than bouncing all over the place.

I'm glad you're proud of your casualties and your nation but really I don't know why you're bringing it up. I've no idea what you're on about in regards to abandoning my history. Take my advice or leave it but spare me the attempted insults. You're out of your league there.

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Since I'm actually trying to help you, I'd much prefer if you PM'd me instead of trying to slander the name of the Kingdom at any chance you have.

I edited the post above to reflect that I cannot find OWF evidence of me saying this to Rey. John/Dragon/GtG would be your best bets.

Due to your reaction to this, there will be an immediate moratorium on negative comments from me directed at Mushroom Kingdom.

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Crimson Guard specifically told me that if I joined they would not recognize Dynomite Pact. Once I was a member, I was told I would have to surrender to them. I don't care too much for lying.

This is a new one.

1. Please provide evidence that I told you that we would not recognise Dynomite Pact once you were a member. I have no recollection of doing any such thing.

2. If an agreement that you wouldn't post on the forums for a set period of time and would not comment in Dynomite Pact announcements again is considered a surrender, then hell yeah, we expected you to surrender. I don't think that was unreasonable of us.

Your attempts to make us look bad are pathetic.

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Here's a post of Tyler implying that I am correct in my assertion that he is bribing Athens to get me expelled. I'll see if I can find a post of me saying the same to Rey.


Athens took the bribe as a lulyz moment where Tyler was making the point that he did not like Sileath. It was certainly not some sort of back room bribery thing, as the whole thing played out in the Athens public channel and in the OWF. Nobody took it seriously, because we all know Tyler...[OOC]he plays the game for the lulz.[OOC] Doing that annoyed Sileath, and Tyler got to chuckle. It really is no different than someone in Alliance Announcements post says to another nation "well, maybe I should just tech raid your alliance." We kind of all know they are just a means to drive a point home. If this were NOT the case, about 5 wars would have sprung up out of this current situation. Sileath takes himself too seriously, and he really does get feelings hurt far too easily. Is he a hard worker? Absolutely. I would never take that from him. The fact of the matter is that he lacks a sense of humor and he lacks the concept of laughing at himself from time to time. He plays the perpetual victim, and he plays it well.

Edited to add OOC tags.

Edited by Rush Sykes
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Hard work doesn't count for much when you're working in the wrong direction. I don't think he's a bad guy, I think he needs an attitude adjustment before he finds himself on perma-ZI and I think he needs to stop stirring things up wherever he goes. There's a time and a place for grandstanding -- defending a tech-raid of a two-man alliance (especially when it's R_V) is not the time or place.

And there's a great deal of difference between what was said of me and what's said of him. A concentrated attempt at character assassination against a revolutionary vs. a disdain from multiple unaffiliated alliances whose common denominator is the acceptance of the same single person into their ranks. I don't believe in coincidence and when I see a pattern of occurrences testified by multiple independent sources and a single common factor it's not too difficult to figure out. As I said, his public attitude supports it.

Right, I guess I imagined your daily queries. There's more to being in an alliance than fighting wars, or do you really consider your passing info from within NPO while they fought those wars an act of loyalty? Pick something and stick with it rather than bouncing all over the place.

I'm glad you're proud of your casualties and your nation but really I don't know why you're bringing it up. I've no idea what you're on about in regards to abandoning my history. Take my advice or leave it but spare me the attempted insults. You're out of your league there.

I like how the people who dislike you are less credible than the people who dislike me, because you're the "lost legend" or something of the sort.

I never passed info from within an alliance

It is true I passed info from NPO after leaving, most notably the dunce cap image created by MaskofBlue, which I sent to Fark and to Schattenmann for use in the issue of TWiP in which I was featured. And yes, I told Moo about this an apologized for it months ago.

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Right, I guess I imagined your daily queries. There's more to being in an alliance than fighting wars, or do you really consider your passing info from within NPO while they fought those wars an act of loyalty? Pick something and stick with it rather than bouncing all over the place.

Excuse me? So you're outing Vox informants and supporters now?

Really Classy, Doitzel. Alot of people put their necks on the line to make Vox the information hub that it was and you toss a name out to do what, emphasize a point?

Nice. I suppose if you have an argument with me you'll put the same card?

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Provide evidence of me saying that or take that back. You crossed a line there.

Haha bad egg :) Maybe they looked like idiots because they lied to me? :) With The Family, my bad for defending my comrades from attack. I am obviously rather ridiculous.

Why, so you can run to them and tell them not to accept me? That's what TheNeverender did with tF. I'm flattered that MK has me in their heart and mind.

You know what you said, I am not going to go through your incredible amount of forum posts to find it though. If CG lied to you about surrendering to dynomite pact then obvious bad move on their part, they went to the trouble of trying to free you though when you weren't going to get free any other way, you should of shown a small amount of courtesy to them.

BlackjackCF who is in charge of the Family is actually someone I speak to privately everyday, she told me you had joined the Family and I told her it was a bad idea. She didn't act on what I said though.

Why do you think I don't like MK, and didn't like Sparta for quite some time? Because your governments did not care about that either.

The perpetrators were Rey the Great (MK) and Tyler (Sparta).

Edit: This is the incident I refer to in my profile as "Market rate for getting the head recruiter expelled - 2000 technology"

This incident was quite obviously a joke, Tyler and Rey don't have 2000 tech to give out, you were abusing them and they made a joke out of it, they are both long time friends of Athens who you continued to abuse and I doubt you didn't see the joke they were having.

This coming from the main who lacked the courage and the fortitude to remain in the NSO, do the tasks he was assigned, and generally fail the Media department? Really?

I wish Athens had asked your former boss about you before they'd let you in, I would have given them the straight dope on you.

I came to NSO almost straight from Athens, assuming NSO was an anti-NPO force in a time when NPO still ruled over us, as the Karma war approached and I saw the true colours of NSO, I realised NSO wasn't somewhere I belong so i went home to Athens.

Londo would of accepted me back to Athens regardless of other people's opinions of me anyway, he is quite happy with my skills.

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I like how the people who dislike you are less credible than the people who dislike me, because you're the "lost legend" or something of the sort.

I never passed info from within an alliance

It is true I passed info from NPO after leaving, most notably the dunce cap image created by MaskofBlue, which I sent to Fark and to Schattenmann for use in the issue of TWiP in which I was featured. And yes, I told Moo about this an apologized for it months ago.

They're less credible because they're proven liars actually. I'm just using your own words, by the way:

[06:38] <Sileath|NSO> lol I can publicly insult NPO

[06:38] <Sileath|NSO> it's awesome

[06:39] <Sileath|NSO> http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=55234

[06:39] <Doitzel> you could for months

[06:39] <Sileath|NSO> I like my infra :P

[06:39] <Doitzel> [FACETIOUS RACIAL EPITHET], please

[06:39] <Doitzel> they can't even get rid of mine

[06:39] <Sileath|NSO> lol

[06:40] <Doitzel> they haven't had the political power to attack those that insult them since at least December

[06:40] <Sileath|NSO> they heard about me spying

[06:40] <Sileath|NSO> passing private stuff to Blackstone

[06:40] <Sileath|NSO> they threatened ZI but realized they couldn't risk a war with NSO + allies :P

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Right, I guess I imagined your daily queries. There's more to being in an alliance than fighting wars, or do you really consider your passing info from within NPO while they fought those wars an act of loyalty? Pick something and stick with it rather than bouncing all over the place.

Excuse me? So you're outing Vox informants and supporters now?

Really Classy, Doitzel. Alot of people put their necks on the line to make Vox the information hub that it was and you toss a name out to do what, emphasize a point?

Nice. I suppose if you have an argument with me you'll put the same card?

He didn't pass info to us. Appropriately, he chose Blackstone.

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Right, I guess I imagined your daily queries. There's more to being in an alliance than fighting wars, or do you really consider your passing info from within NPO while they fought those wars an act of loyalty? Pick something and stick with it rather than bouncing all over the place.

Excuse me? So you're outing Vox informants and supporters now?

Really Classy, Doitzel. Alot of people put their necks on the line to make Vox the information hub that it was and you toss a name out to do what, emphasize a point?

Nice. I suppose if you have an argument with me you'll put the same card?

He'll pull out the same card if he has an argument with you? Are you saying you're Vox?

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They're less credible because they're proven liars actually. I'm just using your own words, by the way:

[06:38] <Sileath|NSO> lol I can publicly insult NPO

[06:38] <Sileath|NSO> it's awesome

[06:39] <Sileath|NSO> http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=55234

[06:39] <Doitzel> you could for months

[06:39] <Sileath|NSO> I like my infra :P

[06:39] <Doitzel> [FACETIOUS RACIAL EPITHET], please

[06:39] <Doitzel> they can't even get rid of mine

[06:39] <Sileath|NSO> lol

[06:40] <Doitzel> they haven't had the political power to attack those that insult them since at least December

[06:40] <Sileath|NSO> they heard about me spying

[06:40] <Sileath|NSO> passing private stuff to Blackstone

[06:40] <Sileath|NSO> they threatened ZI but realized they couldn't risk a war with NSO + allies :P

What you are referring to is my giving the web address to the off-site NPO infrastructure calculator to Blackstone shortly after I left and, yes, you guessed it, NPO knows about that too and I apologized to them for it.

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I came to NSO almost straight from Athens, assuming NSO was an anti-NPO force in a time when NPO still ruled over us, as the Karma war approached and I saw the true colours of NSO, I realised NSO wasn't somewhere I belong so i went home to Athens.

Londo would of accepted me back to Athens regardless of other people's opinions of me anyway, he is quite happy with my skills.

Or, you challenged Margrave for Internal Affairs Marauder and I didn't support your challenge, so you lost, then you left.

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What you are referring to is my giving the web address to the off-site NPO infrastructure calculator to Blackstone shortly after I left and, yes, you guessed it, NPO knows about that too and I apologized to them for it.

Apologised of your own volition or apologised because you didn't want to be booted from NSO? Somehow I doubt you at all regret your betrayal of the NPO.

Regardless I only wanted to make a point -- there's more to showing loyalty to an alliance than fighting a war for it. You seem to abandon alliances at the slightest turbulence. Again I'll repeat myself: there's a time for the grandstanding. Learn to recognise when that time is.

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Apologised of your own volition or apologised because you didn't want to be booted from NSO? Somehow I doubt you at all regret your betrayal of the NPO.

Regardless I only wanted to make a point -- there's more to showing loyalty to an alliance than fighting a war for it. You seem to abandon alliances at the slightest turbulence. Again I'll repeat myself: there's a time for the grandstanding. Learn to recognise when that time is.

I apologized of my own volition on the NPO forums about a month ago. I was not required by NSO to apologize at the time. Yes, I do regret it.

You can go ahead and keep up the glittering generalizations or you can say something specific. I don't "grandstand," I post when I have something to say, and I make a thread when I do something notable. Just because you no longer do notable things, and therefore have less of a reason to post, does not mean that I am grandstanding.

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Um, Sileath? I'm not jumping on the bandwagon here, mainly because this does not concern me in the least BUT....

You just admitted publicly that you have no issue with spying because you have done it more than once. I can see why these people don't plan to give you a moment's peace dude. And your casualty rate only tells me that people in this game have seen your transgressions and dealt with them, doesn't say anything about you as a person other than you can't seem to keep yourself out of trouble.

Again, just an observation from a seriously disinterested and non-caring party.

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Um, Sileath? I'm not jumping on the bandwagon here, mainly because this does not concern me in the least BUT....

You just admitted publicly that you have no issue with spying because you have done it more than once. I can see why these people don't plan to give you a moment's peace dude. And your casualty rate only tells me that people in this game have seen your transgressions and dealt with them, doesn't say anything about you as a person other than you can't seem to keep yourself out of trouble.

Again, just an observation from a seriously disinterested and non-caring party.

Spying, in my opinion, means I took something from an alliance I was in, with access I had, and passed it to someone else.

In the situation of the infra calculator, it was hosted on a public website and I passed the address after I had left.

With the picture which was used in TWiP, I received that from someone who already had access, I did not take it myself.

Edit: Yes, I do have an issue with spying. You are confusing it with poaching which I have no issue with and engage in flamboyantly whenever possible. You'll notice I don't apologize much, because I don't regret much. The actions I took against NPO are actions which I deeply regret.

Edited by Sileath
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I can't fathom a single strand of a reason why any alliance would accept you, you did something to everyone in NSO, I don't know what, which makes them all hate you. You then joined athens and I'm not going to get into what you did with us. You left and joined MHA, then left them and attacked BTA, when CG tries to get you off the hook you stab them in the back and then declare war on yet another alliance.

Finally, the Family had the lack of thought to allow you in and look whats already happened..

I mean.. how can an alliance want you as a member? its beyond the wildest reaches of my imagination, I'm completely befuddled, I just.. can't see any reason. WHY?!? WHO?!?!

WOLF welcomes all. Of course, we may not protect you, depending on what violations of other alliances you have committed, but we will accept anyone regardless. ^_^

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Well there's news you can use.

No, I'm not joining WOLF. Please don't try to recruit me in my ZI thread.

I wasn't recruiting you. WOLF was in full support of FAIL and GDI. I was merely saying that we accept anyone.

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I apologized of my own volition on the NPO forums about a month ago. I was not required by NSO to apologize at the time. Yes, I do regret it.

You can go ahead and keep up the glittering generalizations or you can say something specific. I don't "grandstand," I post when I have something to say, and I make a thread when I do something notable. Just because you no longer do notable things, and therefore have less of a reason to post, does not mean that I am grandstanding.

Ah, a month ago when you suddenly reversed position because NPO was in a convenient position to play victim? Really, you don't stick with anything.

Very well. As much as I admire good masonry I've better things to occupy myself with than talking to a wall. Toodles.

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