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Immortal Announcement

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Exactly 1 year ago, The Immortals opened the door to the big world of Planet Bob and casually strolled in. There were a damn lot of people in the room, so we decided to make our way toward CSN's area, a few days later we made it and were granted a Protectorate(yep...trained by Allied Threat himself :unsure: ), meanwhile we had a few scouts go find USN with hopes of getting a treaty...or the few get eaten by wolves. Sadly enough those people returned unharmed (We gave them a few tips when around rodrod...Back against the wall folks ;) ) and they returned with a ToF. Both of these pacts later evolved into MDoAP's and great friends.

We seen great friends leave us and start FoB, their success paralleling our own...although with a leader like Runz I dont know how that really happened...We seen our great friends in UMC decide to join Immorality and further strengthen our great community. We became an original sig. of NOIR...why we decided to be tied to any of them crazy people I'll never know :awesome: More recently we met a couple turtles...spraypainted blue for some...reason...probably something to do with FoB and totatlly not us...definatly not.We took a walk on the wildside and let a magic 8ball decide our future with ToS*cough* Dacian called me a dick *cough* And being the awesome peeps that we are we decided to take on a protectorate in URSA.

What else...oh ya! It was Karma's time of the year and they decided to go ape!@#$ on anyone around, along the way The Immortals had to defend our brothers in FoB against the OPP and we met a very formable opponent in 64digits. @Magicman: Whoever's tab we decided to put the 10,000,000 tech on...we never gots it....

Overall it was a very productive year for TI. We gained over 2 million NS with only 88 members(thats around a 24k avg for anyone who doesnt have a bot in their irc that can do math...VESTA). All our founders are still here alive and kicking: Wappas, Mcon, Cosmos, Cato, Capone and the lot. We got some old friends back like Hellthorn and have turned some noobs into CN machines like Gesepp, Foose, Tigerstone, Portia and Walleye. Oh and we also have that wizard that rules the CN:TE world...I believe his name would be Neogandalf.

So with this crew we expect nothing less than another productive year in TI. For any of you that havent experienced the greatness already we can be found here. http://theimmortals.b1.jcink.com/ We have a penguin and a chocobo to play with too! (The Immortals are not liable for any injuries, deaths, and/or utter confusion suffered from playing with such animals.)

So thanks to all our friends/allies and a special thanks to everyone I took little shots at through this speech, for they are the best friends of all. :wub:

As per Immortals tradition....CAKE


Yep....thats actually a cake...

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grats SE! and cosmos and mcon and cato and the crew! you guys r amazing! tho cj...he is a bit weird :P foose gesepp tigerstone and the rest of you guys! miss ya!uhh who else? o slim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....thats all i need to say :awesome: o and hai wappas. i dont hate you! portia hi! tigertatt i know your not around anymore but still gotta give er a shout out. o and NG! TE wouldnt b the same if u werent ruleing it XD holy crap i have alot of shoutouts O.o i was in TI for WAY to long lol if i messed anybody sorry :P

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